Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Knowledge of Master of Social Work students regarding parental incarceration: An exploratory study, Shyra Lynn Harris
Boneyard, Sara Lynn Hastings
A multidimensional view of childhood obesity in the United States, Chauncey Duke Hayes
Placement stability of legal guardianship with relative and non-relative caregivers, Erin Renee Hebert
Fall back, Valerie Ann Henderson
Coming down, Bryan Casey Henery
The relationship between cultural loyalty and attachment, and career aspirations and perceived realistic career, Heather Lynn Hernandez
Perceived parental involvement among Mexicans, Jose Rosas Hernandez
Transmission overhaul: Negotiating the shift in information and knowledge construction among Generation M, Thomas Timothy Hite
Maerken: A multiplayer role playing game, Chanh Ho
Creative achievement, feedback, and regulation of motivation for creative behaviors, Ryan Edward Holt
Revision of ReMoTe (Recursively Estimating Multi-Threaded Observation Tool Enterprise) for commercialization, Jeongtaek Hong
Face-to-face communication versus memo communication to announce mergers and acquisitions the importance of media richness, Janell Marie Hopeck
The creation of self-directed nutrition education modules in the women, infants, and children (WIC) program, Veronica Huff
Participants' perceptions on the effectiveness of the "Parents in Partnership" program of Los Angeles County, Shaniece Anejo Hunter-Moffett
Nervous laughter, Joseph Andrew Huver
The influence of gender scripts on African American college student condom use, Kelechi Nkeiruka Ihenacho and Christina Nicole Burden
Job satisfaction of nonprofit workers, Christine Sarah Johnson
Blackness as a weapon: A critical discourse analysis of the 2009 Henry Louis Gates arrest in national mainstream media, Ashley Ann Jones
To speak or not to speak: The implications of silence in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Margaret Rose Jones
A Burkean analysis of Jehovah's Witness apocalyptic rhetoric, Katherine Elizabeth Kacarab
An open source infrastructure for 3D virtual worlds, Amita Kale
Effects of physical activity on physical self-concept among college students, Jeeyoung Kim
The relationship between perception of physical features, racial identity, and self-esteem of black adolescent females, Carolette Yvonne King
Evaluation of the process model of goal orientation and feedback-seeking in organizations, Naomi Lorine King
Motivation for paticipation in the senior peer counseling program, Stephanie Auld Kleppe
Ontogeny of one-trial behavioral sensitization in preweanling, adolescent, and adult rats: Differential effects of cocaine and methamphetamine, Olga Olia Kozanian
The effectiveness of computer games on mathematics learning in elementary school, Sarah Michelle Lakamp
A supportive-educative program for perinatal depression utilizing Orem's Theory of Self-Care, Amy Michelle Larsen
Choosing the gift of Down syndrome: Families' experiences internationally adopting a child with Down syndrome, Erika Susan Lazo
Automated Case Review System for transitional assistance, Don Minh Le
A Burkean analysis of anti-immigration websites: Recurring scapegoating rhetorical moves, Aldo Quiroz Lewis
Symmetric generation of M₂₂, Bronson Cade Lim
Reluctant subversions, Jared William Justin Lively
Fostering a consciousness of academic success with Latino English language learners in high school: The role self-efficacy and social capital play, Miguel Angel Huerta López
Early maladaptive schemas and negative eating attitudes: The moderating role of acculturation in Latina college students, Stacey Cardoz Lopez
Moodle as an online learning solution for a theological educational program, Raul Lozada
Exploring the effective components of the Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy: Violence intervention and prevention program, Maria Catharina Johanna Lurinks
Influences of morality in theatre for children, Ashleigh Merle Lutes
The English experience: An examination of Philippine English use among Filipino immigrants in the United States, Nicholas Macias-Williams
Constructible numbers: Euclid and beyond, Joshua Scott Marcy
Recognizing Samoan students' cultural capital in schools, Sane Aletoni Mataitusi
Psychosocial needs of family caregivers of cancer patients, Graziano Mario Mauriz
Substance abuse treatment for women with children, Jean Mary McCarthy
Gratitude intervention and its effect on substance abusers, Patricia Kelleen McClanahan
How do heteronormative perspectives affect same-sex parents?, Michelle Nicole McNevin
Brazil under change, Roberta Alves Costa Melo
The North Shore public transportation dilemma: How local sociopolitical ideologies, ethnic discrimination and class oppression create marginalization, and a community's quest for social justice, Katrina Renea Millet and Lisa Renee Otero
International graffiti and the Israeli Separation Barrier, Veronica Evangelina Miranda
Enterprise management studio, Himabindu Miriyala
A comparison of category and Lebesgue measure, Adam Matthew Moore
An applied behavior analysis-based intervention to teach age-appropriate sport skills to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Junko Uehara Moran
Mentone Beach: A novel, Mark William Muckenfuss
Substance abuse services and their effects on parental reunification with children within the child welfare system, Jacqueline Ann Myers
Assessing human immunodeficiency virus testing attitudes among African immigrants, Hazel Namona NaChembe
Morse theory, Rozaena Naim
The impact of the in home support services program reformation on its recipients, Jamie Michelle Neal
Age and education differences in superior-subordinate dyads: Testing relational norms and attraction similarity influences on role ambiguity, affect, and communication satisfaction, Alexander Andrew Nedilskyj
Gobuddy - Android mobile application, Kalaivani Nellaiappan
Symmetric presentation of finite groups, Thuy Nguyen
The extent of gender gaps in mathematics, Jesus Nolasco
Time and proximity as factors of quality mentorship, Brandon Keith Patrick
Black American perceptions of social workers, Ron-Niece Qashaun Charesse Paul
Sacred silence: Domestic abuse in conservative Christian communities, Michelle Louise PonTell
Zero days, Orlando Moises Ramirez
Trigeiawriter: A content management system, Mohan Prabhakara Ram
Can social workers recognize depression in the elderly?, Teresa Ramon and Monica Maria Wettengel
Evaluation of the effectiveneess of social work intervention in the "Making Attendance a Priority Program", Justine Beatriz Rangel
Immigrant Hispanic women and the victimization they encounter in the United States, Alejandra Aranda Redondo
The calm in the midst of a chaotic life: Learning personal social communication in a media-saturated world, LaVonne Michelle Renno
Quality or quantity?: Refining the definition of the means efficacy construct and its relationship to task specific self-efficacy, Jennifer Renee Rice
Assessing the three-squares model for teaching algebra, Stephen Guy Richardson
The stigmatization of methadone maintenance treatment and its effect on social support, Kenia Gabriela Rivas and Franceen Mary Rosales
Gloria Anzaldua and Alanis Morisette: The untangled flavors of conocimiento, Audrey Nathalie Romero
Ground water in the Morongo Basin: A community college curriculum, Lisa Michele Rosati
Comparing cultural competence in graduating Master of Social Work and Nursing students, Joanna Guadalupe Rubio and Jamie Anne Webb
Being Marshall Midwest, Ashley Kahlen Russell
Descriptive analysis of authorized psychotropic medication trends in foster care youth in California, Jamila Amber Russ and Amy Lynn Mallit
Politics, power, agency and the end comment genre, Cynthia Ann Ruthford
Effects of bilingualism on goal representation and maintenance, Amina Saadaoui
Comparative analysis of expected utility theory versus prospect theory and critique of their recent developments, Sassan Sadeghi
Can Narcissus ever maintain a relationship: Relationship characteristics as mediators, Joseph Beshay Salib
Influenza nucleoprotein interactions as potential antiviral targets, Abel Sanchez
Surviving as a Runaway: Services for this Population, Noelia Sanchez
Parental attachment and risk for intimate partner violence in Latino college women, Janeth Berenice Schmidt
Tracings in crystal, Marsha Lee Schuh
Liberation is not always so liberating: Rethinking Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy for the writing classroom, Joshua Daniel Shinn
Effects of substance abuse services on child reunification, Peter Charles Shorts
Assimilation versus survival: A case study of beginning teachers; preparation, expectations, and survival in a new diverse environment, Ericka Dolores Shuss
A locus construction in the hyperbolic plane for elliptic curves with cross-ratio on the unit circle, Lyudmila Shved
An evaluation of the California Brief Multicultural Competence Scale and training for mental health practices, Catherine Tillie Smith and Dahlia Avila
Perceived effectiveness of sports interventions on mental health: Exploring the perspectives of professional educators, Isais Wellington Smith and Gamaliel Beltran
Fabulistic: Examination and application of narratology and screenplay craft, Nicholas DeVan Snead
Academic self-efficacy and persistence in the context of high-stakes testing, Nori Elena Sogomonian
Metrics framework for computer security incident response: A practical guide for the federal government, Vincent Nithi Sritapan
Evaluation of services for adults with a dual diagnosis in the criminal justice system, Cheryl Anne Stebbings
Custody outcomes for protective parents in cases with child sexual abuse, Nancy Marie Stuebner
What children should know about cancer: Parent's perception, Kristyn Gina Sutton
A study on the modular structures of Z₂S₃ and Z₅S₃, Bethany Michelle Tasaka