Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Instructional disability: Voices of the resource specialists on the design of the resource support program, Christy Vasquez Martinez
Sperm stealers & post gay politics: Lesbian-parented families in film and television, Elena Rose Martinez
A study of finite symmetrical groups, Patrick Kevin Martinez
A wound like a lung, Caroline Clare Mays
Resisting the "Sound of Muzak": Alienating effects in conceptual progressive music, Bryan Michael McCulley-Mendoza
Foster parents' perceptions on the implementation of extended foster care, Sandy Lee Melancon and Heidie Kay Morris
Risk assessment for sex trafficking victimization in the mental health field, Kimberly Dawn Nichole Mena
Parks in the sky: How urban rejuvenation is re-writing wilderness, Sarah Anne Mercurio
A mind-body approach to promote health and enhance healing, Lisa Dionne Meyering
Social work in action: Promoting the well-being of elders, Denise Muelli Miller and Kristynne Lyn Simmons
There is no Bournville in Africa: English chocolate makers, African cocoa producers, and the ethics of capitalism, Ryan Harold Minor
Social workers' attitudes and perceptions towards extended foster care, Mina Nahavandi Moghaddam and Amanda Ellen Garcia
Educational experiences of pregnant and parenting adolescents in pregnant minor education program, Tabitha Ndinda Muteti
Using technology to increase parental involvement in elementary school, Scott Thomas Neuscheler
Full thickness, s. Nicholas
The psychological effects of ageism on older adults: Are there any?, Christina Denise Nieblas
The Banach-Tarski paradox, Matthew Jacob Norman
Cultural arts and diversity: Rainbow multicultural theater troupe, a history and education model, Maria Antoinette Olivo
Impact of varied low resolution phantoms on intensity modulated proton therapy dose distributions, Aarohi Shyam Padhye
When means-efficacy and self-efficacy affect performance: A look at locus of control, Patricia Padilla
Discounted health insurance premium systems, Krupa Pravin Patel
Postcranial description and reconstruction of the varanodontine varanopid aerosaurus wellesi (synapsida: eupelycosauria), Valerie Ann Pelletier
Adolescent and adult nicotine exposure on the acquisition of methamphetamine self-administration and the reinstatement of extinguished methamphetamine-seeking in male rats, Joseph Allan Pipkin
Exploring bullying in elementary school using theatre in education techniques and Agusto Boal's Forum Theatre, Andrea Marie Arealo Poblete
Effects of computarized [sic] cognitive training on working memory in a school setting, Tessy Tatiana Pumaccahua
The relationship between perceptions of inequality and health, Alissa Michelle Ramos
The fat virgin and other stories, Michael Clive Richey
Non-mandated reporters' attitudes on reporting child abuse, Christina Ramirez Rivera
A dream in limbo: The challenge among undocumented Latino college students, Liset Salcedo and Aleena Maria Vargas
The influences on job search behaviors among convicted felons with substance abuse disorders, Anthony Raymond Saldana
Behavior of solutions for Bernoulli initial-value problems, Carlos Marcelo Sardan
A path analysis on the acquisition of mental health treatment and the effect of that treatment on subsequent offending, Gabriel Jude Saucedo
Alternative hull detection techniques for preprocessing in proton computed tomography reconstruction, Blake Edward Schultze
Biostratigraphy of the Halgaito Formation, Cutler Group near Mexican Hat, San Juan County, Utah, Kimberly Marie Scott
Post-oppositional culture theory: Counter narratives of African American preservice teachers, Sonya Victoria Scott
Transracial adoptions: Common challenges and needed resources, Jennifer Deneen SeLegue and Stephanie Agnes Siringoringo
Unproctored internet testing: Methods to mitigate and detect cheating, Emily Annette Shindledecker
Online examination system, Yuvesh Kumar Singh
Rowboats in Panthalassa, Natalie Skeith
The Fibonacci sequence and Hosoya's triangle, Jeffrey Lee Smith
Gradebadge: Development of a cloud-based reward application, Erwin Toni Soekianto
Recognition of loss: Disenfranchised grief and the children of incarcerated parents, Julia Anna Soto
Script-based reading lessons and socialized language usage, Joseph James Spencer
Assessing depression among elders: How are we doing?, Kayli Nicole Stohler
Transcultural nursing and malaria: Identifying global health strategies through the lived experiences of nurses from the villages surrounding Bamenda, Cameroon, Noella Sob Tataw
Whitney's 2-isomorphism theorem for hypergraphs, Eric Anthony Taylor
Khao I Dang: A memoir, Bory Thach
A comprehensive approach to alluvial fan management: A case study of Travertine Point, Coachella Valley, Jason Joseph Thomas
Extended foster care: The foster parent's perception, Tosha Thomas
Sexual exploitation and juvenile girls, Kimberly Renell Thompson
The impact of transformational leadership on the relationship between organizational learning culture and employee outcomes, Leanne Marie Tortez
Enumeration and symmetric presentations of groups, with music theory applications, Jesse Graham Train
The meaning of work: A comparison of age and cultural differences, Shachipriya Tripathi
Elucidating the role of dopamine in the avoidance response of Caenorhabditis Elegans utilizing microfluidics, Patricia Frances Turturro
Preweanling exposure to selective catecholamine transporter inhibitors differentially effects morphine-induced antinociception in adulthood, Joseph Marco Valentine
Social workers' perspectives on placement stability, Joseph Charles Van Campen and Susan May Copple
A parent education curriculum for families with an autism spectrum disorders child, Amber Marie Vela
Backward and forward continuity as a predictor of wellbeing among Mexican American respondents: Scale development, Jennifer Joy Wacan
Stigmatization of mental health service consumers by social workers, Amelia Grace Wedge
Perspectives on aging: Stereotypes and implicit personality theories, Reannin Michelle Weinstein
Restoration of suffrage for California's ex-felons: Will they vote?, Genevieve Anne West
Guarding the rock and other stories, James Joseph Wheeler
The effects of volunteer and required participation in evidence-based juvenile justice programs, Jr Williams Louis George.
Fiducial-free alignment verification techniques for intracranial radiosurgery, Kenneth Matthew Williams
Comparing the algebraic and analytical properties of p-adic numbers with real numbers, Joseph Colton Wilson
Exploring the effects of entrepreneurial training on high-level business executives' attitudes and behaviors, Rachel Ann Wolfinbarger
Using multi-processors to reconstruct images with proton computed tomography, Chenwei Xu
Using Cornell notes to teach rational expressions, Tammy Sue Young
3D face animation with opengl ES: An android application, Ihab Mohamad Zbib
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Child welfare workers' perspectives on father-daughter attachments and teenage pregnancy, Ruby Aceves and Dawn Denise Vetro
Emancipating youth and the effectiveness of the independent living program, Roxana Veronica Alas
Social workers' perceptions of self-determination in the mentally ill, Tristin Dawn Alfred
Auto smart text and e-mail notification system (ASTENS), Ahmed Abdulghaffar Algadi
Coping skills among women who are abused by an intimate partner, Cheryl Dee Allen
Risk factors for the commercial sexual explotation of children, Melinda Ann Anderson and Daniel Gregory Fletcher
Social workers' perceptions of barriers in the treatment and community reintegration of sex offenders, Zayra Janeth Angeles and Sonia Ann Zuniga
Predictors of treatment outcome for contingency management of stimulant abstinence in severely mentally ill outpatients, Frank Albert Nowland Angelo
Orthogonal polynomials, George Gevork Antashyan
Cassini ovals as elliptic curves, Nozomi Arakaki
Learning through literature versus scripted lessons, Leticia Aviles-Parsons
Culturally responsive curriculum: Enrichment projects for school age-children, MoĢnica Balbuena de la Sancha
Perceptions of advancement opportunities as a barrier for women in management, Michelle Espeleta Balisi
Study to identify indicators of suicidal ideation and its relation to self-perceived quality of life among select populations of the physically disabled, Nicholas Joseph Ballew
The effectiveness of peer strategies to counter bullying: undercover anti-bullying teams, Felipe De Jesus Barba
Comparative analysis of sexual abuse cases with and without substance abuse, Courtney Kay Barzandeh
A global positioning system on the lunar sphere utilizing cubesats, Armani Giann Batista
Thunder Rock: The play, and enriching the high school curriculum, Jason William Bayless
Tri-level assisted living for the elderly and its correlation with depression and quality of life, Stephanie Jean Berberich
Foster children customer service survey, Adam Berenson
Evaluating integrated treatment of co-occurring disorders throughout San Bernardino and Riverside County, Joseph Hugo Bermudez
Monomial and permutation representation of groups, Rebeca Maria Blanquet
"Illegitimi non carborundum": Resilience in the face of factory school reform, Jennifer Nicole Brooks
The role of self-esteem and social support in the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, Ashley Anne Burton
Toward solving the teacher-student contradiction: Using whole-class workshops to crate a student-focused, rhizomic writing community, Bridgette Mary Callahan
Quilters: A musical "The work of their hands", Beatrice Casagran
Solutions to a generalized Pell equation, Kyle Christopher Castro
Career academy scholars program, Gustavo Adolfo Chamorro
Thump, Nikia Jensen Chaney