Presentation Title

The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Phone Apps on Users’ Attitudes toward the Brand and Purchase Intentions

Author(s) Information

Nada Aldebasi

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration



Session Number



RM 218

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Victoria Seitz

Juror Names

Moderator: Dr. Victoria Seitz

Start Date

5-19-2016 2:00 PM

End Date

5-19-2016 2:20 PM


The mobile device market, particularly for smartphones, has experienced incredible growth over the past five years. What sets this market apart is the use of applications or apps for just about anything from information to purchases. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of branded apps on consumers’ attitudes toward brands as well as purchase intentions. The population for this study were consumers 18 to 45 at a southwestern university in the United States, resulting in 54 respondents participating in the survey. Results indicated that using branded apps strongly influenced users’ attitudes toward brands, however, using branded apps had a smaller impact on purchase intentions.


May 19th, 2:00 PM May 19th, 2:20 PM

The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Phone Apps on Users’ Attitudes toward the Brand and Purchase Intentions

RM 218

The mobile device market, particularly for smartphones, has experienced incredible growth over the past five years. What sets this market apart is the use of applications or apps for just about anything from information to purchases. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of branded apps on consumers’ attitudes toward brands as well as purchase intentions. The population for this study were consumers 18 to 45 at a southwestern university in the United States, resulting in 54 respondents participating in the survey. Results indicated that using branded apps strongly influenced users’ attitudes toward brands, however, using branded apps had a smaller impact on purchase intentions.