Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Gender-based division of child-rearing responsibilities: A developmental investigation, Thomas R. Klock
Vocational and social adjustment of learning disabled young adults: A follow-up study, Ruth Marika Leithal
A plan for reducing stress in teachers of the trainable mentally handicapped and their students through vigorous exercise, Randy A. Lester
Demographic, psychosocial, and situational correlates of married employed females' alcohol use, Rosemary May
Computers and composition: Using a word processor to teach sentence combining with learning handicapped elementary students, Judith J. McConahay
The breakdown of group cohesion as a key factor in the Chinese brainwashing of Army prisoners of war during the Korean War, David E. Moore
Creative expression curriculum, Karen L. Odle
Computer-assisted instruction: A new approach to teaching safety in vocational education classrooms, C. Don O'Neal
Predicting coming-out behavior in lesbian women, Constance Phillips
The Patton project: A demonstration program in deinstitutionalization, Harold Pitchford
A test of Lindesmith's theory of drug addiction, Michael G. Roman
Understanding the role of depression in the alcoholic, Peggy Allison Snow
A study in response to student writing, Michael K. Sonnenburg
A handbook of mathematic games for secondary teachers, Gary L. Stanley
Licensing a preschool facility in Palm Springs, Kathey S. Stout
Sensorimotor signing for the preschool moderately retarded child, Marcie Sweeney
Effects of integrating functions of left and right hemispheres on recall memory, Jaclyn Jean Trost
Flood-plain management along the upper Santa Ana River, Terrance Troy
The evolution of personality liability for public sector employees, Brian C. Turnbull
Women in line management positions in the U.S. Forest Service, Janet S. Tyrrel
A comparison of problem solving strategies in gifted versus regular students during a small group computer activity., Nancy Walthall
Teaching beginners to read through writing, Sheryl A. Watchorn
Evaluation of microcomputer courseware: Training for educators, Vicki L. Wyant
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Phenotypic differences between Trientalis Borealis Raf. plants from adjoining pine and oak communities in Concord, Massachusetts, Jane C. Bennett
An investigation of the slave-breeding practices in the ante bellum South, John M. Bradshaw
Examining the effects of P.L. 94-142 on parents of handicapped children, Jill Cataldi
Recycling the poor laws: A history of welfare, cross-sectional and longitudinal statistical studies concerning general relief policies in California, Carolyn Lea Clark-Daniels
Academic ability, interest, experience, exposure: Predictors for completion of first semester mental health students, Betty P. Dennison
Government administration in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, George T. Fitzgerald
A comparative study of juvenile intake: Differences between police and probation officers on disposition of cases, James M Fogg
Perceived and demonstrated competence as affected by child abuse, Diane Gallinger
Acquisition and contextual blocking of conditioned attraction, Walter W. Henry III
Controlling the uncontrollables: An examination of the capacity of Congress to reduce government expenditures for entitlements, David Lawrence Horne
Palliative Rx for ESL/native English writers in integrated classrooms, Nanao Kojima
Young children's sex-stereotyping of infants and animals, Pamela. Newman
A handbook for club and class advisors, Rodee Pausz
The effect of New Jersey's cap law on the municipalities of Bergen County, New Jersey, Joseph A. Peccoralo Jr.
The development of a curriculum for career education in continuation school, Kathleen W. Rager
Developing a driver education workbook for special education students to correlate with the D.M.V. handbook, Geraldine S. Slaght
Directing a high school musical, Richard R. Solano
The prognostic efficiency of DSM-III in schizophrenia, Randall. Swaim
A cross-sectional and social class comparison of the development of distributive justice between hearing and prelingually hearing deficient, communicatively impaired children, Pietrina Victoria Termini
Alpha enhancement the effect of feedback modality in an EEG biofeedback paradigm, Lucien T. Thompson
Exploring human consciousness on the path to perfection, Daniel R. Toms
Sex roles in a physically handicapped population as measured by the BEM sex-role inventory, Vince. Vegna
A survey of student awareness of gender equity at the community college level, Diane Greaney Virga
Role playing for interpersonal relationships in the model simulation office practice class, Janet L. Vrettos
Role playing for interpersonal relationships in the model simulation office practice class, Janet L. Vrettos
The development of a career education curriculum advisory guide, John P. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Sugar: The effects it has on classroom behavior, Lou Anderholt
Matrifocality a conceptual approach to the images of women, Morneen K. Bratt
The non-incestuous male's sexual orientation to children, Carol Ann Casal
Electromyographic biofeedback in the neuromuscular reeducation of a quadriplegic: Training, response generalization and long term control, Carl Frederick Coolbaugh
An exploration of homophobia manifestations of manliness, Patty Kay Devlin
Band pattern in Helix Aspersa: Variation, selection and microgeographic distribution, John. Elliott
Orwell: Did he produce what he professed?, Russell Dove Eyre
Linkage studies on Maxillopedia, a homeotic mutant in Tribolium castaneum herbst (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae), Robert Francis Ferrone
Acculturation divergence between second and third generation Mexican-Americans and the implication for psychotherapy, George Fleming
Male depression: expression and coping strategies, Kristine R. Fromkin
Assessment of mental health services and needs in Hispanic communities, Raul Gonzalo Guilarte
The development of a curriculum on nutritional concepts in nursing, Linda K. Hamaguchi
A linguistic analysis of Emily Dickinson's poetry, Mary Ann Hobson
An intolerance in males for the experience of depression, Gary Hoff
The effects of family structure upon late adolescent depression, internal-external locus of control and help-seeking behavior, Manya M. Jiannino
Life after death experiences, Mark A. Koharchick
Evaluative interpersonal responses and attributions of attitude: A test of learning theory variables, Robert D. Mone
Regionalization of public service with an emphasis on fire service, Gerald M. Newcombe
The political economy of multinational corportions: a survey of Turkey, Richard L. Reifer
A comparison of the acculturation of the Chicano and the Chinese people in California at two periods in time, 1848-1880 and 1960-1970, Nellie Sehestedt
Reader-response criticism and its implications for the teaching of writing, Linda Leigh Sherman
Centralization versus decentralization of nursing service management, Herbert B. Shoemaker
The role of the Los Angeles Thai Trade Center (LATTC) in Thailand's export promotion, Vijite Srisung
Multitrait-multimethod matrix assessment of selected neuropsychological instruments, Valerie Kim Sweeney
The rhetoric of the proverb in The marriage of heaven and hell and the Tao te ching, Julie Tilton-ling
Pre-training needs assessment for management development, Dorothy Elliott Wallace
The potentiation of an auditory cue by taste illness mediation in rats, Catherine E. Whitmore
Willa Cather's window imagery: A study of a detail in artistic design, Aliesa Zoecklein
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
A relationship between anxiety and present-centeredness, Edward Allen
A customer satisfaction evaluation of the AFISC Data Analysis Branch, Lawrence J. Asmus
The relationship of mobility and socioeconomic status to achievement in the elementary school, Alta Sitton Balow
Talking to children about death, Rita Cohn
Learning centers for the elementary classroom, Annie P. Davis
A model program for the development of humanistic administrative techniques in a California community college, Elaine Francisco-Davis
English composition tutors: Why they are necessary and what they need to know, Alice Jean Udall Glazier
Forecasting patronage on demand response transportation systems: Economic feasibility and environmental impacts, John Johnson
The foods and associated feeding behavior of the Yellow-bellied Marmot, Marmota flaviventris, Mark William Jonasson
External versus internal locus of control in longterm drug abusers, Heidi Knipe
Designing an energy efficient school, Arthur La Cues
Designing an energy efficient school, Arthur La Cues
Relationship of marital status, employment status, and psychosocial factors to depression in women..., Lyla McEachren
Psycholinguistic reading instruction for learning handicapped children, Gail S. Nachman
Hedda Gabler as seen by Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, and Freud, Clarence Newman
Social influence in counseling: Counselor expertness and aggressiveness on client self-esteem, Larry W. Norton
Developing a curriculum for motorcycle technology, Ronald L. Pardee
Forms of phosphorus in nutrition of Halobacterium Halobium and Halobacterium Salinarium, Pramodbala Parekh
Three communication models for the elementary school ..., Molly Ann Schecter
Characteristics of early terminees at Inland Empire Job Corps Center, John Paul Stark
Readability assessment of the textbooks used in the 2 year nursing program at San Bernardino Valley College ..., Rita Sturgeon
An energy education teaching unit for the fifth grade, Lynn A. Thompson
The effects of locus of control, attitudes toward women and gender on attribution of responsibility for rape, David D. Vick