Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Attribution of frequency, severity and causality of menopausal symptoms, Joyce Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Male responses to jealousy as a function of sex-role identity in gay male and heterosexual couple relationships, Ron Alexander
Environmental factors affecting the diversity of reptiles in the deep canyon transect of the Colorado Desert, California, James W Cornett
Linkage studies in Tribolium confusum Duval (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), Halluma Mohamed Edongali
Revenue practices used by California's municipal water districts, John Wesley Gebb
Polyphenal oxidase activity and dark pigment of oospore walls in Chara Globularis, Michael F. Glinternick
Factor analysis of R-sort and its relationship to Cattell's Sixteen personality factor questionnaire, Lorraine M. Gorski
The interrelationship between visual and auditory attention and children's comprehension of television, Eileen F. Hartman
A developmental approach to recognition and relocation memory, Edward W. Killian
The relative attractiveness of same-sex versus same-race television characters, Karen Kingsley
Chino Fundamental School a study of achievement, Larry E. Moore
Unilateral and bilateral effects of biofeedback training of alpha and beta EEG, Richard Gregory. Newman
A comparison of educated and non-educated black women on liberation, self-esteem and meaning-in-life, Taft T. Newman Jr.
Maternal perceptions of self and child: A comparative study on child abuse, Joyce Parker
The development of the concept of death, Karen Sue Paton
The assessment center process selection of non-managerial talent in the public sector, Beth Perrine
Congressional budget reform, Diane M. Precour
Stressful life periods and the mediating effect of sex role, Mark S. Rafter
Water notes, Jerry Rohde
The evaluation of recent public service employment programs, Bruce Rose
Pragmatism in American culture, John Lugton Safford
Behavioral correlates of parental attitudes expressed by child care staff in a residential treatment program for emotionally disturbed children, Sheryl Schechinger
Anti-neoplastic actions in vivo and in vitro by non-toxic natural products from Chara globularis, a multicellular green alga, Abdessalam Sherif
The effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach to reading instruction, Ellen Sparrowgrove
An investigation for the effects of psi on heart rates, Jacqueline K. Stewart
Time perception a function of sex and age, Tina Podell Wein
Media as applied to live theater a record of the development and execution of Rudyard Kipling's The jungle books, Philip D. West
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
The effect of physical detail on picture recognition memory, Hsuan-Chih Chen
Floristics and phytosociology of the pavement plains in the San Bernardino Mountains, California, Jeanine A. Derby
Adolescents and the sexual double standard, Verajean Dunwoody
The effects of selected pre-germination treatments on six species of summer and winter annual plants of the east Mojave Desert, James R. Earsom
Assertiveness training a study of its effects with female adolescent delinquents, May Margaret Economy
Differences between feminists and traditionalists in sexual communication, attitudes, and practices, Elizabeth L. Evans
The impact of retention on elementary students: A handbook for teachers and parents on developing and maintaining positive self-concept and promoting achievement, Anna Jane Manning
Television violence: Its impact on the behavior of fifth grade children, Theodore R. Manning
Olfactory discrimination of lithium chloride by the coyote (Canis Latrans), Glenn Carle Martin
A floristic and vegetational analysis in the Lytle Creek drainage area of the San Gabriel Mountains, California, Roy W. Martin
The effects of rate of presentation of therapeutic procedures in multimodal therapy treatment of public speaking, generalized, and nonspecific anxiety, John W. McNeill
Cross-modality semantic integration as a function of depth of processing in third grades, Laura L. Miceli
Not for innocent ears: Spiritual traditions of a desert Cahuilla medicine woman, Guy Mount
Characterization and identification of an isolate of halobacterium from Soda Springs Mojave Desert, Abayomi Odubela
Black women, sex-roles and psychological well being..., M. Jean Peacock
Class size relationship to recall, Jacqueline Metz Preciado
The accrual method of accounting in the federal government history and analysis, Aly Saleh A. Saleh
Effects of child abuse and incest on self-esteem and defensiveness, Joan Sandberg-Palladino
The Medi-Cal program, William H. Tillery
Community awareness and usage of mental health resources, Carolyn Tjoland
Counseling the dying person, Claudia Vidano
The effects of Hatha yoga on self awareness, Darlene E. Walsh-Martin
Root anatomy of fine species of Abronia from Southern California and its ecological implications, Jan Webster
Women's psychotherapy and consciousness-raising groups participants' perceptions of group experience, Becky White
The frequency of self-disclosure among Mexican American and Anglo American women, Anthony Zamudio
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
The effects of physical attractiveness and sex on teachers' evaluations of children's essays, George Joseph Bluth
Smoking reduction via covert sensitization plus normal smoking, rapid smoking or cigar-cigarette pairing, Martine M. Bussat
The California Transportation Development Act of 1971 and it's problematic impact on San Bernardino County, Theodore J. Carry
Localization of specific mRNAs for human placental lactogen and human chorionic gonadotropin-alpha and beta subunits, Richard Fehn
A supplement to the workbooks Lee y trabaja (Text/Bi/Gr.1/SPC/1972) and Trabaja y aprende (Text/Bi/Gr.2/SPC/1972), Sharon L. Flores
A field trip manual grades four to six, Desert Sands Unified School District, Robyn Franklin
The readability of selected reading texts, Patricia A. Gopperton
A comparative study in values feminists and anti-feminist, Patricia Elan Hall
Developmental changes in context effects and picture recognition memory, Nancy Hancock
The effects of gender label on young children's interpretation of an infant's behavior, Susan Sterkel Haugh
Effects of family mobility and maternal attitude on adolescent personality, Jean M. Irwin
Content reading instruction as it relates to the secondary social studies curriculum, Paula L. Jacobs
An investigation to determine the impact of public financing on the Joint Powers Authority, Louis M. Jarcho
Multimodal behavior therapy vs. reality therapy in the treatment of chronic delinquency, Anita J. Lara
Consciousness-raising groups for senior citizens, Sally Joan Lewis
Creativity; a description of creative people, the creative process, self-actualization and creativity, Jerry C. Martin
A curriculum for the teaching of listening skills to kindergarten students, Virginia McCarthy
Evaluation of a short-term training program for enhancing the quality of life, Lynne Milne
An ecological study of a natural population of Tribolium brevicornis Le Conte (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), Gary D. Mulder
A comparison of the WISC and WISC-R by order of administration, Michael Murphy
Impact of intimacy of therapist self-disclosure on the therapy process, Kim Nadler
A developmental study of stereotyping, androgynous play preferences and tomboyism from latency to adulthood, Patricia C. Plumb
The effects of television on children's behavior, attitude, and moral judgment, Lauri Reinhardt
Royal Flying Corps training and casualties in 1916 and 1917 and related factors, Robert E. Rogge
A study of the utilization of parents as therapeutic agents, Shirley D. Rojas
An evaluation of four support groups for widows in the Boston area, Susan N. Scherr
Personal space assessment of the development of racial attitudes in integrated and segregated schools, Diana Speelman
The effect of novelty and familiarity on the conditioning of learned aversions to gustatory and nongustatory stimuli in coyotes (Canis Latrans), William Eric Swanson
A comparative analysis of electric utility ownership in California, Robert E. Tremont
Change in female adolescent's sex role attitudes as a function of women's study course, Carol L. Lewis Wintrode
Effects of irradiation on black antennapedia mutants of Trilobium castaneum, Ellen K. Yamada
Sex-role orientation in male and female alcoholics, Carole Zeldes-Seffinger
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
A study of a language program focusing on basic writing skills and creative writing activities and the affect on the writing skills of third grade students, Zelma Jane Ballard
Staff development a primary component in residential treatment, Vernon R. Bradley
The development of a media-based program in industrial arts safety, Harold Curtis Brown
Biosystematics of the abronia villosa complex from Southern California, Ned R. Curtis
Comparison of special education teachers' and elementary education teachers' attitudes toward specific class labels, Louis Denti
G.H.P. reading management system through the use of learning centers, Norma L. Gilbert, Florence I. Phillips, and Iowana L. Hannema
The effects of Kundalini Yoga and desensitization on speaking anxiety, Rama Kirn Kaur Khalsa
A current medical reimbursement practices and prospects for national health insurance, Wallace D. Kinney
Crisis intervention Interpersonal skills training for lay volunteers, Gary J. Ladoceour
Degree of expressiveness of husband or wife and attributions of love in female career, dual career, or male career marriages, Barbara Lombardo
A comparison of traditional and atraditional Chicanas on acculturation, self-esteem and meaning in life, Patricia Ann Marquez
Organization closure a study of mobility versus satisfaction, Roy N. Mattke
Teacher's guide planning a 6th grade outdoor education program for your school, William Arnold Muench
Variables affecting married women's attitudes toward the women's movement, Stephanie Obarr