Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Self-efficacy among parents of children with autism as a function of length of time in home-based applied behavioral analysis treatment, Carmen Maria Ruiz-Ochoa
Correlations between compassion fatigue and perceived quality of life among medical social workers, Shannon Casey Saldin
Closure operations in commutative rings, Chloette Joy Samsam
Symmetric generation, Lisa Sanchez
Linear analysis of binary data as an aid to anomaly detection, Marc Leonard Santoro
Clients' perceptions of protective and risk factors influencing substance abuse recovery, Bev Nora-Lea Scott
The role of college counseling in increasing college access for black students: A case study of an effective college counseling program, Ricky Shabazz
Shared spaces, separate lives: Community formation in the California citrus industry during the great depression, David Gregory Shanta
Seaweed rises in this posture: Manuscript collection, Christopher Jonathan Shaw
Children's attitudes and beliefs about gangs, Irma Olivia Silva
Feedback intervention theory: An examination of the differential effects of expertise on performance, Blakely Lauren Smith
Child sexual abuse and adult attachment styles, Carey Anne Soares
Activities of daily living stories, Melissa Ann Sonico
Elucidating the effects of tobacco products on skeletal development, Nicole Renee Sparks
Beating the threat: The setting of learning goals as a moderator of the effects of stereotype threat on performance, Sophia Sabiha Spiteri
Applications of the well-educated mind 2003 concept by Susan Bauer in the Southern California history classrooms, Tomasz Bogdan Stanek
Education professional's perception of adolescent self-injury, Celeste Kathleen Stevens
Imprint split, Angela Thomson-Brenchley
The impact wraparound services have on Riverside County dependents who chronically run away, Angela Young Thornhill
Medical decision making among Mexican-American elderly women, Norma Patricia Toro-Hernandez
Elucidating the role of bone morphogenetic proteins and b-lymphocyte maturation protein 1 during primordial germ cell specification, Laughing Bear Torrez Dulgeroff
Identity theft: A problem of complex systems or moral panic?, Matthew Timothy Tracy
Ketai shosetsu: Remediation, hypermediacy and the hyperreal, Cari Michele Tulleys
Effects of school bullying reported by participants in undercover anti-bullying teams, Harpreet Kaur Uppal
Ex-prisoners' reintegration into society: A look at how employment affects reintegration, Cynthia Beatriz Urrutia
Communication technologies and their effect on adolescents, Fabian Valdez
Development of post-traumatic stress disorder as a function of shame in child abuse survivors, Guadalupe Valdivia
Organizational behavior in mental health services: A needs assessment, Geovana Varela
The relationship between attitudes toward women as managers and sex-typing of toxic leader behaviors, Lacee Marie Vega-Cartwright
Geochemical classification of placer and lode gold deposits within the Northern Dome Rock Mountains of the Quartzsite mining district, AZ, Christina Marie Lopez Velasquez
The relationship between perceived social support and criminal recidivism for Asian Pacific Islanders, Vuong Thanh Vo
Whatever: Prosodic context cues and their influence on pragmatic meaning, Pamela Kathleen Wahler
The effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on family relationships, Melissa Leigh Weissmiller
Through the tesseract and back: The documentation and reflection on becoming a theatre education and outreach coordinator, Julia Tilley Wentland
Family caregivers of adults with brain trauma and long-term disability: A legal risk for caregivers, La Shunda Zajuana West
An evaluation of undercover anti-bullying teams: Participants' personal responses, Juanita Rosayln Williams
Creating a classroom environment that nurtures motivation in high school students, Karen Ann Wirth
Metacognition and learning styles as antecedents of training outcomes, Cho Yan Yam
Prospective teachers of English learners' error detection in oral output of nonnative English speakers, Begüm Yengel
The physics of school culture: Unleashing student voice in the quest for school improvement, Henry Elizarraraz Yzaguirre
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Pathways to dropping out: A snapshot at sixth grade using structural equation modeling, Allan Lee Aab
The scapegoat rituals as the origin of theatre, Niam Fouad Al-azzawi
Foster parents' perspectives on foster children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in the child welfare system and how they impact the lives of the foster parents, Uchechukwu Adaure Alozie
The effects of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports on student achievement and other outcomes, Gail Pamela Angus
The cultural self: The novel as griot in African American fiction, Eric Christian Atkinson
The influence of menstrual cycle phase on threat recognition, Melanie Lynn Beaussart
Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for alcohol use in a community college, Alexandra Aimee Bell
Perceptions of former foster youth regarding their experiences with mentorship programs/relationships while in foster care, Kwaku Antwi Boasiako and Ryan Eugene Shroads
Implications and recommendations for online physical education at secondary level, Josh Caleb Brannen
The relationship between acculturation and depression among Latina college students, Carla Elizabeth Bryant
The relationship between sexual assault disclosure reactions and psychological symptoms, Danielle Renee Buckland
Social workers' perceptions of the factors related to reentry, Rachel Joy Burak
How independent living skills services affect the outcomes of emancipated foster youth in attaining self-sufficiency, Tracy Burks and Sandra Fernandez
Culturally responsive curriculum for Latino children's ethnic identity, Silvia Jenny Cardenas
Social workers' perceptions of the effectiveness of animal assisted therapy within social work practice, Rebecca Marie Carpino and Janet De La Cruz
Commercial sexual exploitation of young women, Crystal Pauline Castillo
The relationship between educational attainment and mindfulness practice, Carlos Anthony Castro
The effects and recommendations for gender interaction in physical education, Angel Castro Jr.
Geodesics of surface of revolution, Wenli Chang
Social workers attitudes toward providing social services to undocumented immigrants, Michael Ryan Chavez
Cyborg rhetoric and revelation of self: Identity, writing, and the instantiation of the cyborg in digital texts, Thomas Keywon Cho
In the winds: a novel, Jeffery Logan Clark
Hegemonic masculinity: Identity construction and consequences for men, Bill Joseph Clemon
Clarifying leader-member exhange theory: Examining the role of leader active listening and justice perceptions, Erik Samuel Collier
No freak of nature, Kevin James Colpean
Drag around, Nicole Laura Ann Comstock
What are the service needs of the parents participating in the Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) project?, Andrea Michele Conklin
Reunification outcomes for hispanics in the child welfare system, Lucia Aguirre Coronel
Persistence of one-trial cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and conditioned activity in preweanling rats, Anthony Michael Cortez
Relationships between exercise motives and maintenance among college students, Judith Ann Craig
Impact of adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards on book-tax differences: Evidence from Dutch listed companies, Jinky Lunaspe Dagoon
Predicting differences in occupational stress and coping styles: The interactive effect of age and gender, Tejas Archis Dalvi
The art of nursing: An evaluation of congruence of nurse-patient perceptions of the healing interaction, Gillian Yvonne Dargan-Doxzon
An algorithm for facial expression recognition to assist handicapped individuals with eating disabilities, Anthony Rudolph De La Loza
Social workers' perceptions regarding "at risk" and delinquent foster care youth, Laura June DeLuca and Mallory Michelle Flores
Controlling gang crime: The Santa Nita gang injunction, Bryan William Devor
My Clinic web application, Rohan Thomas DMello
Achieving permanency in the adoptions of special needs children: What factors lead to adoption disruption?, Stephanie Frances Duran
An evolutionary psychology perspective on responsibility attributions for infidelity and relationship dissolution, Kindra Lynn Edmonson
The effects of childhood sexual abuse on women in recovery for substance abuse, Barbara Eileen Egan
The association between eating disorders and substance abuse, Jandely Liviel Eich and Luisa Rodriguez
The end of yellow bricks, Justin Michael Elgar
The effect of strategies on relieving initial and recurring tip of the tongue states, Cheryl Elizabeth Emery
Use of the multiplication chart in solving problems with fractions, Adan Espinosa
Access denied: The rhetorical construction of undocumented students in postsecondary education, Yanira Estrada Figueroa
Coursing a trail of dead bees, Melissa Jean Fowler
Quality of service and treatment adherence in individuals with end stage renal disease, Kyle Joseph Fraga
Moving beyond class size: The importance of addressing classroom-context on academic achievement, Jean-Jacques Franc̨oisse
Effectiveness of a research-based reading development intervention in 2nd grade children, Kinsi Dawn Franzwa
The effects of concept care maps on critical thinking in baccaalureate nursing students, Sarah Michelle Fry
An examination of the organizational factors that contribute to police officer perceived organizational support, Dustin Cody Gaines
The relationship between work-family conflict, perceived support, and psychological contracts for Hispanic and African American women, Celina Matilde Garcia Ali
This is not a love story: A semiotic discourse analysis of romantic comedies, Stephanie Lynn Gomez
The end of homework: Redefining the default to goalwork, Theresa Marie Gomez
The causes of recurrence of maltreatment in child welfare, and the impacts of the family team decision making initiative, Juana Lorena Gonzalez
Medial prefrontal modulation of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis during attention-dependent learning, Venuz Yadira Greenfield
Foster parent perspective on infant and young child multiple placement, Ana Luisa Guardado and Shannon Marie Owens
Court mandated treatments: Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous, Ruth Sophia Guerrero
The many stones of Colby Cairns, Gina Marielynn Hanson