Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Using the writing process to teach a variety of written forms, Joyce Edmondson
Contemporary American Indian storyteller, N. Scott Momaday: Rhetorical tradition and renewal, Cheryl Laverne Elsmore
A computer instructional model designed to reduce cyberphobia among adult students, Sandra Escalante
The role of primary language in kindergarten interactive journals, Margie Zamora Estupiñan
Cervical cancer: A retrospective study of the DNA ploidy status using flow cytometry and its prognostic applications, Omar Roberto Fagoaga
Inferential reasoning and the needs of basic writers, Paula Ferri-Milligan
Parent involvement for Hispanic families, Patricia Pina Freelove
Portfolio assessment: An authentic method of student evaluation, Arlene Lois Garnett
The trials of creativity: A rhetorical analysis of A View from the Bridge and The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Edward Hal Garnett
The underground railroad, Johanna Gleason
Using directed listening-thinking activities to increase production in English for Spanish speaking fourth and fifth graders, Alma Rosa Gonzáles
Gendered rhetoric: Women's voices in academic discourse, Sandra Marie Gould
Educational services provided through county offices of education: A San Bernardino County perspective, Hal David Gregory
Handbook on emergent literacy for the preschool parent, Laura Jean Grohowsky
The development of writing using funds of knowledge and whole language with secondary ESL students, Madeleine Marie Haas
An evaluation of ethnic differences in responses to an adult abuse risk factor questionnaire, Janet Hawkins
Employers' perceptions of regional occupational program graduates, Anton William Heil
Substance abuse and anxiety: Implications for drug use among parolees, Jonathan Robert Held
An efficient presentation of PGL(2,p), Theresa Marie Hert
The emotional and instrumental experiences of caregivers of senile dementia/Alzheimer type patients, Lisa Hilder
The effects of exposure to female role models on female career self-efficacy for perceived male-dominated occupations, Beverly Jean Hines
The effect of phenol denervation of the hepatic portal vein nerves on taste aversion learning, Deborah Jane Hooks
The effects of teratogens on serotonin expression in drosophila embryonic cell cultures, Keri Joel Hopkins
Who will you see? A positive typology of African American and Latino men involved in groups society labels, gangs, Margaret Jean Hughes
A conceptual framework for materials useful for effective teacher induction, Joanne Lynn Iavello
Medical social work: why is it underutilized in home health care?, Susan Lee Robilotta Jacobs
Disaster preparedness in the San Bernardino and Riverside County area school districts, Paul Edward Jamerson
Manipulative materials in mathematics instruction: Addressing teacher reluctance, Virginia Mae Johnson
Job applicants' age, gender, and exercise lifestyle as determinants of evaluations of hiring application forms, Sally Allene Kaiser
The prevalence of computer programming in teacher education coursework: A California State University profile, Antoinette Cutler Kelley
Children's developing social cognitions on love and marriage, Julia Kim-Im
The integration of literature with kindergarten social studies, Kathryn Dellert Kothlow
Cue-to-consequence effects in an associative account of causal attribution, Jill Ann Kuhn
An examination of reported mainstreaming attitudes and practices in San Bernardino City Unified School District, Stacey Lambert-Melcher
Factors which enhance the transition from high school to adult life of students with special needs, Gregory Walter Legutki
Cooperative learning and second language acquisition: Parallels for success in the regular classroom, Lisa Ann Lindberg
Using whole language strategies with learning disabled children, Turi Moffitt Lindquist
Telecommuting, is it part of the future for the Upland Police Department?, Rodney John Lines
Mexican-American youth: Alcohol abuse and network patterns, Sandra Marie Magaña
Meeting the mental health needs of older adults through the reminiscence group, Christina Marie Martin
Current needs and practices of rehabilitation in Fiji and Pakistan, Anjum Masood
Waste in place: Facilitator's training handbook, Susan L. Mathieu
Mental health practitioners' perceptions of touch, Kathleen Sarah McBride
Assisting the learning disabled through the use of math manipulatives, Joan Horton McBryde
Wellness programs in police departments and how they effect workers' compensation claims, Herbert G. McKee Jr.
Content area writing in grades 5 through 8, Michelle McNamara
From traditional to year-round education: Making the transition at the K-5 level: Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District's approach (Heritage Oak Elementary School), Gordon Thomas Medd
College students' beliefs in sexual myths, Gloria Ramona Meltzer
Bridging the curriculum through literature, Glennis Esta Mensinger
Moving into whole language practices, Robert H. Meyers
Developing new approaches to Dickens' Great Expectations, Trish Milhan
The relation of parenting styles to children's lying behaviors, Deborah Lee Moffett
Computers and composition: Theory and corresponding software, Susan Renee Montgomery
A study to define the in-service pedagogical needs of I.B.E.W. apprenticeship instructors, Paul James Nyerick
Developing an exploratory course in environmental issues for middle school students, John William Ott
The global-to-local search method: A systematic search procedure that uses the context of the textured layout to locate and detect low-contrast targets in aerial images, Keith Marron Park
The crowd in the voice: An inquiry into the relationship between collaborative learning and composition theory, Claudia Ann Parnell
The development and construction of a model environmental study area, Samuel Joseph Patalano
What effect did the Los Angeles riots have on the perceptions of young African American males regarding their future while confined to a penal institution?, David Michael Petway
Battered women who kill: Perspectives of prosecutors who have tried "burning bed" cases, Gena Christine Philibert-Ortega
Creating a child-centered integrated science/language arts curriculum using a year-long theme, Isabel Ann Pickett
Art in a sheltered-English multicultural classroom, Beth Suzanne Pierce
A constructivist view of spirituality and social work practice, Ann Elizabeth Plenderleith
Bridging the gap between parents and schools: A parent education model, Joan Marie Prehoda
Proposition 111 and congestion management programs: A case of over-bureaucratization, Scott Richard Priester
The development and use of a writing assessment in an SED/LH classroom, Pamela Jean Prince
Reading for equality: An examination of gender-bias in children's literature, Diane Estelle Railsback
Drawing in the classroom: A kindergarten through fifth grade unit on the art of drawing with students, Sue Ann Rhoades
Characterization of early B lymphocyte activation during Trichinella spiralis infection in rats, Elizabeth Margaret Richards
Reading aloud: Shaping reading attitudes, Teresa Lynn Davis Robinson
The effect of the provision of certain treatment programs on length of stay for 1370 commitments, Brooks Benjamin Roll
Larry McMurtry's argument with the cowboy myth, Lynn Holleman Rudloff
Assisting Hispanoamericano parents to recognize children's literacy requirements by recontextualizing the academic language of social studies, Martín Christopher Ruiz
Law enforcement officers killed and assaulted, 1960-1987: A descriptive analysis, Thomas Edward Singer
The value of using a writing process within the classroom, Loretta Lynnette Rickert Skidmore
The assessment of writing ability: A comparative cost effectiveness study of indirect and direct measures, Kristine Marie Smith
Modeling trihalomethane formation in bromide-containing surface water undergoing conventional treatment, Maureen McBride Smith
Speedwriting shorthand using WordPerfect 5.1 for transcription, Sherri Ashton Smith
A comprehensive model of black student retention for predominantly white universities: Addressing the problem, Paula Jovon Snyder
The effect of error on the grading of ESL and native-speaker freshman writing: A comparison, Rita Kathlyn Somers
Silence and avoidance: Japanese expatriate adjustment, Yosei Sugawara
Restructing a curriculum for multicultural education in language arts, Terri Jean Tatum
The relationship of attitude, gender, and grade level on physical activity involvement, Jill Katharine Thomas
Feminine socialization or codependency, Anna Claire Trimble and Donna Marie Venardos
Assessing contextual factors for immersion programs, Cheryl Lynn Trout
Desert studies: A comprehensive curriculum, Esther Arlaine Tyler
Self-reported job satisfaction of Latina/Latino bilingual social workers and counselors in San Bernardino County, María Valentín de Domena
Gang-related crimes and the associated financial costs for the cities of San Jacinto, Perris, Hemet, Moreno Valley, and Riverside, Jacqueline Renee Van Sickle
An exploratory needs assessment of Naval Station Long Beach's transition assistance management program for naval personnel, Ruth Ann Vaughan
Primary language use in secondary content classes and academic achievement: A study of adolescent immigrant math students, Michael Norman Walbridge
Development of writing for Spanish dominant limited English students in various models of primary education, Carol Wallin
The long-term effects of childhood bereavement: A contextual analysis, Rebeccah Warren-Marlatt
Learning limitations of the on-line composition process, Kelly Rose Wavering
An evaluation of parental satisfaction with early intervention services through Inland Regional Center, Ann-Marie Wazdatskey
Stigmatization of divorced persons: Effects of multiple divorce and gender, Melissa Delores Willers
Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of case management for a teen pregnancy and parenting program, Susan Beth Willis
The effects of cross-age tutoring on the oral fluency of the language minority student, Joan Elizabeth Wilson
Baseball and American culture: The mythology, the metaphor and the language, Elizabeth Deloris Woodworth