Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Quality circle participation: Influences on quality of work life, job satisfation and self-esteem, Lawrence Scott Blair
Promoting critical and creative thinking in the regular classroom, Donna Brittain
Sociometric study of academic and social perceptions of learning disabled children in a special day class, Craig Campbell
Training the gifted in leadership, Stephen Michael Clinton
Proposed state legislation for high school graduation requirements, Ronald Dahlbeck
An analysis of the revisions of Willa Cather's two editions of The Song of the Lark, Cherrlyn Eller
Teacher evaluation and administration effectiveness, William F. Elliott
A three part workshop to help teachers, aides, and parents create an environment for successful reading, Catherine S. Fehrenbach
Roland Barthes's Ancient rhetoric: A translation, Sandra Ohse Fredriksen
Modern rhetoric/ancient realities, James Walsh Friedenbach
Effect of sex of current manager on subordinates' use of stereotypes when evaluating a hypothetical manager, Paulette Gage
Enhancing the social studies: A literature based program for fifth grade, Michael K. Gibson
A summer reading program for kindergarten through second grade utilizing whole language and literature-based instruction, Louise M. Gillette
A study of the compliance review of the NEP/LEP program at Pomona High School, Manuel Gonzales
A study of the compliance review of the NEP/LEP program at Pomona High School, Manuel Gonzales
Integrating folklore in a literature based curriculum using a whole language approach, Nellie D. Hernandez
Impact of presentation medium and message length on the persuasiveness of case history and statistical information, Bonnie Marie Hoffman
An examination of sex differences in attitude, ability and interest, Rose M. Howse
Differences in the sequencing of children's power strategies as a function of gender and birth order, Alison Leslie Jaffe-Karp
Kelli and the misfits, Ronald Dean Joy
An intermediate school physical education curriculum: a guide and its development, Donald Leieritz
The missing link in the personnel paradigm, Carolyn S. Livingston
A teacher's manual of manipulatives for the fourth grade, Richard F. Martin
Reminiscence, life satisfaction, depression, and perceived health in elderly women a descriptive study, Katherine DeWinter McGregor
Reorganization of a hospital in ensuring survival, Evelyn Chidinma Nwaomah
A floristic and vegetational analysis of the Mill Creek drainage area of the San Bernardino Mountains, California, Carol Elaine O'Casey
Underwater basketweaving: A reimbursable vocational trade?, Ima Pfoul
A curriculum for a laboratory course in flight operations, Peggy J. Raidy
"Words Moving Secretly Toward Some Goal of Their Own": The Rhetorical Use of the "As If" in the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor, Kellie Renee Rayburn
The prevention of truancy handbook for the Alta Loma Elementary School District, Phil E. Robinson
NATEF Certification curriculum for a course in automotive brakes, Manuel A. Rodriguez
Holidays in the public schools: An analysis of teacher attitudes and practice, Rebecca J. Schwarzer
New dimensions of organizational commitment: Effects of perceived on-the-job support and exchange ideology on absenteeism, Clare Elizabeth Sharafinski
Low incidence funding, Marlene Smith Siglar
Prewriting: The "prior to" process of writing, Debra Steinmiller
The development of a written language curriculum utilizing a writing process approach for fourth grade students, Diane Szydelko
Food science in the junior high school foods class, Katherine W. Williams
Sherpa women, Sylvia Woodruff
Curriculum for a course in keyboarding & personal applications, Delores A. Wynn
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Using schema theory to integrate reading and writing process in composition, Thomas Coley Allen
Physical fitness training for paramedic students, Sylvia M. Alverson
Writing and the unconscious, Janis A. Brams
Understanding the aesthetic effect of the familiar essay and its importance in the composition class, Michele Jean Butler
Reading in the content area: (Social studies: grades K-2), Colleen Ann Cavenaugh
A study of the efficacy of a word processor on the creative writing done by fourth grade students, Mary E. Caver
Attitudes toward pornography control: Feminist and fundamentalist views, Cheryl Jean Chase
A meta-analysis of styles of supervision: A reexamination of the Hawthorne findings, Ryan Mark Cherland
Changing management attitudes toward older workers, David Jude Damico
Pre-reading strategies for content area reading instruction: social studies, Melanie D. Davis
Masculine male sex-role-induced drive: A social analog of intermittent shock, Marguerite Dragna
Reasoning from cause to effect: The government and the marketing of new medicine in the 80s, Michael Stanley Goryan
Analogies as aids to understanding and memory, Carol Carter Hansen
Reinforcing functions of androgyny delay of reinforcement, Kimberly Faye Helzer
A handbook of teaching language arts using a whole-language approach for learning handicapped students, Carolyn R. Hodgson
The development of a unit on "stranger safety," designed for kindergarten students, teachers and parents, Debra Kay Critchlow Hopper
Influences on paternal attitudes toward child rearing an exploratory investigation, Sandra Kantor-Fish
Theory and criticism of the rhetoric of social movements, Michael Oval Kent
Using predictable books as a psycholinguistic approach to reading for the primary disabled reader, Carole Keough
A support group for parents of premature infants, Gayle Sue King
Commerce and exchange networks through-out northern Mexico: The Mesoamerican-Southwest connection, George Lee Kinney
Proposal to establish a vocational high school for San Bernardino Unified School District, Thomas W. Kuhn
A matching process: More effective placement procedures for court dependent children, Lester M. Kushner
Readers theatre in the classroom, Linda Lapham-Pilgrim
Sex and handedness effects on cognitive abilities, Daniel. Martínez
Teaching languages the natural way with visual cues, Alain Bernard Mathey
A study of the relationship of credits with attendance in continuation education, Holly Piligian McDonagh
Investigation of the neutralizing activity for Treponema Pallidum of neonatal rabbit basal serum taken at 2, 3, and 4 weeks of age, Helen Ceclie Mercier
Francis Bacon and composition, Scott David Minard
Age differences in comprehension of affirmative and negative information in verbal and symbolic traffic signs, Sharon Lee Morey
A three month study on the effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinse in the plaque control program of elderly patients in California, Thành Thi Nguỹên
Coping strategies selection and effectiveness, Diane June Pfahler
The woman is perfected: A reader-response approach to Sylvia Plath's Ariel, Kathleen Herrick Schroeder
A holistic approach to teaching literature in kindergarten, Deborah Sines
Frequency and forms of sexual harassment on a university campus, Lynda Lemon Snyder
Relationships between adults and children in public places, Jennifer Felicia Spatafore
Lack of participation by reserve enlisted personnel in the Community College of the Air Force at Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California, Maria Y. Steinkirchner
Using rock music lyrics to teach composition, Sean M Sullivan
Perspectives on familial and social adjustment of children of alcoholics, Laura Marie Troyer
The development of an apprenticeship development and partnership training handbook, Stephen Valbuena
Females' evaluative responses to androgynous and traditionally masculine male stimulus persons, Sharon Louise Younkin
The effect of occupational segregation on occupational prestige and desirability, Barbara Ann Zigalo
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Helping children understand fractions, Carole W. Arostegui
Selection of residential child care workers: A look at performance predictors, John J. Bacon
The reinforcing functions of androgyny partial reinforcement, Patricia A. Bartell
Curriculum development for a basic course in home economics, Jill E. Burnham
A teaching program for a ninth grade world cultures course, J. Mark Carver
A team teaching program for a ninth grade world cultures course, J. Mark Carver
Computers: A guide for the small elementary school district, Robert I. Clarke
A writing-across-the-curriculum manual for administrators and curriculum specialists, Lois E. Clark
Alternatives to round robin oral reading, Linda June Cree
Developing a science fair packet for grades 4-6, George B. Dutro
The effects of positive reinforcement within a computer-assisted instruction program on student achievement and attitude, Lynne A. Gebhardt
Teacher attitudes toward mainstreaming and resource programs, Carol W. Geck
Joan Didion and the new journalism, Jean Gillingwators
A primary unit on the desert, Deborah Bybee Graves
Integrating reading into a Civil War unit, Irene G. Griffis
The East Mojave National Scenic Area: Multiple use or national park?, Jeanne Hopkins Herr
In vitro effects of an extract of Chara Globularis on the growth of Jensen sarcoma and normal rat kidney cells, Carl R. Inman