Theses/Dissertations from 2003
California's narcotic registration program: Legislation in need of revision, Angelina Cavanaugh
Mobile used car prices and information, Ting-Shiuan Chang
International extension programs information system, Yu-Pin Chang
Spirituality and coping with Master's of Social Work education, Stacey Lynn Chavez
Academic competence for technical reading in English as a foreign language, Mei-Fen Chen
An intervention plan for "at risk" students, Bonnie Janine Chilton
Content-based whole-language instruction for elementary English as a foreign language, Hyeyoung Cho
Public relations plan for nonprofit organization: Tzu Chi Foundation, I-Ling Chou
Emotional intelligence, storytelling and learning strategies in English-as-a-foreign-language learning, Hsin-Chih Chuang
Using technology in language arts to motivate students, Tonya Cherie Coats
The effects of quality of social networks on psychological well-being in the visually impaired elderly, Marsha Dee Cole
The efficiency of bag-valve mask ventilations by medical first responders and basic emergency medical technicians, John Vincent Commander
Advanced practice nursing health care needs assessment in an underserved community, Michael Dean Conrad and Anna Kampanartsanyakorn
Impact of foster care on Hispanic/Latino foster mothers' marital relationship, Mario David Copenhaguen
A constructive approach of the evaluation of a community based program, Melinda Vera Corral
Improving teacher productivity through the use of computer technology, Darcy Jane Coulter
Perceptions of the transition to assisted living as a function of psychological well-being, instrumental activities of daily living, and coping: A prospective study, Brooke Evangeline Crabb
Successful outcomes of adult ex-offenders: "Catalyst to Change", Coleen Crowley-Ames and Phyllis Paulette McNeal
Management buyout in China, Wei Dai
Comparing the managerial and administrative benefits of the construction project management information system (CPMIS) to the E-Government environment of today, Sandra Kay Decker
The window least mean square error algorithm, Anna Semenovna Degtyarena
Where's your niche?: A game of ecological relationships, Margaret Elizabeth Deppe
Effectiveness of parent education classes: Phenomenological approach, Lavonna Lucille Downing
A guide to motivating students to twist to better spelling, Kim Elaine Du Cloux
Methods and techniques for valuation of patents, Charles David Dunbar
Narrative versus traditional journalism: Appeal, believability, understanding, retention, John David Emig
The impact of infant massage on the development of children with disabilities and children born at-risk for developmental delays, Maria Jesus Escobedo
Appropriate exercise videos for adolescents, Rayna Allison Estrada
Home and who: A rhetorical analysis of Rudyard Kipling's "Tiger! tiger!' and "Letting in the jungle", Steven Clark Estus
Web accessibility: Ensuring access to online course instruction for students with disabilities, Inez Celeste Everett
Attitudes and knowledge of law enforcement officers regarding child maltreatment, Cathleen May Farrar
Exploring visual learning in the basic writing classroom, Prince Michael Ferguson
Danny Daniels: A life of dance and choreography, Louis Eric Fossum
A qualitative inquiry on the impact of family preservation programs, Kimberly Ann Franze-Cox
Instant access: Developing a high school web site for staff, students, and community, Keri Lynn Freestone
The impact of asthma self-management education programs on the health outcomes: A meta-analysis (systemic review) of randomized controlled trials, Surender Gaddam
The value of outdoor education, Heriberto Garcia
Using interactive reading and writing activities to promote literacy in a kindergarten class, Chaches Garcia Ross
Mentally ill homeless and companion pets, Maria Salomé Garde
Entertainics, Jesus Mario Torres Garza
Day treatment programs for adults with severe and persistent mental illness: Effectiveness measured in rates of recidivism, Pamela Jo' Gatfield
Balanced Scorecard: An instrument of change for Facilities Services, Beverly Sue Delker Gentry
Joint sibling placement at San Bernardino County Department of Children's Services, Cynthia Gonzalez and Diane Lynette Meza
Is there a difference between teacher perceptions about computer lab use in developing higher order thinking skills and actual computer lab practices?, Eduardo David Gonzalez
Depression and diabetes in adolescents, Leanne Marie Graff and Karin Yakira
Marital satisfaction among adult children of divorce: The connection to poor conflict resolution skills, Deanna Michelle Graham
Inadequate substance abuse assessment as a contributory factor to child abuse and neglect, Gary Eugene Graves
The Lakes and Streams Project: A curriculum for elementary and middle grades on a local environmental issue, Linda Mae Alice Gregory
The working hour: A rhetorical analysis of the lyrics of Tears for Fears, Jennifer Anne Gross-Mejía
Performance appraisal system in Filiz Gida, Bilgi Guner
Littlebee: User's online interactive design of baby's wear, Yan Hai
Integration of technology in the curriculum language arts: Spanish phonemic awareness, Maria Esperanza Haley
Re-examining the personal narrative in first year composition, Kathryn Marie Hansler
A parallel algorithm to solve the mathematical problem "double coset enumeration of S₂₄ over M₂₄", Elena Yavorska Harris
Blurred relationships: The factual fiction of John Edgar Wideman, Melissa Bakeman Hartmann
A tutorial system for studying chromatography techniques, Hossam Mohamed Hassan
Enhancing classroom communication via classroom websites, Vanessa Marie Hetzendorfer
The effect of graphomotor exercises and music on normal children and children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Lucy Ellen Heyming
Customer satisfaction in communicating with reservation staffs of Thai Airways International, Alina Homsangpradit
Improving vertical jump: A program design, Micheal Milo Horton
Direct marketing and Asian American in Inland Empire, Laura Louisa Hutabarat
Animated drawing guide for basic art education, Guan-Jong Hwang
The sustainable school: A sustainability assessment questionnaire for high schools, Curtis Willard Jacquot
The role of motivation within an activity system for adults learning English as a second language, Priscilla Beth Jenison
Relationships of cultural orientations to online public relations message preferences among United States and South Korean college students, Seongjung Jeong
Effect of the severity of autism on parental marital satisfaction, Georganna Hemingway Jesser
Program evaluation of Cal-SAFE: A program for pregnant and parenting teens, Kimberly Ann Johns and Charil Dignadice Macaraeg
Assessing women's aftercare needs, Ronda Rae Johnson
The effects of social involvement on work performance of adults with developmental disabilities, Jaclyn Leia Jones
A different black: A comparative study between African Americans and Kenyan Americans in direct response advertising, Gladys Wangari Kamau
Intake social workers tendency to base values on a law enforcement practice model, Don Russell Kelly
Instrumental and expressive violence: Motive for women's use of violence and their perception of their partner's use of violence, Lisa Claire Maisano Kennedy
The dispute between Bosnian Muslims and Serbs, Recep Keskin
Marketing international sports in the United Arab Emirates, Khaled Mohmmed Khouri
Disability resources for the educator, Pauline Aines Kimball
Nutrition education for English learning in the prison context, Jeanie Jinwee Kim
The mathematics of object recognition in machine and human vision, Sunyoung Kim
Long-term effects of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on serotonergic and dopaminergic functioning, Jodi Lynn Kohutek
Looking into phrasal verbs, David Immanuel Kovitz
The Inland Empire/Riverside County Philharmonic: A promotional campaign to increase attendance, Bettina Anna Kriegler
The capital structure puzzle: On the existence of an optimal capital structure, Mohamed Lahiani
Project based learning in an applied construction curriculum, Darren Hayes Lamb
Portfolio optimization analysis of federation of Euro-Asian stock exchances (FEAS), Selim Larlar
The electoral college system for the election of the President of the United States on trial, Evelyn Hartzell Latham
The avoidance of absolute commitment in speech acts: Modality, Deborah Kay Leavell
A tabular propositional logic: and/or Table Translator, Chen-Hsiu Lee
Module structure of a Hilbert space, Ralph Daniel Leon
Teachers' perceptions of computer technology's impact upon student achievement, James Clayton Lewis
The Salton sea wetlands: A guidebook of curriculum based lessons, Etta Margo Ligman-McCormick
Unified modeling language class diagram translator for the online design pattern library system, Kaiyan Li
Streaming video for parental involvement education, Ching-Ping Lin
The structure, functioning, and performance of the Chinese stock markets, Yu-Tsui Lin
Implement electronic commerce with Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0, Anson Wing Hong Loh
Boot camps: An alternative sanction for better or worse, Angela Dawn Macdonald
Two-Way Immersion: Parental choice for a successful and culturally diverse future, Margarita Esperanza Machado-Casas
The study of self-efficacy in Latin female immigrants attending a support group at a community based agency, Leslie Maldonado
Coparenting/Divorce education: A program evaluation, Sandra Kay Maline
A comparative analysis of the use of music in advertisements within the car industry, Crystal Desquitado Mamaril
Hyperbolic transformations on cubics in H², Frank S. Marfai