Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The administrator's role as curriculum leader in implementing core teaming at the middle school level, Brenda Maddox-Dolan
Rhetorical alternatives of free verse: A spatial perspective, Tyler Paul Manners
Sexual adjustment following surgical treatment for gynecological cancer, Sue Ellen Martin-Christian
Sex and handedness effects on two types of cognitive ability tasks, Randall Wayne McCauley
Three decades of comparable worth research: A content analysis, Joyce Michi Mochizuki
Reader/viewer response to the rhetoric of costume, Patricia Lee Moore
Enabling special needs students to succeed through whole language strategies, Patricia E. Moran
Echo and artifact: the similarities and differences between print codes and oral codes and their implications for the teaching of composition, James R. Murphy
Integrating social studies and literature using folktales, Susan Sublett Newton
The role of attachment and individuation in identity development in females, Cassandra Nan Nichols
Computer literacy in master of public administration classes, Penni Kaye Overstreet
Literacy, school reform, and literature-based reading programs, Cheryl Lynn Peil
Reconstructing the Fairview School, Paige Margaret Peyton
Curriculum for a course in word/information processing, Patricia A. Revelles
The effect of near versus far domain analogies on learning and memory, Shirley Joyce Rhyne
The relationship between weight loss and locus of control, possible selves, self-esteem, anxiety and optimism/pessimism, Cimi Perryl Ruderman
Indian English: Is it "bad" or "baboo" or is it Indianized so that it is able to deal with the unique subject matter of India?, Marilyn Jane Sargent
The transformation of the American Constitution, Stephen Heywood Seay
Waste minimization, household hazardous waste, and a model curriculum guide for regional occupational programs for the County of Riverside Department of Health Environmental Health Services, Michael Ray Shetler
Integrating reading and literature into content area curriculum through thematic units, Yvonne R. Sisk
Reference groups and ritualistic behavior: A cultural perspective on addiction, Doris Jean Smith
MusLib: A proposed database for the management of a music library, Gary St. Germain
Multicultural literature based reading program, Brenda Naimah Sudan
A rhetorical analysis of Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Gail E. Rogers Sulkin
Marxist allegory in Jack London's Alaskan Tales, Amy Elizabeth Tavidian
Early experience correlates of excessive saving, Daphne Phaik-Kin Teoh
A curriculum for private pilot airplane, Richard D. Thompson
The demand and acceptance of the community hospital sponsored satellite clinic in the Southern California area: A feasibility study, Genelda Annetta Tracy
Defining and coaching revision, Eva Yvonne Valentijn
Implementing literature-based curriculum in primary grades, Janelle I. Von Kleist
A handbook on ways parents can help their children learn to read, Deborah S. Waltzer
An approach to teaching English composition in Micronesian cultures, Lori Arlene Weiny
The ignored victim: An examination of male rape in a general population, Thomas Williams
Points of conflict: Where the high school and university writing communities differ, Robert Glenn Wood
Effects of dichotic listening on aerobic performance, Frank Zane
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Reading to children: Core literature units for kindergarten and first grade, Susan S. Abel
Supported employment: A manual for Community Industries, Daniel R. Achatz
"As the stereopticon condenses into one instantaneous field": The reader's holographic reality in part IV of Faulkner's The Bear, Sandra Kay Alps
The relationship of childhood sexual molestation to sexual fantasy production and sexual behavior in adult women, Mary Ambroso-Bienkowski
The Eating disorders: A comprehensive bibliography of anorexia nervosa and bulimia, DeeAnne Lynn Ashley
Relieving strain in informal caregivers of the elderly, Roberta Louise Babbage
Developing an administrator's manual for high school summer programs, Lawrence H. Blinn
A comparative study: Health care providers and student attitudes towards persons with HIV seropositivity or the definitive diagnosis of AIDS, Sandra L. Boyd-Flanagan
The revitalization of rural health care in Big Bear Lake, California, Cecelia Antoinette Callicott
A comparative study of on-reservation and off-reservation students' reading and vocabulary scores at an off-reservation boarding school, Fern Charley-Baugus
A cooperative approach to a literature based reading program, Bonnie A. Congdon
Implications of the use of nonsexist language for the teaching of writing, Louise Marie Rodriguez Connal
Emergency medical service training for California peace officers, Chris Rolland Coplen
Statistical models for predicting selected personality dimensions using components of the male sex-role, Robert Gordon Cupp
An integrated approach to music and the language arts for the sixth grade, Theresa A. Dees
Initial planning of a school-based clinic: pilot project in the Moreno Valley Unified School District, Jane Marie Doetsch
The community of Fontana: An integrated approach, Kimberly Evans
Human propensity towards violence and the law enforcement community, Ronald M. Fields
A case study to identify and evaluate the pricing policy for geothermal energy in the San Bernardino Municipal Geothermal District heating system, Kevin Perry Fisher
An administrators guide for the implementation of kindergarten through twelfth grade science fairs, Sue Fithian
The legacy of pioneer Mexican-Americans in South Colton, California, Maria C. Gamboa
Loneliness: A study in cognitive discrepancy, Michelle Marie Garber
Predictors of absenteeism among hospital nurses: An examination of Blau amd Boal's model of absenteeism behavior, Keith Edward Gers
The recursive value of non-utilitarian writing as applied to cognitive domain theories, Gregory Wallace Gilbert
A hands-on approach to literature: Designing a grade 1-3 whole language literature unit, Bonnie L. Griffith
Investigation of lower Colorado River Valley desert soil mineral and nutrient content in relation to plant proximity and identity, Jane N. Hildreth
The influence of verbal abuse on intention to leave an organization among registered nurses, Paula Evangeline Hilton
Thunder road: A video presentation and teaching unit on the Vietnam War, Carl C. Hoberg
The family support services study, Patricia Ann Hodge
Psychological and social effects of infant heart transplant on families, Judy Rick Jacobson
The narrative persona of Martin Amis: A transitional stylistic bridge between postmodernism and new journalism, Janice Arlene Kollitz
An evaluation methodology using probation classification instruments in the selection of a nonequivalent control group, Wesley Allen Krause
A communications audit for the Office of Enrollment Services at California State University, San Bernardino, Elizabeth Mary Kalebu Kyeyune-Nyombi
Potpourri of poetry: A guide for using poetry in elementary schools, Penelope L. Levers
Use of urine samples for ethanol analysis, Patricia Schechter Lough
Tutoring toward style, Ann White Mahoney
An analysis of motivation as a predictor of vocational rehabilitation outcomes, Cheryl Antoinette Marshall
Characterization of pulmonary surfactant apoproteins in the diabetic mouse, Kenneth Dean McCarty
A physical education program for Mary Tone Elementary School, grades 4-5, Crestline, California, Juliette A. Meunier
Implementing a literature-based program: Theory to classroom, Judy A. Miller
Communication audit of Victor Valley College, Kathleen Fay Moore
Design and implementation of a sports medicine clinic with emphasis on the high school student-athlete, Christopher Allen Mumaw
The "why" of composition: Connections between motivation and the writing process, Maureen Newlin
Lights! Camera! Action! Into literature through creative dramatics and beyond the media, Susan Rook Nichols
A drug prevention education program serving East Los Angeles youth: Program outcome evaluation, Faye Lotta Nieto
Teaching and learning through a brain-compatible approach: Implications for junior high school mathematics, Nancy G. O'Kelley
Personality disorders as gender roles, Glenda J. Olivier
The role of the chief information officer in the contemporary university, James Jon Scanlon
The academic achievement of bilingual students: A study of limited English proficient and reclassified students, Mary L. Serrano
A cytogenetic examination of eight species of Tribolium (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Lisa Anne Shimeld
Subjective workload comparison between individuals and two person crews, James Raymond Shumate
"How this took place he couldn't have said exactly": A stylistic analysis of the prose of Don DeLillo, Richard Ronald Sisk
A study of the efficacy of LOGO programming on the achievement of fifth grade students, Linda Stathis
Continuity of sibling relationships: A descriptive profile of "close" vs. "not-close" sibling relationships, Donna Staab Vanderwall
Concepts of supernatural punishment for worldly moral misconduct, Dwight Derrell Wash
The vagaries of voice in the composing process, Denise Rochelle Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Figures of speech and political manipulations: The scapegoating of the monarch in Thomas Paines's Common Sense, Katherine Wesley Abu-Shabakeh
The importance of the affective dimension in composition, Diana Elva Acevedo
On the excessive saving of objects: An exploratory study, Deborah Ann Montana Almer
Implicit models of the biological bases of weight loss, Kalin A. Anderson
Integrating cooperative learning with a fourth grade curriculum, Julie L. Aten
Interpersonal relations: The key to effective school administration, Kenneth A. Azzari
The effects of realistic job previews on turnover, Susan Janet Hartshorn Black