Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Incorporating multicultural education criteria into Project Learning Tree curricula, Alondra Marcela Blandon
Impact of environmental expo on eight graders' self-perceived environmental behaviors, Laura Anne Borg
Transitional difficulties among foster youth: A look at social support and attachment, Ashley Megan Brady and Kyra Kristine Dotter
A nonformal education program on marine environmental issues for high school students, Stefanie Rose Brummell
A model dual immersion high school curriculum, Alma Leticia Campana
Service utilization among the mentally ill homeless, Amanda Nicole Card and Heather Nicole Sylvester
The perceived educational barriers of foster youth: Social workers' perspectives, Barbara Marruth Castro and Nancy Ramirez
Podcasting in higher education, Edgar Ignacio Chabolla
Stewardship of creation: A guidebook for the Episcopal Church, Kristy LeAnn Chambers
Assessing online assessments: A comparison study of math assessment tools for third-grade students, Tina Kim Chan
Minimal surfaces, Maria Guadalupe Chaparro
Ebay learning center system, Jessica Chen
Reinforce customer satisfaction through enterprise resource planning and supply chain management integration, Yu-Hsiang Chen
The Asia-California connection: The web site to help Asian students find success when studying English abroad, Ying-Mei Chien
A content analysis of print advertising from the United States and Hong Kong, Ka Man Carman Chu
The different perceptions toward hybrid vehicles between United States and China, Jim Chang Chun-Hsiung
Creating a school based family literacy institute, Teresa Ann Cimino
Effects of natural history on osmoregulatory behaviors in two stream-dwelling frogs (Pseudacris cadaverina and P. regilla), Heidy Lorena Contreras
Environmental education curriculum for the California Conservation Corps, Barbara Katherine Cook
Using popular song lyrics to teach character and peace education, Stacy Shayne Corbett
Internal psychological states in a diverse work environment, Vincent Valdez Cordero
Three branches of government webquest, Erica Lian Corioso
Organizational policies, organizational social support, and work-family conflict: The mediating role of motivation orientation, Christie Lynn Crimaldi
Multiple forms of maltreatment and the effects on mental health in Hispanic and Caucasian women, Marci Mae Danielson
The invisible woman: The lesbian - scared straight, Kathleen Louise Dart
Tracking the outcomes of independent living programs, Lorraine Golda DeMarco and Tamatha Jean Echevarria
Sex and the city: A postmodern reading, Antoinette Christine Di Guglielmo
The application of marketing and communication theories on community festival event planning, Khara Louise Dizmon
Building inspection fee analysis, John Carl Dohm
Relationship of attachment security to shame in young adults, Scott Edward Donovan
Parallelizing a nondeterministic optimization algorithm, Sammy Raymond D'Souza
An assessment of foster youth and the California High School Exit Exam, Michael Lynn Edwards Jr. and Brandon Bowman Thayn
How effective are college based websites at providing students with the information necessary to make an informed college choice?, Joanne Ambat Escatiola
Socioeconomic status and domains of creativity: Is the artist really starving?, Michelle Louise Evans
Broadcast news production in the classroom as a student mediation for bilingual and cross-cultural education, Kristina Fabricius
Development of a vascular diagnostics center at Downtown Hospital: A feasibility study, Roland Jason Fargo
Using therapy dogs with troubled middle school children to improve social skills and teach environmental sensitivity, Linda Sue Flanagan
Movie poster advertisements: A relevance theory persepctive, Steven Lawrie Forrett
The mediating role of avoidance coping upon the relationship between early maladaptive schemas, anxiety and depression, Christine Louise French
Artists and crooks: A correlational examination of creativity and criminal thinking, Luis Daniel Gascón
The correlation between family cohesion and success in autistic treatment, Mindy Lee Gerbitz
Aesthetic scanning: Refining critical thinking through oral language activities, Elaine Diana Golledge
Network syslog monitor, Surender Reddy Gummadi
The Habermas/Foucault debate: Implications for rhetoric and composition, Fiona Jane Harris-Ramsby
The mad rhetoric: Toward a rigor on radical creativity and its function in consciousness as a communicative principle, Eugene David Hetzel
An online community helping left-handed right brained students succeed, Amber Elizabeth Hladik
Spirituality in the daily lives of African American women, Denise Estell Holmes
High school student's nutritional status and their academic performance, Edna Edith Holt
Using children's environmental literature and journaling to help students develop a sense of place in nature, Marcie Lynn Horsky
Creation of a web site to provide technical support and training, Ricky Lee Hrdlicka
Computer science graduate project management system, Jianyuan Huang
Crime and the Sorcerer's Stone: Using Harry Potter to teach theories of crime, Julie Elizabeth Humphrey
Multi-user game development, Cheng-Yu Hung
A needs assessment of the integration of domestic violence and substance abuse services for women, Tammy Lynn Hunt
Coworker justice perceptions toward workplace accommodations and what justice criteria are used to make these justice perceptions, Audrey Marie Hunzeker
The effects of acute posttraining injections of cocaine on spatial memory in C57BL/6 mice, Sergio Diaz Iñiguez
Cross cultural comparison between the United States and Japan: Executive traits, Yoshimi Ishibashi
Noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: An analysis of program interventions for female soccer players, Amber Louise Jacobsen
Factors participants value in breast cancer support groups, Renee Lauren Jarvis
On-line multimedia management system, Yibin Jiang
The effectiveness of anger management counseling on recidivism rates of gang-related adolescents in the Project BRIDGE Program, Candace Kay Johnson
An assessment of the gambling behavior of older adults in a senior center setting, Debra Fay Johnson
Social workers' knowledge of substance abuse, Mirta Escobedo Johnson
Engaged: A teacher resource based on fun factor, Jay Marcus Jones
Disproportion of African American children in child welfare system crisis, Pamela Janice Jones
Sequence Similarity Search portal, Arokiya Louis Monica Joseph
Transformational leadership and group outcomes: The mediating effects of social identification and empowerment, Kevin Michael Karlak
Mordell-Weil theorem and the rank of elliptical curves, Hazem Khalfallah
A comparison of traditional animal dissection and computer simulation dissection, Debra Elisabeth Kiehl
The beaded web: Metaphor and association in John Edgar Wideman's Sent for you yesterday, Joel Wesley Kilpatrick
Influence of teamwork aptitude and personal characteristics of team members on team effectiveness: How should we form effective teams?, Shinko Kimura
Promoting responsible environmental behavior in second grade students, Mary Annette Kirchhoff
Early familial misogyny: Its impact on attachment security and later caregiving behaviors, Debra Dee Kirtland
Increasing fluency in struggling readers through newspaper reading, Kimberly Bonice Koch
Video game development with 3D Studio Max and the XNA framework, Cole Mahoukau Koffi
Using standardized test reading comprehension software to improve student academic achievement in reading comprehension, Andy James Kubitza
The impact of corporate stadium sponsorship, Yi-Chun Kuo
Parenting the second time around: Voices from the Hispanic community on raising their grandchilden, Kellene Marie Lambert and Deborah Ann Price
Utilization of community-based services among families with children with a mental disorder, Dymika Machelle Lane
Preferred developmental disabilties among prospective adoptive parents, Brooke Noelle Larson
The impact of need for cognition on primacy and regency effects in the employment interview, Amy Marie Lawton
Domestic violence in a faith-based setting, Elisa Petra Lee
Impact of cultural factors on transnational teams: Diversity, adaptation, communication quality, and trust, Shu-Yir Lee
Structured decision making in adult protective services, Joseph Kenneth LoCoco and Christy Anne Herff
Women's silencing-the-self: A structural model, Bianca Nadine Loya
Childhood abuse, resiliency, and psychiatric outcomes in a college sample of women: A model, Laura Liliana Luna
MiniCA: A web-based certificate authority, James Patrick Macdonell
Millennial pre-camp staff training: Incorporating generational knowledge, learning strategies and compliance gaining techniques, Dana Robin Magilen
A geographically constrained molecular phylogeny of Panamanian Aechmea species (Bromeliaceae, subfamily bromelioideae), Keri Renee Maher
Factors that contribute to the reluctance of mental health treatment seeking among African Americans, Natalie Nicole Majors-Stewart
Weaving stories around the old fire: Using heuristic inquiry as a path to personal and professional growth, Nancy Denise Manning
Family and media influence on perceived body image, Andrea Roxanne Martin
Exploring Sara Paretsky's detective fiction from the perspective of ecofeminism, Maureen Frances McCarthy
Uncovering the methadone counseling process among recovering and non recovering chemical dependency counselors, Sara-Amanda McCarthy and Jennifer Ann Palmersheim
Cognitive coping and depression in elderly long-term care residents, Christine Viola McCormick
An administrator's guide to implementing effective dual immersion programs, Melanie Dawn McGrath
An argument for reparations for Native Americans and Black Americans, Yesenia Isela Mejia-Hudson
Focus in the structure of concepts in analytic discourse, Julia Carlson Merrill
Teaching and learning the concept of area and perimeter of polygons without the use of formulas, Jamie Robin Anderson Mickens