Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2014
The Role of Working Memory Resources in Mind Wandering: The Difference Between Working Memory Capacity and Working Memory Load, Jason Seiichi Tsukahara
Attitudes and Perceptions of Service Providing Agencies Toward Lesbian and Gay Older Adults, Citlalli Vázquez Reyes
Life Challenges Among Ex-Offenders:A Needs Assessment, Ashley Williams-Queen
You And I, Nao Yamamoto
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Hybrid identities in radio discourse, Francisco Javier Aguirre
Hip-hop appropriation and its threat to black cultural distinctiveness, Shaida Akbarian
Social workers' perception of the effectiveness of the parent partner program of San Bernardino County, Maisha LaShawn Albert-Alexander and Marion Estelle Wheeler
Creating quality school websites, Eman Essa Aldhafiri
Developing an instructional video for educators on blogging, Amal Ali AlSubki
San Bernardino County social workers' level of assessment skills and knowledge of resources on victims of domestic minor sex trafficking, Elizabeth Marie Alvarado-Estrada and Juanita Maria Angelica. Guevara
Women and homelessness in San Bernardino County: Causes, demographics, services, and hope, Queenesther Marie Anderson
International cocaine and heroin trafficking: A network approach, Stephen Richard Anderson
Asynchronous cellular automata, Kelechi Chidi Anuforo
The development of means-efficacy through mastery experience, Casey Kiyoshi Arakawa
Dopaminergic modulation of glutamate signaling in caenorhabditis elegans, Melvin Suman Baidya
Therapeutic counseling intervention: A contribution to the behavior and academic progress in students with at-risk behaviors, Doris Ann Baker
Perceptions of the effectiveness of school-based services among mental health therapists, Jolene-Fe Caguicla Balancio and Suzette Carolina Covarrubias
Religiosity and spirituality: Meaningful activities for aging adults, Andrew Phillip Rodriguez Bauer
The importance of the teacher's role and opinions on individual education plans, Shallymar Ileana Bender
What are parents' perceptions on immunizations causing autism spectrum disorders?, Shanae Nicole Blake
Cultural suppression of native nations through United States government policy, Nicholas Augustus Brace
Monoamine modulation of separation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations in preweanling F344 and SD rats, Cynthia Elizabeth Britt
Developing focused auditing tools: A practical framework for creating formalized multi-level security policy specifications, Barbara Ann Brough
Training a parent to teach her autism spectrum disorder child to use an independent activity schedule, Tessa Lynne Bryan
How active duty military members talk to each other about suicide, Sylvia Verenice Bryant
Drone effects: Structural change in Al Qa̕ ida communications, Stacy Michelle Bush
A new phantom and gradient isocenter estimation for magnetic resonance imaging distortion correction, Zongqi Cai
The difficulties of weightlessness, David Camberos
Exploring the essence of trust through the lived experiences of jazz educators, John Newell Canfield
From the sidewalk of our street and other stories, Jaclynn Elaine Carbajal
Planting, learning, growing: Utilizing service-learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics among urban middle school students, Carly Jessica Chavez
Stereotactic localization and targeting accuracy for experimental proton radiosurgery, Yin Chen
Mapping the intersection of teamwork and leadership: An analysis in the fields of public administration, leadership and management, Roger James Chin
The complexity of linear algebra, LeAnn Kay Christensen
Galton to Himmler: An archeology of eugenics discourse, Jeffery Logan Clark
Biographies in stone: Gravestone iconography, symbolism and epitaphs in the American southwest, Deborah Ann Cogan
Video analysis: An efficient tool for the modern collegiate baseball hitting coach, Eduardo Cornejo
Visualizing hate: Maus as Holocaust literature, Geoffrey Daniel Curran
Spirituality of young adults and their willingness to seek therapeutic help, Amber Ashleigh Davis
The self care experience among medical social workers, Chelsey Diane Davis
Is problem-solving an effective college mathematics teaching strategy?, Tommie Hugh Denson
Media and corporate blame: Gate keeping and framing of the British Petroleum oil spill of 2010, Kudratdeep Kaur Dhaliwal
Quantum cryptography, Razvan Augustin Dinu
Ageism in American society: Are aging women of color assertive enough?, Tina Maria Doss-Collins
Use of general purpose graphical processing units in Blowfish encryption algorithm, Cankat Duman
Predictors of newly licensed registered nurse employability, Kevin Alan Durr
Assessing agency program evaluation methods in a municipality, Rachel Ann Dyer and Esmeralda Huizar
The role of reinforcement on cognitive control and the differences between adults and children, Jacquelyn Helen Dziadosz
A description of the demographics and characteristics of families that receive multiple child welfare referrals, Devin Wayne Edwards
Needs of transitional age youth, Evelyn Kelli Ensman
Self-directed online learning verses role play: Educating students nursing about the physician orders for life-sustaining treatment document, Brenda Lee Everly
Comparison and evaluation of black carbon and elemental carbon instrumentation in a near roadway environment, Brandon James Feenstra
Knowledge, attitudes, and preparation among Master of Social Work students on the HIV/AIDS community, April Marie Fernandez and Maria Guadalupe Villasenor-Perez
Ticketing and event management web service, Nikolay Figurin
Going further: Designing, producing, and directing three Edward Albee one act plays, Thomas Cornelius Finnegan
Punk and punk-related subcultures: Striving for change and always changing, Elliot Chi Wang Fong
Genetic analysis of the gene VARPA_4519 encoding a nonribosomal peptide synthetase crucial for surfactant production in Variovorax paradoxus EPS, Richard John Fredendall
Social workers' awareness of permanency readiness services in San Bernardino children and family services, Maria Vanessa Gálvez and Cynthia Morales Guerra
An application of the theory of multiple intelligence to improve academic performance and achievement goals in the early school years, Marilyn Victoria Garcia-Mata Building a system for cardholders' transaction security, Jose Ramon Gonzalez
One blurred profile speaking, Casey Brooke Goodson
Social workers' perspectives on implementation of extended foster care in San Bernardino County Children and Family Services, Brandi Vanessa Guzman
Framing resistance: How Hamas uses collective action frames to attract and maintain human resources, Thomas George Hagen
Pro se, Ashley Nichole Hayes
Mothers' use of corporal punishment and their capacity for parental reflective functioning, Deanna Marie Herndon
Foster youth group homes: A needs assessment, Diana Cecilia Highsmith
Social workers' perceptions of psychotropic medication use on children and adolescents in foster care, Tina Latrice Johnson Hollman and Dominic Marcus Ruffin
Conceptual change theory in education: Using dinner-home visits to reshape teacher perceptions of students, Audrey Consuelo Hovannesian
The internet, anonymous, and our public identities recreating democracy, Leslie Anne Hutchinson
Buttercup moth in a beer glass, Andrea Lynn Ingham
The implementation of a thin client in the Department of Defense network system, Sung Ju In
The attitudes of police officers towards mental health services, Rebecca Ann Irwin and Jill Adrianne Kays
Hyperbolicity equations for knot complements, Christopher Martin Jacinto
California State University, San Bernardino managing cloud computing resources with CloudStack using KVM hypervisor, Ian Buckner Jacobs
Substance abuse among elders, Yvonne Shubu-Ola Johnson
Plasma confinement: Mathematical modeling of a fusion reactor, James Scott Jones
An exploratory study into Iraqi refugees' resettlement experience in California's Inland Empire, Megan Elizabeth Justice
An efficient algorithm to solve high-dimensional data clustering: Candidate subspace clustering algorithm, Chin-Chieh Kao
For the crows that come knocking, André Vassili Katkov
Truancy in San Bernardino: What is it and how should we respond, Susan Elizabeth Kennedy
Covert: An insight on the politically marginalized Armenian minority in Iran during the 1979 Iranian revolution, Arika Anastasia Khajetoorians
An examination of the Young schema model: Permissive parenting, early maladaptive schemas, and procrastination, Wade Lee Kidner
Teamwork knowledge, skills, and abilities, preference for teamwork, and the interaction of task interdependence as predictors of team performance, Rhiannon Jane Kirchner
Late onset grief and loss from having an abortion, Cheryl Ann Kochevar
Gradeboard: A cloud-based solution for a student grading system, Manoj Kulkarni
Cell type difference in influenza a viral mRNA nuclear export, Sean William Larsen
Online graduate application system, You Li
Stable isotope record of Archean and Cambrian serpentinizing fluid composition from stichtite (MG-CR Carbonate Hydroxide), Amanda Lopez
Theatre across the curriculum: Playing a role in multicultural identity, literacy acquisition, special education, and beyond, Fergus James Loughnane
Variable levels of atmospheric oxygen do not affect microanatomy and limb bone geometry in alligator mississippiensis, Susan Lee Lujan
A study of finite symmetrical groups, May Majid
Performing hegemonic masculinity: The rhetorical spectacle of mixed martial arts, Allison Marie Mark
Instructional disability: Voices of the resource specialists on the design of the resource support program, Christy Vasquez Martinez