Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Correlates of cognitive skills used by boys and girls on sequencing and construction tasks, Sharon Teresa Jordan
The effect of locus of conditioning on the taste potentiation of non-gustatory food cues, Silvia von Kluge
The importance of effective inservice training on the attitudes of the elementary teacher, special educator, parents, students, and the success of mainstreaming, Thalia Ann Linsner
Reading and listening enrichment for ESL students, Karen Aili Liu Lo
A reading celebration program from kindergarten through fifth grade, Cathy A. Mainiero
Age and vigilance: The effects of event rate and task pacing, Jack D. Mohney
Advertising in Saudi Arabia, Sulaiman Nafeesi
Five-step writing process: A project for grades two through six, Colleen M. Nagle
The need for research in education, Caleb Omolo Ndiege
Length of treatment as a function of fee source and provider's professional degree, Mary A. Newman
An alternative approach to spelling instruction, Mary E. Nugent
A study of changes in algal population density diversity and distribution and changes in physical and chemical characteristics of Lake Elsinore, Robert H. Nyman
Development of a curriculum for a course in advanced accident investigation for field officers: Scene documentation, George William O'Rafferty
Writer's block: A crisis in business writing, Pat Reed
Self-report and behavioral reactions to male sex-role incongruency, Pamela J. Renk
Internalizing the literary experience through a whole language literature program designed for the kindergarten level, Carrie Richter-Jung
A psychological study of male and female recreational soccer players, Deborah Kay Rosa-Stoffel
The effects of length of placement and parental contact on institutionalized juvenile offenders' self concepts, Michael F. Ryan
Playing the audience: A reader's production of Between the Acts, Jill Scanlan
The value of computer-assisted instruction in secondary science education, Leah M. Schroeder
Maintenance mishap investigation course, Gary I. Semones
A family life education curriculum for the secondary school, Virginia A. Sisk
The client development evaluation report and individual program plan: A correlation study and processing analysis, Anthony T. Slusser
A study of the teaching methods of comprehension through isolation and context, Mahlon A. Smith
Norton Air Force Base and San Bernardino: Communities in symbiosis, Clayton H. Snedeker
Sir Winston S. Churchill: An examination of style, Curtis Woodrow Stark II
Mental preparation strategies of team-sport athletes: A preliminary investigation, Diane Franz Stauble
Unit on integrated sport/recreation activities for physically challenged persons entry level skin and pre-scuba diving training, Marceen A. Strauss
Synectics: Applying its methods and techniques to the composition class, Jack Tapleshay
Evaluation of the Inland Counties trauma patient data collection, management, and analysis, Jenny P. Thayer
Reading can be fun again: A supplementary reading program for grades 4-6 using picture books, Timothy C. Van Dusen
The effect of vision training on academic readiness in a sample of severely handicapped students, Prindle A. Vaux
One becoming two becoming three: An intervention to address the psychological issues of pregnancy, Karen Beck Wade
The structure of intelligence controversy: Is there a qualitative difference between normal IQ children and retarded children?, Sheryl L. Wilson
The "corps-style" percussion section: A manual for high school band directors, Patrick G. Winters
Zookie: A program on self protection for pre-school age children, Sharon Y. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Qualitative measures of prose recall in young and older women, Susan F. Achuff
Integrating art into the basic elementary school curriculum, Patricia A. Bastiaans
A computer program on nutrition and cardiovascular disease for the junior and senior high level, Patricia M. Brinkman
Integrating music and sixth grade social studies research and reference, P. Rex Bullington
Natural literacy: The link between reading and writing for the emergent reader, Kathleen Cameron
The development of an assessment instrument measuring the Spanish proficiency of first grade students in a bilingual bicultural language arts program, Cecilia. Carrasco
Indochinese in Job Corps: From failures to fantastic finishers, Benedict Cisneros
Development of course outlines for a maintenance technician training program, George R. Conrad
Wordsworth and discovery: A romantic approach to composing, Susan C. Critchfield
Gender, sex roles and the depressive experience, Elizabeth A. Emerson
A Directory of computer software for the San Bernardino City Unified School District, James Ferranti
Some psychometrically determined sequelae of sexual abuse in adolescent male victims, Stephen A. Gray
The effects of sugar on the body: A teaching unit for the secondary level, Janet Griffith
A handbook of writing for learning disabilities classrooms in the Central School District, Sharon Evans Haggag
A composing model for technical writing: Bringing together current research in composition and situational constraints upon the technical writer, Roderick Michael Hendry
Activities to increase the social awareness of learning handicapped children in kindergarten, Marcheta Herbranson
Recreating writing: A consideration of translated literature, Rabea Jan
Teaching reading in the English classroom, Karen E. Johnson
Reactions to male nontraditional self-disclosure, Kathleen Kelly
A study of mainstreaming in the elementary school, Judy Lachman
Readability in business and technical writing, Billie Lea
Bystander inhibition and facilitation of helping responses: An interactional analysis, Rosalie McMaster
Humour and social support as moderators of life event stress in students, Billie Y. Orr
Creative play and child development, Marcia L. Puskas
Children's use of power strategies the effect of situational and individual differences, Sandra S. Ritchie
The reduction of the diabetic syndrome in the C57Bl/KsJ (db/db) diabetic mouse by diet-restriction and exercise, Horst R. Rudrich
A study of Vietnam combat veteran's perception toward depression: Ten years after the war, Dorothy Ryan
Understanding the variables that influence intentions to attend college for Mexican American and Anglo American high school seniors, Patricia Silva
Teaching multiplication and division to learning disabled children, Vickie Singley
Pre-writing rhetorical strategies which activate both hemispheres of the brain, Edith M. Sonnenburg
Competency ratings of BSN, AD, and diploma nurses by hospital administrators/directors of nursing and nurse supervisors, Rose Treihart
Identification of students with exceptional mathematics aptitude for junior high algebra, Jean A. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A practical curriculum for the learning handicapped adult, Herbert M. Adams
Rhetorical invention a survey, Phyllis P. Bee
The 1981 T.A.P.S. Program: A survey in five California prisons on vocational job placement and recidivism rates, Lorene B. Bird
A dramatism of comedy: The voice of Eudora Welty, Dianne Briley
Contributions to the genetics of Tribolium (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Aaron Brownlee
Computers in teaching writing: An annotated bibliography, Thomas A. Chambers
Alcoholics' self-esteem and perceptions of support, Linda J. Charkins
Curriculum for multihandicapped teenagers, Wilma Christensen
Sexual accessibility as a function of marital and parental status by Donna Cohen., Donna Cohen
Attitude toward death and dying a construct validity study with a clinical perspective, Judy Davis
The perception of managerial instrumentality and expressiveness as a function of sex of manager, sex of subordinate, and politeness of speech, Sandra Parker Downs
The use of computer assisted instruction with lower achieving students in grades three, four, and five, Catherine Lee Tryer Dulaney
Statistical models for predicting and explaining major league baseball team performance, Robin Ellins
Program manual for gifted and talented education, John Harrell Ensey
The effects of pets on schizophrenics in a day treatment program, Carol Lynne Eyster
A survey of the attitudes of nurses in Southern California regarding the pros and cons of mandatory continuing education requirements for nursing relicensure, Mary C. A. Frederiksen
Technical writing and the idea of the interpretive community, Phyllis M. Gilmore
Clarification of issues in special education: Relating to the learning handicapped junior high school student, Kathryn R. Guerin
A math curriculum of beginning number concepts for learning handicapped students, Rebecca Harms
Self-concept activities for the learning handicapped classroom, Jeanmarie Hartung
Multisensory science activities for learning disability students kindergarten through third grade, Jacklyn M. Hester
Elementary teacher science background and interest: The relationship with science teaching patterns, Larry E. Johnson
The impact of the Reagan Administration on equal employment opportunity, affirmative action for women and minorities in the public sector, Sandra Lucille Johnson
Revision: Reasons and methods, Helen Jane Cerny Jones
Basic cabochonning: A self-paced training module, Robert Kawka
A supplementary spelling program to Slingerland, Jeanne S. Kentfield