Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Providing positive programming for students in special education identified as being seriously emotionally disturbed, Derrick Anderson
Unspeakable thoughts unspoken: Black feminism in Toni Morrison's Beloved, Erica Angle
The influence of expertise and gender on job analysis ratings for a physically demanding job, Andrew Edward Ansoorian
A descriptive study of the effectiveness of an independent living program, Sidney E. Asher
A program evaluation of a structured homeless shelter, Joellen Marie Atkinson
A post-positivist study of the experience of parenting from a strengths perspective, Karen Dail Atwater
Conflict management styles and personality: The effects of dominance at the individual and group level, Bernadette Maria Babasa
Violence prevention: Teaching peace, tolerance, caring, and the value of all life to the eighth grade language arts student, Susan Anne Bancroft
A constructivist inquiry of the bicultural experiences and social support systems of Southeast Asian refugee youth, Emilio Russ Layon Bermejo
A literacy journey of empowerment for adult Hispanic students in a community college's learning center, Cecilia Torres Best
Celebrations: The addition of visual and performing art elements to a current literature-based curriculum at Woodcrest Christian School, Deborah Ann Blades
The administrator's role in teacher induction, David Lewis Brashear
Rain forest curriculum for upper elementary and middle grades, Nancy Jane Brinkley
Project Success: Examining the impact of supported work programs on clients' self-esteem and quality of life, Susan Anne Brisco and S. Denise Christensen
Utilization of natural supports during leisure/recreational activities by developmentally delayed adult consumers who reside in a group home environment, Michael John Busco
Creating a technology use plan: An on-line handbook for site technology leaders, Molly Jean Carbo
Improving communicative competence in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Taiwan, Jen-Chieh Chang
A study of the effects of lesbians' sexual orientation to the disease of alcoholism, Teddie Valenzuela Chapin
Classical Hollywood film directors' female-as-object obsession and female directors' cinematic response: A deconstructionist study of six films, Sharon Jeanette Chapman
Multimedia technology in the secondary classroom: Teaching strategies and interdisciplinary curriculum design, Susana Chesus-Beck
Gender differences on coping with work stress and predicting work related outcomes, Maryann Denise Christie
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: A task-related electroencephalographic analysis in chronic pain patients, Mark Alan Clair
The perceptions of African-American males on affirmative action in education and employment, Art Clark
Survey on the seriousness of crime: A comparison of three police departments, Terry J. Comnick
The impact of aggressive case management service in reducing the frequencies of acute episodes of the chronically mentally ill, Daniel Morton Cunningham
Assessing students' understanding of science concepts through portfolio assessment, Maria Elizabeth De Anda
Male sexual abuse: A retrospective study, Gary Wayne Deaton
Barbara McClintock's socio-epistemic discourse and the canonization of transposition in the genetics' literature, Christina Ann Dill
Adolescent suicide: Noncontemplators, contemplators, and attempters, Carole Ohlendorf Dockstader
Factors affecting technology integration: A K-12 Inland Empire profile, Carol Elizabeth Doucette
Developing the Etiwanda Intermediate School physical education curriculum through inservices and staff development, Mark Steven Duffy
The effects of kappa opioid and dopamine agonists on unconditioned behaviors and fos immunoreactivity in preweanling and adult rats, Marcus Alan Duke
An integrated approach to teaching history in the middle schools, Kimberly Ann EIRite, Laura Ann Stanley, Randi Dawn Seligson, and Deborah Ann Trautner
A system for the application of computer mediated communication to scholarly discourse, Bruce Duane Faw
Reading recovery: An orchestration of literacy for the "at risk" first grader, Jean Campbell Fenn
Curriculum for a course in introductory digital darkroom, Richard Paul Finner
Participating foster care youths' perceptions of an Independent Living Program, Sonja Anita Flowers
Integration of the American English lexicon: A study of borrowing in contemporary spoken Japanese, Bradford Michael Frischkorn
An overview of environmental development in the game parks of Kenya, Carolyn G. Ginter
The relationship between the level of alcohol consumption and the incidence of spousal abuse in Euro-American and Hispanic male populations, Gabriela Patricia Gomez
The development of written language among kindergartners using interactive journals: Four case studies, Martha Galindo Gomez
Perceptions and attitudes of students, teachers, and parents about middle school science fairs, Norma Beth Greenfield
Machiavelli's Prince: A renaissance pasquinade, Nancy A. Hahn
The effect of individualized versus cooperative learning on achievement and task performance, Leslie Christine Haile
Kinesthetic teaching methods in the traditional classroom comparative spelling and vocabulary techniques, Everett E. Hambly III
Ecological correlates of protein polymorphisms in a desert and non-desert population of Belonia saturata (Odonata: Anisoptera), Melissa Jean Hamilton
Increasing ESL student language production and altering the affective climate in a mountain community high school, Linda Louise Hanneman
Violence in schools: A violence prevention project keeping the peace, Rosalee Harris
A hypercard stack on exploring single variable equations, Michael Sean Haskins
Technology in schools for the twenty-first century: Bringing one school closer to the future, Christopher John Hauk, Scott Michael Houston, and Carri Jean Walker
Using technology to reinforce the elementary science framework, Earl Joseph Holland
An outdoor education curriculum for primary grades: Kindergarten through third, Rachelle Dorothy Howry and Tracy Lynn Reynolds
Direct and indirect impacts of ethnicity and communication factors on performance ratings, Danny Shih-Cheng Huang
Developing career awareness for upper elementary grade and special education students, Shirley Huang
Developing the English communicative competence of junior college students in Taiwan: A curriculum design project, Shu-Hsien Huang
An interdisciplinary unit on the Renaissance, Sarah Elizabeth Hughes
Reproduction and life history theory in semelparous and iteroparous varieties of yucca whipplei, Travis Eugene Huxman
Curriculum for a technical course in business English: Business Communications 1, Arlene Patricia Iftiger
Torus routing in the presence of multicasts, Hiroki Ishibashi
Peer mediation through leadership, Maureen Jacks and Jennifer Arjo
A pre-test/post-test analysis of value, behavioral and spritual changes in drug treatment, Ralph Olav Jacobsson
An exploration of the effects of sexual abuse on foster children's social development as measured by attachment constructs, Ellen Marie Jamieson
Identifying the roadblocks: What impedes the transition of secondary seriously emotionally disturbed students?, Dennis Gordon Jeffrey
A study of finite and linear elasticity, Fen Rui Johnson
Stress, coping and adjustment in single and married medical school students, Steve Armenta Johnson
The relationship between character and setting: A narrative strategy in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, Sally-Anne Josephson
Attitudes of university students towards students with physical disabilities, Farida Kazemi
Bilingual policies are affected by alternative programs and public opinion: (A study of alternative bilingual programs and public opinion in California from 1994-1996), Katherine Lynn Kimura-Gorecki
Developing a fitness program for Summit Intermediate School, Rosemary Dunkley Kirkland
The development of an ecological teaching perspective: A teacher education program, Caroline Conway Kolbert
Perspectives of administrative and direct services providers for substance abusing women and their children: An exploratory study, Susan Gail Lacey and Willem Vanderpauwert
Vocational education for the limited English proficient: A handbook for community college administrators, Pao-Yi Lai
Memory for common and bizarre imagery: A storage-retrieval analysis, Mary Louise LaMay
The development of a multicultural school resource index, Susan Linda Lenarz, Carol Louise Palko, and Diane Shirley Perdew
Spelling instruction for beginning writers in whole language classrooms, Gabriele Lenz
The effects of economic transformation upon selected high school vocational education programs in Southern California, Yental C. T. Liang
Indicators of delay between recommendation for community outpatient treatment and release into a conditional release program, Dennis Howard Littlefield and Eric Harley Summers
Literature and reality: A review of and hands-on experience with organizational change in a university admissions office, Heidi Barlow Lockhart
A literature of change: Slave narrative rhetoric in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Andrew Jack LoVerde
Science education at an elementary school: Teaching the scientific processes to English language learners, Albert Steven Lozano
In-home health care and hospitalization status, Donna Lee Maeser
Authentic feminine rhetoric: A study of Leslie Silko's Laguna Indian prose and poetry, Kimberly Manning
Georgia Douglas Johnson: The voice of oppression, Stephanie Marie Martin-Liggins
Learning to read in an experiential cooperative learning centers' classroom: Effects on reading comprehension, Valerie Ann Martin-Rivers
Epistemic rhetoric: Its history and influences, R. Bradley McClanahan
Integrating the arts in education, Debra Zelon McQuain
Auditing troubled employees in the public sector, Lila Mehdiyar
Individual differences in the tendency to fake good in personality assessment, Jennifer L. Mersman
A guide for technology coordinators, Sally Anne Miller
A cross cultural survey of study habits and use of campus services by EOPS and non-EOPS community college students, Diane Mitzenmacher
The new Title I: A handbook for reading instruction in a year-round middle school, Wendel Roy Morden
Amazopoly a game of survival in a tropical rain forest, Michael William Morris
An exploratory study of heroin addicts' perceptions of methadone treatment, Sandra Ellen Nehring
Technical-legal aspects of software patents, Kenneth Nolan Nichols
Teachers experiences of social services on an elementary school site, Wendy Marie Nims
Correlation study of methamphetamine abuse and resultant levels of child neglect, Marjorie Nodelman-Niedringhaus
Do levels of self-monitoring, self-efficacy, and anxiety moderate the relationship between perception of dimensions and performance in assessment centers?, Jane Kathryn Paget
An optimistic concurrency control mechanism based on clock synchronization, Myoung Jin Park
Service learning: Students benefitting the community, Nancy Jean Pesta and Patricia Ubrun