"Infusing Technology throughout Teacher Preparation Programs to Support" by Aftynne E. Cheek, Whitney A. Idol et al.

The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship


Teacher preparation programs must be systematic in the way they teach content and pedagogy while providing preservice teachers the tools they need to both be successful and want to stay in the field. Reports such as the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, 2010) Blue Ribbon Panel report call for teacher preparation programs to use technology to support preservice teacher development of best practice. However, research indicates that there is a disconnect between what is expected of preservice teachers and the way they are taught, especially in the area of technology (Barak, 2017). In an effort to guide teacher preparation programs in their efforts, the authors use the components of the Joyce and Showers (1980) model of professional development (i.e., study of theory and best practice, observation of best practice, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching) to create a guiding framework of how teacher preparation programs can systematically infuse technology throughout their programs to support preservice teachers’ knowledge and skill acquisition in early, mid, and late candidacy. Examples of technology and supporting research are provided and aligned with Joyce and Showers’ (1980) model.

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