Theses/Dissertations from 1995
The effects of feedback and strategy on self-efficacy and computer task performance, Richard John Fogg
The effects of parent volunteers on a child's literacy growth, Francesca Marie Formolo
An analysis of effective instructional techniques used by automotive technology instructors, Frederick Ernest Franke
A correlation study between adult women substance abusers and a history of childhood incest, Paula Rutten Freeland
Teacher resouce guides for the San Bernardino County Museum, Cindy Louise Fullwiler
An examination of the newspaper newsroom staff as a discourse community, Phyllis Winder Gilbert
Affirmative action, quotas and hiring in San Bernardino County school districts, Margaret Elizabeth Goss
A role analysis of opinion leaders, adopters, and communicative adopters with a dynamically continuous innovation, Stephen W. Graham
Linking children's literature with multiculturalism and nutrition, Maureen Theresa Gummow
Public policy responses and displaced workers in the U.S. auto industry, Robert Edwin Gwizdala
The effects of gender composition and socio-political orientation on group satisfaction, Stacy Lynn Haase
Matchmaker plus: Information management tool at a classroom level, Barry J. Hadley
Examination of the link between primary drug of choice and ethnic origin in male military veterans, Karen Louise Hanna
The teaching of implicature to ESL learners, Joel Christopher Harris
Homelessness as perceived by the homeless, Hany Attia Fam Henien
Publishing class books in first grade: Making the reading-writing connection, H. Lawrence Heywood
A constructivist study of social work's involvement with HIV/AIDS, Paula Jaye Hogan
Prepared oral presentations and accountable listening activities in accordance with the California English-Language arts framework, Thomas J. Hollihan
A qualitative research study on fetal alcohol syndrome, Miriam Irvin and Wilma Shepard
The relationship between college satisfaction and the variables: Ethnic identity, acculturation, and racial climate among African-American students, Cheris Renee Johnson
An authentic assessment for students in accounting career pathways, Marilyn Merriweather Johnson
Attribution in context: Acquisition and blocking of invariance seeking action, Paula L. Johnston-Morgan
A linguistic study of print advertising, Andreas Jostes
An evaluation of the impact of the goals component on GAIN program participants, Sandra Jean Juberg
An analysis of Regional Occupational Center/program administrators' perceptions regarding the utilization of computer technology as a management tool, Sheila Riggs Keeling
A constructivist second year study of the social and educational needs of homeless children, Gloria Katherine Kelly
Creative drama as a source for literacy development, B. Joanne Kirkner
Evaluation of an echo-mobility program for young blind people, Charles Daniel Kish
Mathematics curriculum implementation for the sixth grade, Steven Anthony Knap
Preparation of a site-specific lymphotoxin- mutant to be used in protein characterization and receptor binding studies, Derek Andrew Knight
An exploration of the latchkey phenomena: Its reasons, victims and options, Margareth L. Koorn
Parents supporting literacy at home K-6, Jennifer Miller Lara
A rhetorical aspect of Edgar Allan Poe's short fiction: A reader response approach, James Philip Lehan
Supported employment: Job coach versus natural support, Mildred Ann Leslie
Implementing total quality management in the public sector, Cynthia J. Lewis
Federal public policy and bilingual education, Dorothy Lewis
A critical analysis of independent study, Efrain M. Lopez
Reading and writing reciprocity through literature-based thematic cycles, Karen Diane Lyon
Isometries in three space and the seven solid crystal systems, Iris Magee
A nutrition education kit for food service training programs, Debra Malone
The Marine Corps subculture, David Herman Marshall
Assessment of social and recreational needs for children and teenagers with developmental disabilities, Millee Martin-Walton
Auditory verbal memory acquisition in children 7 to 11: An analysis of acquisition, intrusion errors, and false positives over trials, Jane Louise Mathews
Assessing the Zambian technical and vocational training, Mambwe Luka Mbewe
Student storytelling: A strategy for developing oral literacy in the intermediate grades, Rita E. McCarthy
Caseload management: An annotated bibliography for rehabilitation counselors, Geraldine Peggy McKay
Integrating music into the second grade curriculum, Rebecca Dunn Mefford
The impact of physical and social characteristics of cerebral palsy on the utilization of day program services, Donaciano O. Meza
Contributing factors of aggression in elementary school age boys, AnnMarie Mikles
Attitudes toward old people and beliefs about aging: A generational study, Julie Ann Miles
Temporal variation of esterase activity associated with three amplified esterase genes in a field population of Culex quinquefasciatus, Janine Marie Milligan
An elementary school project: Impact of the school-based social worker on CPS dependency rates, Terry Ann Mitchell and Yolanda Amelia White
Regional planning in Germany, James Walter Morrissey
Teenage pregnancy: Cultural and familial predictors, Denise Antionette Navrkal
Television and education: Channel One in context, Mary B. Nemnich
Conditioned acquisition and augmenting effects in causal attributions for employee performance, Lia Jean Nieri
A constructivist study of the experience of battered women in a shelter setting, Robyn Noyes and Michelle Guymon
The Agua Mansa enterprise zone: An empirical analysis, Paul E. Ogu
Developing a middle school unit on computer literacy, Thomas Michael Oliverius
Describing and distinguishing knots, Lisa A. Padgett
The impact of ethnic identity on stereotypes, Teresa Patchill
An electronic writing portfolios program for the primary classroom, Ivy Kaufhold Patten
A review of research and literature linking breast cancer to pesticides, Patricia L. Pellegrino-Peard
Bike racing sponsorships as a means to meet a corporation's marketing and promotional objectives, Patty Sue Peoples
Logic: The first term revisited, Alan S. Pierpoint
Assessing the effectiveness of the California Department of Correction vocational education programs, Jeffery Nelson Polonio
From Gutenberg to gigabytes: Writing machines in historical perspective, Richard William Rawnsley
A multiage learning project for primary students, Linda Darlene Rector
Invariance seeking action: Acquisition and blocking effects of causal attribution in the workplace, Suzanne Louise Reid
Measuring the mentoring functions performed by female mentors to female protegees, Angela P. Ricketts
Test anxiety as a moderator in the prediction of school achievement from measured ability, Gina Lea Robinson
Teaching geometry in the elementary classroom, Virginia Lee Copper Rogers
A study of Latino student drop-out and potential social work interventions, Lupe Beltran Rosas
Social workers' responses to religious clients, Lisa Marie Russek
The Val Verde financial crisis, Zelma Russ
A study to determine the perceptions of post-secondary vocational students regarding the value of their high school counseling experience, Linda Ann Sage
Demystifying "On the Jewish question": A rhetorical and linguistic analysis of Karl Marx's essay, Bret Logan Scaliter
The continuing evolution of policing: community oriented policing in the civilian sector and its applicability in the military environment, Ralph George Schindler
A study of perceptions of the "glass ceiling" effect among male social workers, Angela Schweig and Robert W. Sehi
Early reading success: Parents make a difference, Sandra Jean Schwinn
Authentic tradition in Cherokee medicine: A comparative study of the revitalization, preservation, and the new age exploitation of traditional Cherokee medicine, Lois Carol Scott-Woolery
Keeping our habitat healthy: A thematic unit for teaching environmental awareness for grades 3-5, Pamela A. Shetler
Foster parent retention: A study of the Orange County Social Services Foster Care Program, Mary Silvestrini and Erika Rosa Volz
A qualitative exploratory study of African American men's experiences and/or perceptions of class or racial discrimination in relation to their social and economic status, education job opportunity and employment, Mellace Slaten-Thomson
The creation and implementation of a technology use plan for Rim of the World High School, Toni Marie Smith
A comparison between criminal justice electronic monitoring programs in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in California, Kenneth A. Sousa
An evaluation of early intervention efforts with severely and profoundly retarded infants and young children, Theresa A. Stacy
Computer learning motivation and indicators of computer skill in employee populations, Silvia Swigert
Family-of-origin and current family styles of adults molested as children, Randal Taylor
A whole language approach to teaching history: Social studies through literature, Glenda Nell Tharp
Pueblo Home: An interactive multimedia CD-ROM on Pueblo architecture, Jo Thompson
Authentic reading assessment: The reading portfolio, Meri Dawn Thompson
Environmental action projects involving middle school students, Mark Toney
Death sentence experience: The impact on family members of condemned inmates, Catherine Anne Vallejo
A satisfaction survey of foster care adolescents participating in the independent living program, Trina Jane Van Steenwyk
Undocumented Mexican immigrants: An exploratory study of social workers' perspectives on service delivery and implications for practice, Carmen S. Venegas and Margaret A. Vásquez-McDaniel
Self-perceptions of women who kill, Maria Guadalupe Venegas
Treating the abusive man: A constructivist inquiry, Randi Maines Walters
Analysis of teacher training methods for nursing in selected Southern California programs, Yu-Hua Davina Wang