Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Social welfare policy and the crisis of hunger, Karen Bolesworth and Susan Tufts
Comparison of customer service surveys used by Arrowhead Credit Union and recommendation for change, Alexis Dionne Bookman
The effects of new members on perceived group cohesion, Kristie Lynn Bott and Michele Dawn Reed
A study and implementation of an electronic commerce website using active server pages, Soumaya Boutkhil
Automotive electrical/electronics unit plans for Fontana High School, Ray Franklin Brinkle
Client outcomes in the adult protective service system, Susan Lee Brown
Environmental fairs: An examination of the 1999 Inland Empire Environmental EXPO, Bruce Vincent Broxson
Curriculum for enterprise networking specialist at Citrus College, Leigh John Buchwald
The importance of music in the elementary curriculum: How it can be integrated to meet content standards, Lovina-Marie Sawyer Bundy
Predictors of client completion for a long-term Christian-based residential addiction treatment program, Dena Carol Carey and Marianne Louise Grant
Effects of age and ethnicity on color preference and on association of color with symbol and with emotion, Ovidia Cornelia Blough Carney
Perceptions of gender socialization among African-American female caretakers, Cherise Michelle Carpenter
The case of Food Lion versus ABC news: The anatomy of a public relations crisis and the use of counter-attack strategies, Steven Duanef Case
An effective educational development curriculum for Mexican-American high school students, Adam Castro
Strategic marketing plan for San Antonio Urology Medical Group, Incorporated, Victor Choy Ching
Improving parent-school communication through the development of a Sky Country School web page, Kathleen Mary Clark
Factors influencing social workers commitment to the field of gerontology, Susan Savella Cole and Teresa Marie Alarcon
Using Blackboard technologies as an instructional supplement for teaching high school chemistry, Steven Louis Coulombe
African American children in the child welfare system: An American tragedy, Dana Claire Cunningham
Effects of ethical congruence on person-organization fit and employee attitudes, Ryan Lee Curry
Public safety internship program at the Riverside Community College District, Robert Patrick Curtin
Examining interruption in conversation among Middle-Eastern couples, Khetam Dahi
A web page of curricular resources for the computer literacy class: Grades 7 - 9, Kelly Sue Daly
Social work education as preparation for working with individuals with disabilities, Carol Louise Davis
Job retention among CPS social workers in Riverside County, Donald Davis
Creating a student accessible online syllabus, Kenneth Louis Decroo
Working for the environment: Pathways to environmental careers, Carol Aline DeVault
Pernova: A travel industry business plan, Dave Dietrich
Job satisfaction for rehabilitation counselors, Louis Dudash IV
Development of a life science curriculum for kindergarten and first grade reflecting the theories of multiple intelligence and brain-based learning, Barbara Jean Dudeck
An exploration of family of origin violence, shaming, and insecure attachment styles in men who batter, Larissa Alexandra Elias
An environmental education field guide for Mystic Lake wetland habitats, Linda Jean Ellingston
Implementation business-to-business electronic commercial website using ColdFusion 4.5, Teerapong Euawatana
Emotional intelligence as a predictor of consideration behaviors, which lead to leadership effectiveness, Janice Claire Evelyn
Intimacy perceptions & sexual attitudes of recovering alcoholics, Kathy Caviness Fair
Social work students: The learning of professional values in a graduate program, Soyna Hester Farrow and Donna Marie Monroe
A guide to a brain-based approach to thematic, interdisciplinary teaching, Deborah Marie Ferguson
A comparison study: Self-report of verbal abuse and dependent/insecure personality traits by particpants [sic] in court mandated domestic violence treatment, Rosemary Jane Ferris
Music handbook for primary grade teachers, Risa Maree Fiorillo
English writing placement assessment: Implications for at-risk learners, Janis Linch Banks Fisher
Is concept mapping an effective tool for evaluation of student learning in science?, Linda Jean Foster
Investigating adaptive coping mechanisms in elderly spousal cargivers, Elaine Margaret Foytik
Religion and spirituality in social work practice with older adults: A survey of social workers, Elizabeth Antoinette Fraser
Undergraduate students' attitudes and perceptions towards a possibly coercive sexual encounter, Seana Katherine Fraser-Estavillo and Hang Sara Nguyen
Composition and technology: Examining liminal spaces online, Carmen Michelle Fye
Cougar swing: A web site model curriculum devoted toward improving hitting productivity for varsity baseball competition, Jake Nathan Gansereit
Law enforcement instructor effectiveness guidebook, Denise Michelle Garland
Latino cultural beliefs, attitudes, and utilization patterns of mental health services, Martha Sonia Garza and Araceli Bueno Powers
Forces within and without: Lily Bart's movement towards epiphany in The House of Mirth, Seta Ghazarian
The effect of substance abuse on nonverbal emotional expressiveness, Amy Lee Gnade
Expanding a gang tattoo removal program for San Bernardino County, Appannagari M.D. Gnanadev
A quest for sales, Daniel Lynn Goehring
Where have all the species gone?: An interdisciplinary unit on endangered species, Rebecca Joan Goldberg
Fruit juices market in France, Stéphanie Madeleine Gomez
Using web pages to enhance communication and learning in the math classroom, Joy Cappello Gorman
The affectiveness of a standards-based, technology-connected staff development program, Lee Geary Grafton
The barriers in custodial grandparenting, Sheila Grant
An exploratory study of single parents raising a child with developmental disabilities, Marlena La Nae Graves and Tracy Ann Schroeder
Development of a social service program for college health services, Joseph Harrison Greene
Perceived social support: Its impact on length of sobriety, Carol Richert Guy
Variation in research assignments across the community college curriculum, Patricia Ann Hadjibabaie
Ethnic identity formation and self esteem in adolescents of Mexican descent, Barbara Jean Hale
Strategic business plan: Senior Planning Solutions, Sherdon Hamel
Deploying mobile computer classroom as a catalyst for more parental involvement via technology as well as bridging digital divide: a feasibility study, Abdul Hamid Khan
Presentations world wide systems, Sandra Marie Hengstebeck
Impact of corporate casual wear on productivity in the workplace, Joe Luis Hernandez
The impact of diabetes nurse care managers in outlying medical offices on quality of care: An empirical investigation, Edward Alan Hess
A study of variables associated with re-arrest among graduates of a juvenile diversion program, Eileen Gail Holguin and Melody June O'Neill
Mathematics, technology, and gender: Closing gender differences with a high school web site, Steven Lee Holifield
The traveling salesman problem improving K-opt via edge cut equivalence sets, Eric Holland
Increasing computer instruction within the classroom, Rebecca Lerane Hollis
Using our present realities to shape our futures: Literacy development of Latino students, Bobbi Ciriza Houtchens
Veteran dedication makes them more efficient in receiving directions on medication, driving veterans to be more medication compliant, Franklin Ray Howerton
The impact of E-commerce on direct selling companies, Shu-Fen Ida Hsu
The development of scientific concepts through literacy as a mediational tool, Kenneth Phil Ingram
Getting injured workers back to work: A descriptive study of the integrated work program success at Rehabilitation Technology Works, Waldtraut Jedamski
Net-present-value return on marketing investment model for Arrowhead Credit Union, Tracy Jay Judy
Total quality management in the auto industry: Feminine values in a man's world?, Chloé Marie Jung
Digital portfolios: Advancing assessment through technology, Sherrie Ann Juras
Case study: Applied Digital Solutions I3 services platform, Rieko Kanai
A content analysis of value-based advertising strategies on the Internet, Ali Caglar Kepekci
The feasibility of establishing an internet advertising agency in the United Arab Emirates, Ahmed Shams Khouri
Using guided imagery as an instructional strategy for developing creativity, Learning and relaxation with first grade students, Jennifer Lynn Kilpatrick
Social cognition-based content instruction for communicative competence in Japanese middle school English, Wakana Kitamura
Promoting listening strategies use in elementary English as a foreign language computer-assisted learning environment, Makiko Kojima
Effects of supervisor-subordinate exchange relationship quality on subordinate self-efficacy mediated by performance feedback, Kimberly Anne Koller
Communications effect on employee anxiety and loyalty during a merger, Howard Edward La Beur
An instance of the trade between the United States and Latin America applied to the playground industry, Nathalie Sandra Labre
The influence of motives of sports fans on affinity for television, Internet, radio, and newspapers, Christopher Edward Lasak
I don't know why it's funny, but I'll laugh anyway: Analysis of feigned laughter in the context of face-threatening-utterances, Dirkson Christopher Lee
Promoting creative English teaching using Chinese culture for elementary schooling in Taiwan, Ya-Chi Lee
Bookmark search: A web-based bookmark search engine, Yun Sang Lee
A program evaluation of the adolescent family life program, Tricia Rachelle Licon
An examination of the association between psychosocial stressors and drinking patterns among gay men, Dawn Melissa Linne and Jamie Danielle Grossberg
Business English for special purposes as a negotiated, strategic competence, Chi-Chieh Liu
Why older adults seek employment: An examination of the differing motivations among subgroups, Lui Ping Loi
A measure of awareness of ethnic sensitive practice and training among children's social workers in LA County Department of Children and Family Services and how it contributes to job performance limitations, Teresita Guadalupe Lopez
Video-based tutorial on web design for the technophobic teacher, Richard Ma
The Obispeno Chumash indians: San Luis Obispo County's first environmentalists, Sharon L. Marks