Theses/Dissertations from 2002
The speech act of request: A comparative study between Korean ESL speakers and Americans, Soong-Hee Koh
Representations of Scotland in Edwin Morgan's poetry, Theresa Fernandez Mendoza-Kovich
Social distance, motivation and other factors contributing to success in language acquisition and achievement among adolescent Mexican immigrants, Alice Yvette Muniz-Cornejo
Connecting composition and literature through the rhetorical situation, Maria Luisa Douglas Notarangelo
Examining English as a second language: Textbooks from a constructivist perspective, Juliana Theresa Reineman
The role of Taoism in the social construction of identity in The Joy Luck Club, Rebekah Elizabeth Shultz
The power of voice: Cultural silencing and the supernatural in women's stories: Allende's The House of the Spirits, Kingston's The Woman Warrior, and Morrison's Beloved, Katie Suzanne Skrove
High fidelity: Adapting narcissism to film, Kristina Lyn Smolenski
The Old Man and the Sea: Hemingway, heteroglossia, and the hero's voice, Carole Sue Spitler
The rise of mass culture theory and its effect on golden age detective fiction, Sarah Jean Trainin
Applying Kenneth Burke's dramatistic pentad for revision strategies for inexperienced writers, Joette Ilene Whims
Gunsmoke: An investigation of conversational implicature and Guns & Ammo magazine, Kerry Lynn Winn
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Taking another look at women and gender in Hemingway's works, Gwendolyn Dale Binks
Examining interruption in conversation among Middle-Eastern couples, Khetam Dahi
English writing placement assessment: Implications for at-risk learners, Janis Linch Banks Fisher
Composition and technology: Examining liminal spaces online, Carmen Michelle Fye
Forces within and without: Lily Bart's movement towards epiphany in The House of Mirth, Seta Ghazarian
Variation in research assignments across the community college curriculum, Patricia Ann Hadjibabaie
I don't know why it's funny, but I'll laugh anyway: Analysis of feigned laughter in the context of face-threatening-utterances, Dirkson Christopher Lee
The representations of masculinities in 1920s American literature: Ernest Hemingway and Willa Cather, Omar Agustin Moran
The California dream denied: Narrative strategy and the California labor dilemma, Joseph Notarangelo
Alternative pedagogies for college composition, Diana Marie Ramseyer
In search of the self: An analysis of Incidents in the life of a slave girl by Harriet Ann Jacobs, Rhonda Kay Roddy
A rhetorical study of Edward Abbey's picaresque novel The fool's progress, Kent Murray Rogers
Teaching the reading/writing connection in the diverse community college classroom, Claudia Eleanore Wissbeck-Kittel
Constructing critical readers and writers through the teaching of irony in the composition classroom, Bruce Stephen Wolcott
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Jane Eyre's Gricean conversational portrait, Heather Christine Castillo
Unlimiting writers' agency and alleviating writer's block, Cassundra Lynett Flemister-White
Grice's implicature and Toulmin's warrants: Their arresting similarities and the resulting implications for the understanding of meaning in communication, Caroline Paige Krejci
Writing to learn in the secondary social studies classroom: Strategies for the disinclined, Sharon Price McKiernan
Writing, computers, and rhetorical situations: A composition odyssey, Kristine Louise Potter
Language, myth, and perceptions in writing about the natural environment, William Laurence Redman
Men's gossip, Miguel Orlando Reid
Ken Burns' Baseball: Argument in documentary, Shannon Rogers
Writing anxiety and the developing writer, Barbara Lois Kime Shields
Toni Morrison's argument with the Other: Irony, metaphor, and whiteness, Roy Francis Smith
Challenging the boundaries of academic discourse, Charles Henry Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Teaching basic writing in the midst of the great literacy debate, Robin Archibald
Using poetry and metaphor to learn across the curriculum, Stanley Wayne Brown
The Sufi teaching story and contemporary approaches to composition, Linda Kathryn Burgess
Expressive writing and academic discourse: Bridging the gap for high school second language learners, Cynthia Katherine Case
Large-scale portfolio assessment: Pitfalls and pathways, Candace June Gilbert
Teaching collaborative writing to meet the needs of the job market: A model, Denise Kruizenga-Muro
Hitchcock's "Rebecca": A rhetorical study of female stereotyping, Elizabeth Irene Langenfeld
An Aristotelian study of positive mental attitude literature, Michael Loring
Untangling contradictions: The uses of you in composition, Nicole Marie Rosenbaum
Writing in business classrooms and the workplace, Sheryl Tschetter
Applying English-as-a-second-language methodologies to the teaching of reading to deaf students, Cindy Michelle Walker
The use of modals in ESL academic writing, Natsuki Yamamoto
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Teaching collaborative writing for real-world application to the field of technical writing, Cory Vaillancourt Holder
Developing the English interactional competence of junior college students in Korea, Bonhee Koo
Determining possible differing adverbial placement between the linguistic structures of left- and right-handed writers, David Sanford Ramsey
Metacognition in adolescent writers, Samantha Jo Shub
Error analysis as an introduction to interference in Indonesian ESL composition, Dore Corr Sulistyo
A Gricean analysis of a situation comedy, Derrick James Taberski
An investigation of communication strategies of adult ESL learners, Kermey Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Does collaboration as a prewriting technique improve student writing?, Cathy Cummings Brostrand and Kathleen Louise Knight
The explicit teaching of implicature to ESL students and its effect on their performance on the listening section of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Michael John Buckhoff
"They say she is veiled": A rhetorical analysis of Judy Grahn's poetry, Damaris Hawkins
From thought to style: Emerson's interplay of ideas and language, Sandra Joyce Lansing
Allegory as rhetoric: Faulkner's trilogy, Sally Louise Schroeder
Dancing on the edge of truth: A study of weight-loss advertising and implication, Karen Ann Smith
Imitation pedagogy: The ongoing debate, Nancy Joyce Snow
Assessment and collaborative writing: Conflict to complement, John Michael Sullivan
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
An application of Grice's cooperative principle to the analysis of coherence in basic writing, Linda Indahwati Abidin
Unspeakable thoughts unspoken: Black feminism in Toni Morrison's Beloved, Erica Angle
Classical Hollywood film directors' female-as-object obsession and female directors' cinematic response: A deconstructionist study of six films, Sharon Jeanette Chapman
Barbara McClintock's socio-epistemic discourse and the canonization of transposition in the genetics' literature, Christina Ann Dill
Integration of the American English lexicon: A study of borrowing in contemporary spoken Japanese, Bradford Michael Frischkorn
The relationship between character and setting: A narrative strategy in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, Sally-Anne Josephson
A literature of change: Slave narrative rhetoric in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Andrew Jack LoVerde
Authentic feminine rhetoric: A study of Leslie Silko's Laguna Indian prose and poetry, Kimberly Manning
Georgia Douglas Johnson: The voice of oppression, Stephanie Marie Martin-Liggins
Epistemic rhetoric: Its history and influences, R. Bradley McClanahan
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Myth, metaphor, and meaning: The Los Angeles Times' reportage of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Doris Anita Anderson
Myth-making and motivation to write, William Charles Archibald
Rhetorical tropes from the black English oral tradition in the works of Toni Morrison, Yvonne Kay Atkinson
Ethos and electronics: A rhetorical study of televised presidential debates, Gail Houston Cramer
An examination of the newspaper newsroom staff as a discourse community, Phyllis Winder Gilbert
The teaching of implicature to ESL learners, Joel Christopher Harris
A linguistic study of print advertising, Andreas Jostes
A rhetorical aspect of Edgar Allan Poe's short fiction: A reader response approach, James Philip Lehan
Logic: The first term revisited, Alan S. Pierpoint
From Gutenberg to gigabytes: Writing machines in historical perspective, Richard William Rawnsley
Demystifying "On the Jewish question": A rhetorical and linguistic analysis of Karl Marx's essay, Bret Logan Scaliter
D.H. Lawrence's "struggle for verbal consciousness": From Women in love to Psychoanalysis and the unconscious and Fantasia of the unconscious, Yvonne Martha Weatherby
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A rhetorical study of N. Scott Momaday's contemporary American Indian prose, Julie LaMay Abner
English composition and the dyslexic/learning disabled student, John William Almy
"To be" in design, travel and nature: The applicability of E-Prime to descriptive writing, Margaret Jane Ashworth
A rhetorical analysis of Plato's Phaedrus, Kathryn King Barber
Appropriate (or be appropriated by) academic discourse: There is a text in this class, James Ray Drake
Literary criticism, composition, and "passing theory": Conflicts and connections, Judy Ann Filsinger
Hitting with two strikes: Cognitive intervention to promote academic achievement for minority students, Edward John Foster
Quotative tense shift in American English authority-encounter narratives, Anna Marie Guthrie
A difference in women's and men's academic prose, Judith Bernadette Hawkins
Responding to personal issues in personal/experiential essays, Teresa Nanette Owen
Writing using computers: Creating the user-friendly writing classroom, Theodore Patrick Phillips
The marriage of two minds: The divine deliverance of Peter Shaffer's Amadeus from stage to film, Pamela Lou Smyth
Ethos in "Gulliver's Travels", Lois Bea Stephenson