Presentation Title

Experiencing South Korea and Gaining a World View

Author(s) Information

Christopher Duarte Dustin

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration



Session Number



RM 218

Faculty Mentor

Dr. William Donohue

Juror Names

Moderator: Dr. Victoria Seitz

Start Date

5-19-2016 1:20 PM

End Date

5-19-2016 1:40 PM


Why traveling with CSUSB Study Abroad is a good fit for a business student. In this presentation I will be expressing the answer to this question and also sharing how it has in fact changed my outlook on the world Because we are no longer in a regional economy I will be sharing how South Korea has advanced in many ways through literature especially with a strong tie to Confucianism. In this presentation, I will be sharing how I recently travelled to South Korea and learned firsthand about the periods from the pre-modern society on through the colonial period of World War II. During that period they actually suffered cruel persecution and a ban on the Korean language and cultural aspects with intellectuals leaning towards socialism and communism. Then I will describe how the country pulled through these hard times, through the Korean War, and later a financial crisis. Still this country was able to come out of this hardship victorious and hold on to many traditions and culture throughout. We can see that they have had a strong leaning towards the education of their children unlike the United States. In this presentation you will accompany me on a journey with the Study Abroad program at CSUSB into this new world. You will see how the Study Abroad programs at CSUSB allows students to explore and learn about other cultures while obtaining academic credit towards their degree. A win-win for everyone!


May 19th, 1:20 PM May 19th, 1:40 PM

Experiencing South Korea and Gaining a World View

RM 218

Why traveling with CSUSB Study Abroad is a good fit for a business student. In this presentation I will be expressing the answer to this question and also sharing how it has in fact changed my outlook on the world Because we are no longer in a regional economy I will be sharing how South Korea has advanced in many ways through literature especially with a strong tie to Confucianism. In this presentation, I will be sharing how I recently travelled to South Korea and learned firsthand about the periods from the pre-modern society on through the colonial period of World War II. During that period they actually suffered cruel persecution and a ban on the Korean language and cultural aspects with intellectuals leaning towards socialism and communism. Then I will describe how the country pulled through these hard times, through the Korean War, and later a financial crisis. Still this country was able to come out of this hardship victorious and hold on to many traditions and culture throughout. We can see that they have had a strong leaning towards the education of their children unlike the United States. In this presentation you will accompany me on a journey with the Study Abroad program at CSUSB into this new world. You will see how the Study Abroad programs at CSUSB allows students to explore and learn about other cultures while obtaining academic credit towards their degree. A win-win for everyone!