Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Supporting parents in the neonatal intensive care unit, Raylene May Phillips
Context and perception of the ejaculation shot in pornography, Roselyn Kay Polk
The management and regulation of the beneficial use of sewage sludge as an agricultural soil amendment in Riverside County, William Ernst Prinz
Incorporating environmental education into the curriculum through the use of children's literature, Tina Marie Prosch
A primary homework handbook that promotes literacy, Jill Lynn Puich
Child sexual abuse as a factor in adolescent pregnancy, Starr Downey Ramirez and Debbie Vega
The Mandelbrot set, Jeffrey Francis Redona
HyperReport: A multimedia management tool for report of information writing, Stephanie D'Antignac Reeves
The perceived value of reading among at-risk students, Lorraine Marie Rehm
Learning to identify tolerance issues through literature with art as a response, Patricia Ann Rifkin
Polynomial equations and solvability: A historical perspective, Laurie Jan Riggs
Applications of hyperbolic geometry in physics, Scott Randall Rippy
A constructivist study of university curricular attributes and faculty leadership in support of environmental sustainability, Esther Jane Ross and Gary McMane
Restraint use: Impact of an employee educational program in a skilled nursing facility, Elizabeth Ann Roybal
Storm water pollution patrol: A thematic unit for use in elementary classrooms, Linda Ann Sánchez
Multiple perspective tasking as a managerial skill, Rudolph Joseph Sanchez
An examination of the applicability of implementing Canada's immersion model in a language minority educational setting in the United States, Lisa Anne Simmers
Managers' and non-managers' conflict resolution styles: The effect of gender role, Cheryl Lynn Simmons
Multiple intelligences and reading ability, Lauree Smith Simpson
ARK: At risk kids: A preventive discipline program for adolescent students, Tad Jonathan Smith
Curriculum in mathematics for air conditioning and refrigeration, Darrow P. Soares
Supporting the emergent writer in grade 1, Donna Wakeland Stark
Tortilla soup: A teacher resource guide for the elementary social studies classroom, Janet Baker Stellingwerf
Semisimplicity for Hopf algebras, Michelle Diane Stutsman
The validity of situational interview ratings as a function of channel of communication, Seema Thakur
Sturm-Liouville theory, Lycretia Englang Ting
Quality of services at community correction facilities, Funmi Stella Tofowomo
Neural computation of the eigenvectors of a symmetric positive definite matrix, Wenyu Julie Tsai
An analysis of the motivational characteristics of higher education students in pursuing distance learning courses at California State University, San Bernardino, Patricia Arlene Turner
Solar power curriculum: A project-based technology education unit for middle school students, David Charles Ulinder
The relationship between race socialization strategies and social affiliation in Latinos and whites, Desidoro Rojas Urias and Desidoro Rojas Urias
Assessment of the health needs of the communities served by Kaiser Permanente of Riverside, Jennifer Van Arsdall
A study of inter-generational activities in structured environments for seniors, Raymond Vanek and Sophie Walker
A critical theory research project: A program evaluation of the blueprint for volunteer diversity project, Vassar Jean Vessup
More than trees: An interdisciplinary, literature-based unit, emphasizing drama and hands-on activities, Tracee Joanne Vickery
A research study on emotional adjustment of a spouse following stroke, John P. Vlasic II
Topological classification of non-degenerate quadratic system, Aleksandr Voldman
Child abuse factors which influence social workers' recommendations to the court to sustain a petition of child abuse, Marcia Marie Vreeken
Visual learning through Hypermedia, Catherine Livesay Walker
Family environment and the development of hardiness, Jette Lyng Warka
Organizational change and reform in middle grade education: A California middle school case study, James Richard Watson
Group intervention to modify undesirable behavior in children who have experienced parental loss, Frances Marie Westover
S.T.A.R.S. in the middle school: (Success Through Art Related Skills), Mary Beth Wight
An evaluation of how direct practice clinicians define and operationalize the term codependency, Gail Willhite
Factors affecting Hispanic adolescent substance abuse, Patricia Joanne Williams
Survivors of downsized organizations: An analysis of organizational variables before and after downsizing, Roger Scott Young
The effect of perceived control on intention to quit: Does it generalize to the Chinese sample?, Ming-Feng Michelle Yu
Convex functions, Susanna Maria Zagar
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Creating and sustaining a multiage vision, Bonnie S. Adama
Convergence properties of perceptrons, Ratnasri Krishna Adharapurapu
Investigating the aptitude treatment interaction: Age, gender, computer self-efficacy and computer training, Alexandra Anggraini Adhyatman
Exercise and dietary habits of high school, health science students, Lorri Castro Aguilera
Rehabilitation in the state sector: Do job descriptions accurately reflect expected duties?, Douglas Edward Allen
Myth, metaphor, and meaning: The Los Angeles Times' reportage of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Doris Anita Anderson
Skilled nursing facility based rehabilitation outcomes of the geriatric stroke patient, Sheila Bernadette Andrews
An exploratory study of student attitudes toward statistics and their retention of statistical concepts, Linda Araki
Myth-making and motivation to write, William Charles Archibald
The development of an instrument to aid in focusing on modern physics in the high school physics classroom, John De Jong Arner
Rhetorical tropes from the black English oral tradition in the works of Toni Morrison, Yvonne Kay Atkinson
The effects of the kappa agonist U-50,488 on morphine-induced place preference conditioning and Fos immunoreactivity in the preweanling and periadolescent rat, Carlos Alberto Balaños Guzman
Helping classroom volunteers have a positive impact on literacy acquisition, Sheril Lee Bethurum
Curriculum for a major in early childhood education at the community college level, Mattie Anderson Boatright
A study to define secondary computer literacy programs: Implications for restructuring vocational education policy directions, Tracy Schneider Borchers
Write it right: Learning how to write an essay about literature through technology, David Harvey Braxton
Author studies: Connecting children with the world of books, Kelly Sue Brown
The effective use of journal writing in a fourth grade classroom, an inservice for elementary school teachers, Susan Ann Brown
Relationship between early entrance age and "at-risk" students in later years, Victoria Ann Sanabria Budinko
Integrating a science/language arts curriculum through the use of theme cycles in a first and third grade classroom, Mary Carrillo and Lorena Montoya
Battering and the client: Implications for the rehabilitation counselor, Paul Castillo
Developing a teacher directed inservice plan for technology, Robert Norman Charpentier
Hardware implementation of the complex Hopfield neural network, Chih Kang Cheng
An analysis of the impact of cultural differences upon management styles of selected Taiwanese managers within business/industry organizations of Southern California, Hunglin Maggie Chen
SIMTM turing machine simulator, Yin Fu Chen
Oppression through obsession: A feminist theoretical critique of eating disorders, Jesse Carin Christopulos
Thyroid hormone influence on oxygen consumption rates, body mass, and lipid metabolism in mice with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Catherine Renee Clark
The influence of activation on recall and perception of a negative performance appraisal, Cassandre M. Clarke
The effect of an activity based integrated science curriculum on secondary student attitudes, Norma M. Clauson
The implementation of the constructivist needs research paradigm in inner city community needs assessment: A case report, Edward B. Cooney and Steven M. Steinberg
The impact of father-child relationships and interparental conflict on the intimacy levels of adult children from divorced and intact homes, Sheri Lynne Coulson
Ethos and electronics: A rhetorical study of televised presidential debates, Gail Houston Cramer
A constructivist study of the family preservation program in Riverside County, California, Jaime Antonio Crisanto and Russ Eldrige
A biopsychosocial perspective on alcohol use and abuse on the college campus, Carol Ann Davis
Impact of minimum hiring requirements (AB 1725) on the recruitment and employment of community college vocational and technical teachers in California, Victor Corey Davis
Curriculum design in creative writing, Lola De Julio De Maci
A process model for comprehensive courthouse security planning at Thurston County, Michael S. De Vries and Christina L. Bruski
Writing workshop in a whole language classroom: Effects on reading comprehension, written language, and writing skills, Kathleen Muriel Dodd
Socioeconomic status and sex role values as determinants of divorce among women, Mary A. Dolan
Methods to reduce leniency bias in self-assessments and self-appraisals, Michael Robert Dolen
Child rearing experiences and views of parent-child interactions among American and Taiwan young adults, Susan Eileen Donahoo
Attitudes toward hiring and working with homosexuals in Southern California law enforcement agencies, James Frederick Doyle
Classroom as text: A study of the integration of multiculturalism, Penny Marie Drake
The relationship between family structure and removal rates, Kathrene L. Dumas
Skill analysis of throwing to improve feedback, Monette Lacaze Dyar
Consumers' attitudes toward advertising and purchase intentions regarding direct response advertisements in a multicultural market, Steven Marc Edwards
Multiple intelligences and self-esteem in three high school populations, William T. Fagan
Coordinating teacher and parent support for beginning readers, Shelly L. Ferguson
Language arts and computer software resource guide to assist teachers with academically at-risk students, Patricia Ann Fitch