Theses/Dissertations from 1993
A new framework for investigating cognitive sex differences, Tiffany Marie Wright
The effectiveness of a dual modality treatment sequence for depression, Diana L. Yoshino
Romance by the book: A morphological analysis of the popular romance, Susie Zachik-Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
An analysis of plea bargaining, Gabriela Aceves
Factors affecting the likelihood of paternal custodial disputes in dissolution of marriage cases, Jackie L. Adamson
Key elements of a quality literature program, Ann E. Andrews
Police culture, management and public image: Problems in implementing community oriented policing, Kenneth L. Becknell
Integrating folk literature into a meaning center curriculum, Sheilah Marie Bellew
Performance appraisal systems in United Arab Emirates print media: A case study of the Al-Ittihad and the Al-Bayan Press Corporations, Ibrahim A. Bin-Taher
Leadership in community oriented policing, John H. Boyd
Integrating literature and illustration in seventh and eighth grade language arts curriculum, Signe A. Buckley
Targeting early man sites in the western United States: An assessment of the Manix type section, central Mojave Desert, California, Fred Emil Budinger
The relationship between perception of child-rearing and self-esteem and its effect on perceived and actual scholastic competence in children, Christina Castro
Revising muses: Irrationality, creativity, and composition, Matt Cliff Cofer
The effect of discrimination on hiring practices, De'Nean MeChele Coleman
Athletic administrative functions concerning the physical plant of the academic institution, Bruce W. Comer
Judges and ethical perceptions, Dyson William Cox
A comparison of taped versus live biofeedback assisted relaxation training employing audio or audio and video instruction presentation, Michael Jay Craw
Reading, writing, and metacognition: Theoretical connections and teaching methods, Mary Ellen Cushman
Thematic units: An integrated curriculum, Penny J. Daytz
The relationship between recruitment source and employee performance, Colleen Marie Derenia
Effect of gender role, valence, income, and occupational status of males, Stephen Desroachers
The role of language in constructing consciousness in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, Tamra Elizabeth DiBenedetto
The relationship of nutritional status to unreimbursable costs and length of hospital stay, Joyce Carroll Dilworth
Cooperative learning third grade mathematics activities for LEP students, Jeanne M. Dunaway
The effects of varying orientation to light and wind on temperature excess in the dragonfly Belonia saturata, James Eric Dunn
Degrading pornography: A male perspective, Kerri F. Dunn
Software pilferage in government agencies, Katherine Marie Foley
HELP: A holistic english literacy program for multicultural elementary classrooms of students acquiring English as a second language, Monica A. Ford
Alcoholic women's relationships as related to intimacy and trust, Cara Leona Forth
Sex discrimination as influenced by upper management and organizational climate: A rational bias theory of discrimination, Lisa Jennifer Gallo
Mozart, Beethoven, and Tschaikovsky: Their rich heritage of music, Rebecca Georgiades
Mountain habitat activity guide, Gina Glock
Integrating literature across the first grade curriculum through thematic units, Diana Gomez-Schardein
Bridging the curriculum thematically: Nature and literature meet, Renee Semanski. Goodyear
Development of an associate of sciences degree option program: Administration of justice with occupational concentrations, Edward S. Harvey
Self esteem of learning handicapped students in resource specialist programs at the secondary level, Ned H. Hocking
Self-perception, level of accultural and psychological adjustment in Chinese college students, Mandy Hoi
Supporting emergent writing in the kindergarten classroom, Marianne M. Hussey
Competency-based computer applications for secondary schools and community colleges, Mona M. Jackson
The use of privatization in the public sector: A focused study on the Inland Empire, John David Jamerson
Parent handbook for emerging literacy, Darlene Lucia Johnson
Basic writers, oral strategies, and the writing process, Deborah Ann Johnson
Administrative strategies in developing a real-life skills mathematics unit, Dorian A. Jones
Teaching adolescents about war, Richard E. Kaplan
Teaching adolescents about war, Richard E. Kaplan
Revitalization of the Valley of Enchantment Elementary School Nature Center, an on-site learning facility, Lorraine D. Kearns
Barriers of mental health professionals in "willingness to treat" AIDS and HIV seropositive clients, Wendy Jean Kellogg
The effects of taste quality and spatial location on the potentiation of an aversion to a non-gustatory stimulus, David Keith Kennedy
Contraction and fixed point behavior of certain linear fractional transformations, Haragewen Abraham Kinde
The implementation of reading recovery in year round schools, Susan Elaine Knuth
Developing an environmental education liaison program for the Inland Empire, Vicki K. Lamborn
Ways to enhance comprehension and vocabulary within a whole language framework, Leah M. Luke
NatureScope workshop handbook for facilitators, Sotera Madison
Gender and homosexual sterotypes: A cross-cultural study, Nazare Magaz
Developing a guidebook for an outdoor classroom, David D. Martell
Oral history: An approach to teaching limited english proficient children, Cheri Andrea McNabb
Effects of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor inactivation on locomotor activity and sniffing in 11- and 17-day-old rats, Monja Mestlin
Multiple role women: A comparison of college students and employees, Elizabeth Colonna Mounsey
Japanese and English rhetorical strategies: A contrastive analysis, Bern Mulvey
Impact and implications of the shortfall in California's K-12 education budget, Frances Sue Munson
Implications and factors underlying hostility toward women, Charlene Neighbors
Children + parents + books = enhanced literacy, Carolyn Ann Olsen
Sound and mathematics, Nancy Jean Parham
Integrating environmental education into the curriculum through the use of a nature trail, Karin J. Parks
Validation of criteria for use in health and safety program administration, Cynthia Ann Paulo
Integrating science through literature, Debra J. Pender
Gangs in schools: Appropriate resources for elementary schools, Melissa Pizano
Marilynne Robinson's housekeeping: The rhetoric of the new women's reality, Cynthea Reid Preston
Equalizing the composition classroom: A look at who and what we overlook and strategies for change, Jeannette Linda Riddell
The Heaps Peak Arboretum environmental unit, Darrell Ruppel
Hypercard: A promising tool for constructivist methodolody, Shirley A. Shaw
Motivating underachieving students to write, Susan M. Shotthafer
The written language development of students with special needs, Bonnie J. Simpson
Overcoming communications barriers in local government: Establishing networks through the public management forum, Anthony Michael Snoodgrass
Attitudes and actions of affirmative action, Robert Randall. Sorenson
Arbor Day curriculum unit for grades kindergarten through grade six, Kathleen Ann Story
Depression and coping styles, Charles John Sudbeck
Design and development of a unit model for integrated instruction, Dana Katharine Thomas
Replacing fear, anxiety, and interference with motivation in basic writers: A reader-response approach, Lisa Lynne Turnbull
Eyewitness suggestibility across presentation modalities, David Van Norman
Whole language - reading and parents: A parent in-service, Jennifer Warren
A study to determine the level of emphasis on middle school career awareness and exploration, Marita Watkins
Technology and the history-social science framework, Mark N. Watkins
Choice in education: A controversy of paradigm significance, Donald Gordon Wegner II
The relationship between early family experience and courtship violence, Jodi Lynne Weiner
Training for conflict resolution and negotiating skills, Timothy Lowell Welke
The assessment of an organizational culture change, Jennifer Lynn Wion
Teaching phonics within a whole language theoretical orientation, Nancy Lynne Woodhead
Residential fire sprinklers requirement in single and multi-family homes: Survey of attitudes among the citizens of the city of Indio, David Arnold Yegge
The effect of social support on job satisfaction at the varying levels of job stress and task structure, Pei-Lin Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
What, if anything, are adult children of alcoholics?, Roxanna Alcaraz
Rationale and implementation strategies for interdisciplinary instruction in the 6th grade social science curriculum for California public schools, Carol Bunnell Allred
A deconstructive analysis of Plato's Phaedrus, Marlene Evangeline Anderson
Effect of work experience on graduate students' anxiety for future work, Gila A. Azar
Teaching language arts in third grade with HyperStudio, an interactive computer program, Mark Douglas Barrett
A marketing-communications plan for an innovative teleservice for a nonprofit religious organization, Allan Howard Beeber
Developing an inservice on energy and energy conservation for teachers, grades kindergarten-eight, Cynthia Gail Blair
The influence of family environment on psychological separation in late adolescence, Steve Bo