Document Type
Course Outline / Syllabus
Publication Date
Spring 2020
This is the redesign of the course math 1601 - Modeling with Calculus. It includes a sample syllabus and tentative schedule of topics to be covered. The course must meet the Technological Literacy requirement so I have also included a list of potential GeoGebra activities, as well as, what a sample activity would look like.
Recommended Citation
Grindstaff, Dustin, "Redesign of Math 1601 Modeling with Calculus" (2020). Q2S Enhancing Pedagogy. 185.
MATH 1601 - Sample Schedule.doc (47 kB)
MATH 1601 - Geogebra Activities.doc (176 kB)
MATH 1601 - WileyPlus Instructions.pdf (1114 kB)
MATH 1601 - Geogebra Activities.doc (176 kB)
MATH 1601 - WileyPlus Instructions.pdf (1114 kB)