Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The effect of neglect in infancy on the ability to attach to adoptive caregivers, Lisa Marie Christoffer
An investigation of air resistance on projectile motion from Aristotle to Euler, Michael Edward Clayton
Limb bone geometry and skeletal physiology in mice bred for high levels of activity, Brittney Racheal Coats
Empirical test of the general strain theory on workplace shootings, Joshwan Marcus Cobbs
Nursing education: Efficacy of group teaching workshop for baccalaureate nursing students, Nathalie Eve Confiac
Effects of mathematics professional development on growth in teacher mathematical content knowledge, Carol Elizabeth Cronk
Cell broadcast simulation in Android, Uzzal Chandra Das
Perceptions of group homes among former foster youth: a needs assessment, Moraima Davalos
Investigating gender bias in the ratings of college applicants, Candice Danielle Davis
Paradoxical behavior effects of dopamine receptor inactivation in preweanling rats: Role of the dorsal striatum, Taleen Siran Der-Ghazarian
Graduate social work students' attitudes about the use of social networking sites in social work and the possible ethical implications of such use, Christina Irene Dillon
Emancipated foster youths' perceptions of their relationships with their social workers, Joni Renee Dominguez and Lakesha Lavone Spivey
Decision making in child welfare: The relationship between social worker characteristics and the perception of detaining children in child abuse investigations, Elizabeth Ann Donth
Protective and risk factors in the placement of foster children with severe mental illness, Dianna Nicole England and Kendra Nicole Lutzow
Allometry of the pterosaur wing skeleton, Lauren Taylor English
Feasability [sic] of implementing alternative energy technology on a high school campus, Mackensey Ann Farmer
The development of political secularism in a nascent state, Tabassum Farooqui
Characteristics in the home that contribute to childhood obesity, Amanda Nicole Ferguson
A positive correlation between imagery and athletic performance, Erik Lee Foor
Modeling erosion and sediment delivery on mountain roads in Upper Deep Creek, Rebecca Louise Franklin
Evaluating commensurability and validity of work-family conflict, enrichment, and culture measures in low income populations, Kimberly Anne French
Does internalized homonegativity cause depression in lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals?, Guadalupe Vasquez Garfias
The effects of brain compatible instruction, social emotional development and classroom community structures on students, Elizabeth Anne Glick
A critical discourse analysis of language policy in California, Steven Gomez
Evaluation of support groups for adults with diabetes, Julie Angelita Gonzalez
Social workers' perspectives of factors affecting re-entry rates, Kristina Danielle Gordon and Lengpea Yang
Dispositional predictors of psychological contract perceptions, Karen Louise Grab
Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem, Juan Manuel Gutierrez
Usability of unproctored internet testing: Needs of older applicants, Leslie Ann Hagen
In the half-light of the canyon, Melissa Gaye Haklitch
Watershed sanitary survey: Oak Glen Watershed, Kathryn Brooke Hallberg
The influence of positive and negative couple rituals on satisfaction, commitment, and dyadic adjustment, Timetra Marie Hampton
What effect does information technology have on the elderly and their family (s), Tom Allen Harrell
"I hope to be a symbol of encouragement": Using craft in community colleges to facilitate student voice in the remedial studies debate, Aja Nadine Henriquez
Knowledge and perceptions of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community among Master of Social Work students, Allison Marie Hixon
Investigation of arsenic in the transition zone basin of the Mojave River, Matthew Edward Howard
Encouraging foster youth to pursue their spiritual journey, Jessica Andrea Huitrado-Manio
The effect of creativity, personality, and expertise on sport performance, Kyle James Jaquess
Feather biomechanics of penguins and other seabirds, Katherine Elizabeth Johnson
The influence of surviving children in mitigating symptoms of grief in bereaved parents, Jennifer Lynn Kachelek
Review-it web application, Nikhil Reddy Kasireddy
Effects of the level of physical activity on physical education state anxiety among college students, Minhyun Kim
Pass the roles please, Dana Christy Klopping
The impact of treatment on parental substance misuse and parenting capacity, DomMonique Juanita Nichol Knox and Jennifer Leah Miller
Teaching mathematics in the classroom with PowerPoint software, Robert Ward Kopp
Web-based information/knowledge sharing system, Sai Laxmi Kotha
Psychological ownership and individual differences, Daniel Todd Kowallis
A special DVD homework project to assist at-risk students with reading practice, Mary Kathleen Kronemeyer
Slytherin pride: The othering of the Slytherins and their redemption through fandom, Kristy Leann Krumsiek
Local policy stakeholder attitudes about implementing and sustaining needle exchange programs in the Inland Empire, Katarina Kucavikova-Fillippelli
Perceptions of self-care among mental health professionals: A needs assessment, Perla Del Rosario Lang
Social work students' perceptions of child emotional abuse, Karla Aurora Lara
Musical linguistics: How music and artistic creativity when delivered as a linguistic practice, help students master academic skills in English language arts, Cynthyny Ann Lebo
Effects of sibling placements on stability and permanency in foster care, Andrea Trinidad Lomeli
Elegy for the problematic, Connie Ann Lopez-Hood
Professionals' perspectives on juvenile recidivism, Maribel Lopez
Caregivers' perspectives on Self-Discipline, Honor, Obedience, Character and Knowledge (S.H.O.C.K.) Program, Marlene Carrillo Lopez
Like us on Facebook: A social media campaign's effect on relationship management outcomes for a non-profit organization, Natalia Isabel López-Thismón
Characteristics and case outcomes of families that participate in team decision making, Veronica Mendez Lopez
Relationships between initial California High School Exit Exam performance and academic success of high school students, Jennifer Ellen Lucht
Medical practitioners' death anxiety and the advance directive, Daisy Macias and Natalie Macias
Lazarus, Timothy Patrick Manifesta
High school gay-straight alliances and adult lesbian, gay, bisxual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersex resilence, Monique Quitoriano Manriquez
Risk management: Bankruptcy prediction models for banks, Ponkala Anand Vaseekhar Manuel
Interactive whiteboard: Benefits of interactive whiteboard technology in the classroom, Laura Susana Márquez
A learning progression for identifying and placing fractions on a number line, Corinne Dorothy Marshall
Leonhard Euler's contribution to infinite polynomials, Jack Dean Meekins
Utilization of mental health services among Mexican-Americans, Carmen Isabel Mendoza and Maria Sanjuana. Olmos
The nature of school bullying according to students reporting it within an undercover anti-bullying team, Evelyn Mercedez-Kijandra Knox
Eco-math: Creating a model curriculum for teaching mathematics in the context of environmental education, Christina Joy Merz
Factors that influence immunization status among a sample of university students, Abigail Marie Miller
Theatre in education: A cyber bullying prevention curriculum, Jonathan Douglas Moline
River rocks and vanishing oranges, Liliana Monteil-Doucette
Stage 3 childcare and child welfare: A social worker's persepctive, Cristina Morales and Timothy Charles Seibert
Connecting Burke and Levinas: A counter to the rhetoric and ethics of expediency, Gerry Joseph Morrow
Putting the blend in product training: A blended learning approach with EDU 2.0, Katherine Taylor Mudd
Service utilization: Differences between kinship and non-kinship prospective adoptive homes, Anthony Allen Negron
Identity, morality, and the human-monster: Dexter as a postmodern text, Robyn Carol Nelson
Infancy and beyond: Parents supporting the healthy sexual and emotional development of their children, Jennifer Anne Newman
Attitudes of social workers towards the use of canine therapeutic intervention with traumatized children within child welfare services, Cristi Maria Page
The impact of a diabetes self-management program on adult Hispanics in Eastern Coachella Valley, Brijesh Naranbhai Patel
Online Indian kitchen appliances, Sharanpreet Patil
Work and family conflict in the military, Anne Kathryn Patten
Integrating the California health education standards into the California science standards for grade seven, Cheryl Ann Pearson
Bon Mua, John Perham
Fostering resiliency in emancipated foster youth: What they need to transition successfully, Olga Cherie Phillips and Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Role of the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens for the one-trial behavioral sensitization of the preweanling rat, Alexandria Grace Pothier
Developmentally-appropriate practice in the classroom, Rayna Kailynn Prothro
Family functioning and maternal stress in families of children with autism, Charmaine Marcella Puentes
Façade: The utilization of cultural agents by non-state actors to mobilize target populations, Areej Omar Qasqas
The influence of social support on depression among seniors over 65 living in their homes, Marilene Reed
Attitudes about sexual intimacy in the Veterans Home of California-Barstow, Eric Efren Reyes
The effects of a hospitalized elderly mobility pilot program: A secondary analysis, Natalie Alexandrovna Richmeier
A secret cunning in the fens: Subversive female identity and the plight of Grendel's mother, Candice Rae Sequine Roark
Chaos in dynamics: The non-linear waterwheel, Abraham RomeroHernandez
Juvenile offenders' self-perceptions of resilience during an intervention program, Erik Gerald Roth
Teachers believe singing will scaffold, mediate, and facilitate oral language acqusition: Place arts back in the curriculum, Alicia Rubio