Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Restaurant industry and marketing plan for Studio Thai restaurant, Yingluck Pitisom
Correlations between stigma and self-esteem in mental health consumers, Marilyn Dee Pitts
The benefit of distance learning, Mary Porter
A closer look at the professional relationship of children's social workers and teachers in regard to the education of foster children, Marnae Latrice Potts and Koumay Yang
Writing inside the caja: Constructing pasos in English composition studies, Linda Joyce Preciado
The marketing plan for "The Truck Ladder", David Roman Pusczewicz
Morder-Client Food Service, Li Qui
Bridging the gap by using mini shared reading, Ljubica Radisich Quilici
Various Steiner Systems, Valentin Jean Racataian
Taran: An individuated hero for the collective unconscious, Edward Tucker Raetz
The effect that an intensive literacy program, comprehension early literacy learning (CELL) has on English language learners' reading proficiency, Susana Puerta Ramos
A multimedia website for the Battle of Gettysburg, Mark Norman Rasmussen
Easy Net Admin: Inventory tool for network administrators, Rohini Mopu Reddy
The Riemann zeta function, Ernesto Oscar Reyes
The impact of child life non-pharmacologic pain interventions on pediatric patient's pain perception in the emergency department, Wendy Lee Reynolds-Wilcox
The development of an environmental ethics undergraduate curriculum for California, James Rowland Roberts
Outdoor nature program for Azalea Trails Girl Scout Resident Camp, Diana Lynn Robinson
Delivery of services to welfare-to-work clients: A marketing perspective, Joan Dardanelle Rudder
Continuing education for nurse's aides, Mary Kay Ruf
Substance abuse treatment: Perceptions from the client's point of view, Margarita Brunilda Salazar
Perceptions of the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 among child welfare and substance abuse professionals, Nancy Rae Satterwhite
Play and cognitive function: Play as a contributory factor in cognitive development, Arthur Eugene Seale
The study of customer share marketing, Wathanee Sethapan
Creating community through communication: The case of East Desert Unified School District, Michelle Elizabeth Shader
Domestic violence and the Air Force family: Research into situational dynamics and evaluation of the Air Force Family Advocacy Program, Thomas Peter Sherman
Rhetorical and narrative structures in John Hersey's Hiroshima: How they breathe life into the tale of a doomed city, James Richard Smart
Academic excellence through career-technical education in Riverside County Regional Occupational Program courses, Dorothy Anne Smith
No place like home: Using local surroundings and history to implement environmental education, Brian Craig Snow
A book management system eLibrary, Shanpeng Song
Mercury Instant Messaging System: A collaborative instant messaging tool, Tejaswi Srinivas
The threat of cyberterrorism: Contemporary consequences and prescriptions, Galen Asher Thomas Stocking
An analysis of the Federal and California False Claims Acts and the implications for the California Department of Transportation, Henry Eugene Stultz
Developing metaphoric competence through schemata-building for English learners in Japan, Kyoko Suda
Being Sisyphus: A writing pedagogy for at-risk students, Eric David Sullivan
An image delta compression tool: IDelta, Kevin Michael Sullivan
Female property crime offenders: Explanations from economic marginalization perspective, Susan Chih-Wen Su
A partial differential equation to model the Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure, James Paul Swatzel
Positive prevention: The relationship between teacher self-efficacy, program implementation, and student outcomes, Marilyn Jean Sweitzer
Business-to-consumer electronic commerce in Japan, Haruyoshi Takaoka
Web Texturizer: Exploring intra web document dependencies, Seema Amit Tandon
A content analysis of print advertisements from the United States and Taiwan, Ya Hsuan Sunny Tan
Collaborative design (COLLDESIGN): A real-time interactive unified modeling language tool, Surya Telikapalli
The effects of higher education on law enforcement, Harrison Tolbert
Developing extended communities of practice to support implementation of Inspiration® in elementary classrooms, Michael Richard Towne
International Extension Programs Information System version II (IEPIS II): An MVC Model 2 design using Apache Jakarta Struts, Meng-Hsi Tsai
A web based IT support tracking system, Buket Tuna
An examination of social workers' knowledge of Family Preservation Services in child welfare, Kathryn Irene Turnbull
Correlations between self-esteem and self-efficacy among master of social work students and bachelor of social work students, Sheila Joy Umeda and Amy Marie Edmonds
Curriculum development for disadvantaged students enrolled in nursing courses in career and technical education programs, Wanda Jean Vickers
The web-based database management system for the computer science graduate program, Dung Tien Vu
The influence of Finnegans Wake on Robert Anton Wilson's Masks of the Illuminati, Eric Robert Wagner
Web Based Query Optimization Simulator, Edwin Richard Waite
Predicting women's persistence in math and science-related college majors, Claudia Jean Walker
Apparel Companies' Management System (APLAN), Anjia Wang
Olympiad delegation registration system, Xuetao Wang
Taiwanese cultural content in English-as-a-foreign-language elementary education, Yi-Ting Wang
Umbilical Cord: A system for ubiquitous computing, James Emory Warshawsky
Women's perception of substance abuse treatment and how it affects compliance, Jessica Lynn Watkins
Social worker perceptions of services directed toward sexual minority youth and their families in child welfare agencies, Travis James Webb
Information security program development, William Ward Wells
Attitudes of African American women toward marriage-related issues, Andrew Lewayne Williams
Inquiry learning in the earth science classroom, Jeni Kimberly Williams
College of Education: A guide to researching the animal kingdom on the Internet, Stephen Michael Williams
Developing and implementing a peer tutoring program at the middle school level, Mark Derryl Witvliet
The impact of parent-adolescent individuation on sibling relationships in late adolescent females, Andrea Lynn Woods
Business-to-business E-markets in textile industry: An empirical perspective, Wei-Wen Wu
An on-line library of design patterns, Weizhong Wu
Dynamic Report Generator, Liquan Xie
Java/XML-based Trading Information Processing System for produce wholesale market, Ching-Ling Yang
A comparison of women's roles as portrayed in Taiwanese and Chinese magazine print advertising, Yi-Chen Yang
Child welfare workers' attitudes toward culturally diverse consumers, Monica Zavala-Arias
Design for high-intensity reading in English as a Foreign Language, Ting Zhang
Authentic materials in English as a Second Language conversation instruction, Xiangmei Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Ideals, varieties, and Groebner bases, Joyce Christine Ahlgren
Arab-Muslim views, images and stereotypes in United States, Nader Al-Aulaqi
A reinterpretation of the small Captorhinid Reptile Captorhinikos Parvus Olson as a new genus, reanalysis of its cranial anatomy, and a phylogenetic analysis of the basal reptilian family Captorhinidae, Gavan McBride Albright
White Board, Getahun Alemu
The feasibility of Saudization: Costs and benefits to Saudi Arabia, Sulaiman Abdulrahman Al-Khuzaim
Research study on laddering technique in depth interviews on alcoholic beverage consumption and brand preferences, Mohammed Saleh Aloulaqi
Gender segmentation and its implementation in Saudi Arabia, Ghassan Mohammed Altawail
Irlen Syndrome and the reading process, Jodi Beth Altman
A correlation analysis of parental expectations, mentoring, and gender socialization on women's self-efficacy, Nancy Lillian Amarin and Norina Reis
Functional changes in neurons and glia following amphetamine-induced behavior sensitization, Victoria Diane Armstrong
Working with emancipated foster youth: An outcomes assessment of Cameron Hill Associates, Deborah Nava Baeza and Omyia Nikol Thurston
Understanding the experience and needs of foster parents caring for medically fragile children, Ana Maria Baisley
Social learning and stage development applied to resistance to treatment: Probation youth in a residential treatment facility, Linda Joy Bankowski
Impact of September 11th on older American veterans, David Lee Baptist and Tamra Denise Snook
Construct validation of common format biodata within the public sector, James Foster Baxter
Crimson Eagle Global Enterprise, Scott Edward Bechtle
Why do they resist? Exploring dynamics of police-citizen violence during arrest encounters, Kimberly Joy Belvedere
The concept of interest in the Western and Middle Eastern society, Mustapha Ben Amira
Service delivery network strategy for Arrowhead Credit Union, Anne Louise Benjamin
Educator's perceptions of priority school nursing activities and influencing factors, Julie Marie Berg
Supportive work relationships effect on child welfare worker's retention, Renee Josephine Bombaci
A study of Washington Mutual a formidible competitor in the Southern California market, Margaret Mary Boni
Taxonomy of synchronization and barrier as a basic mechanism for building other synchronization from it, Pauline Braginton
A process evaluation of the Riverside County dependency recovery drug court, Philip Marshall Breitenbucher and Sean Collins Sullivan
A comprehensive examination of the precode horror comic books of the 1950's, Gene Marshall Broxson
Social workers attitudes and perceptions toward transracial adoption, Karla Eduviges Carranza and Nicol Alejandra Stolar
Relational database for the Master of Arts in Education Instructional Technology Program, Keith Anthony Castillo