Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Explicit content-area vocabulary instruction for English learners: Impacts with reading comprehension, Catherine Ruthe Terrell
Chemical characterization of Lake Gregory, Eric Steven Torres
Doctor patient module, Harpreet Singh Ujjal
Last call for alcohol: Peace out, La Sirena, Elisa Suzanne Urmston
What are the characteristics of families with three or more referrals to Children and Family Services within a twelve month period?, Elizabeth Irene Valenzuela
Psychological correlates of investor risk, John Laurin Vaughn
Ore's theorem, Jarom Viehweg
Reducing perpetrator blame: The effects of euphemistic framing and victim provocation on responses to domestic violence, Jose Guillermo Villalobos
The effect of a group-affirmation on prejudice, Adrian Joseph Villicana
Contributions of wellness on student achievement and behavioral engagement, Eric Michael Vreeman
African-Americans' perceptions of hospice care, Gina Elizabeth Wagner
How the ten year plan to end homelessness has affected delivery of services, Anne Wangui Wahome
The relationship between neuroticism, early maldapative schemas, and aggression, Jessica Elaine Waite
Born criminal: The criminalization of African Americans, Debra Carolyn Wasserman
The influence of marital satisfaction and parenting styles on child depressive symptoms: An exploration of ethnic differences, Briawna Simone Williams
Hate crimes based on gender identity and sexual orientation, Katie Nicole Williams
Effect of simulated clinical interpersonal skills practice on nursing students' communication skills, Nancy Jean Wolf
Inclusion of lacrosse into physical education curriculum, Dongwoon Won
Former foster youths' perceptions of their life experiences, Yodit Tesfia Zerai
Age, gender, and tattoos: Tattoo stigma and hiring decisions, Carla Anne Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Parenting styles and emotional intelligence of parents of grade school children, Mariah Marguerite Bussey Adams
Estimated area of impervious parking surfaces and the potential groundwater recharge increase through permeable pavement retrofit in the Chino Basin, Zablon Afera Adane
The effect of cold calling and culture on communication apprehension, Kimberly Noreen Aguilar
Student understanding of scale and structure in astronomy: What classroom strategies are effective?, Peter Charles A'Hearn
An examination of factors associated with job burnout among child welfare workers, Jennifer Marie Ahmu
Factors associated with intimate partner violence among college students, Shareela Marie Allen and Danielle Diane Moore
Whole language curriculum for English learners in elementary schools, Norma Alicia Alvarado
Health disparities: A look at colorectal cancer screening in the minority community, Patrina Louise Archie
Guided reading: The effects of using guided reading in the classroom, Betty Lynn Austin-Byrd
Mythic game project addition of artificial intelligence and quest system components, Christopher Alan Ballinger
Composition, meditative thinking, and the writing classroom: A historical analysis and empirical study, Gregory Todd Baran
An ounce of prevention: The effects of a kindergarten visual motor integration intervention, Lori Anne Barnes-Laney
The effects of competiton on adult circumstantial efficacy, Matthew Aaron Bender
Effect of positive ingroup exemplars on negative self-stereotyping, Sandra Yvette Benitez
Ethical decision-making under high-stakes testing, Jennifer-Jane Alene Blum
Degrees of complexity and flexibility in the belief system and the strength of identity attachment to belief claims, Craig Allen Bray
Affirmative acts: The need for American black theatre in the classroom, Angela Batrice Brooks-Van Niel
Clinician perceptions of eating disorders and treatment practices, Katrina Kay Bullard
Andre De Lorde and the Grand-Guignol: A comparative analysis with application, Drew Virgil Burkholder
Can use of technology in a science classroom help improve reading comprehension?, Michael Lawrence Carlin
Men's subjective distress to a partner's imagined indifelity: Testing evolutionary and social-cogntive hypotheses, Tanner Michael Carollo
Self-determination theory and recommendations for its practical use in basketball, Brian John Carrasquillo
Performance differences in diverse contexts: The role of personality, Daniel Karl Cashmore
Parenting attitudes among teenage mothers, Sandra Rivas Castañeda
Employee resilience following reductions in compensation, Eliana Isabel Ceja
A social worker's perception of the medically at-risk (MAR) program, Corina Chavez and Lilia Razo
Symmetric generators of order 3, Stewart Contreras
Impacts of the caregiving experience on the caregiver, Nayeli Corona
Domestic Violence: Treatment barriers in the gay and lesbian community, Susan Crane
To live and die in CA, Jane Frances Curnutt
Using technology to enhance back to school night, Heidi Balatico Dacio
The relationship between core self-evaluations, self-regulation, need supply fit and job satisfaction: A comprehensive model, Amanda Marie Deane
The Mediating Role of Unmet Expectations Between Realistic Job Previews and Post-Hire Outcomes Among Nurses, Brian Roquesy Decal
Using the California content standards with Readers Theatre in the classroom, Arlene Frances Delgado
Bridging the gap: Composition studies and applied linguistics/teaching English as a second language in the writing center, Chloe Anne De Los Reyes
An investigation of Kurosh's theorem, Keith Anthony Earl
A comparison of student learning using two teaching methods: Case study and direct instruction, Laura Elaine Elmer
Images of Sub-Saharan Africa and Africans in western media, Cherice Joyann Estes
Multicultural issues in autism spectrum disorder, Martha Eufracio
Outcome evaluation of HIV/AIDS outreach project at Malmesbury prison in South Africa, Heather Joyelle Fickas
Quality of life of the severely mentally ill as described by social workers, Simonetta Fosci
Effects of functional background in human resources on employee outcomes, Monica Diane Freed
An examination of observed disparities between felony murder and manslaughter rates across California, Michael Christopher Fuhr
Educational paraprofessionals' knowledge about and barriers to reporting child abuse, Randi Sherrill Furman and Audrey Anne Lipskey
Accommodation in romantic relationships: The role of self-construal, attachment style, commitment levels, and ego-depletion, Faiza Furqan
Mental health of medical social workers in the workplace, Jenna Christina Gailani
Why do you want to be a social worker?: Influencing factors and implications for recruitment, Glenda Gean Gordon
English literacy development in the Spanish speaking home: The effects of training parents in the use of reading comprehension strategies while their children read, Rommel Manuel Guerrero
A review of emerging pollutants of concern in drinking water and wastewater, Rebekah Corinne Guill
Homomorphic images of progenitors of order three, Mark Gutierrez
Theatre of the uncanny: Lesbian theatre and the uncanny valley response, Gina Marielynn Hanson
Characteristics of foster children who graduate high school and those who do not, Veronica Jacques Haro
Autobiography as self-defense in the works of Agnes Newton-Keith and Michelle Kennedy, Robin Heim
Social workers and human sexuality knowledge and comfort, Larann Rene Henderson
Consequences of early methylphenidate exposure on opioid system functioning in adult rats, Matthew Scott Herbert
Through the eyes of the homeless: A study on service utilization, Cecelia Denise Hernandez
Social workers' attitudes and perceptions on cultural competence in child welfare, Monica Elaine Hicks
Biculturalism, self-construal, and self-stereotyping, Kelly Anne Hirsch
Symmetric generation, Dung Hoang Tri
Effects of chronic paroxetine and fluoxetine treatment on markers of suicidal behavior in adolescent rats, Leslie Renee Horn
Is gothic dead?:Tthe evolution of the vampire novel, Janis Haigwood Hudson
Shifting the literacy paradigm in Indonesian higher education, Isnarti Isnarti
California child welfare reentry trends from January 1998 through December 2007, Sarah Marie Jacobson and Melissa Anne Weber
Juvenile probation officers' pereceptions of the efficacy of functional family therapy, Kathy Lynn Jaffee
Fathers' level of involvement in the lives of their special needs children, Lorraine Jimenez
Online administration system for small and medium-sized running events, Steinar Johansen
Influences concerning faculty use of technology to teach distance education, Helena Joyce Johnson
Children's exposure to domestic violence and aggressive behavior, Mariah Deidra Kafka
Snort: A combinatorial game, Keiko Kakihara
Social workers perceptions of concurrent planning, Kelsey Marie Karr and Summer Renee Randall
Does child sexual abuse affect long-term intimacy development and functioning, Michelle Debra Kelley
Assessment of early maladaptive schemas via a modified stroop task, Yelena Kholodenko
Environmental enrichment attenuates nucleus basalis lesion induced impairments to attention, Brandee Leianne Kinney-Hurd
Perceived social support from using computer-mediated communication, host language proficiency and host-family satisfaction in student sojourners' cross-cultural transition, Honorio Tsutomu Komori
Engaging an older workforce: The relationship between employee engagement, intrinsic motivation, and meaningfulness, Negin Kordbacheh
Bacteria monitoring and assessment project at Canyon Lake, California, Natasha Marie Krupnak
Individual performance in solving the Zin Obelisk problem solving task: An examination of the influence of cognitive and personal factors, Dalia Michelle Arellano Labrada
The continuation of social work outreach with the Purhé́pecha people, Carlos Luis Lamadrid
Basic online scheduling system optimizer: A study in genetic alogrithms [sic], Norman Lee Langhorne
An examination of physical activity on academic achievement in elementary school children, Cynthia Gail Libby