Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Smith, Laurie


This study’s purpose was to describe elementary school teachers’perceptions about mental health services, curriculum, and their effect on the mental health of elementary-aged children. Our research addressed the question: What are elementary school teachers’ perceptions of mental healthservices and mental health curriculum and their effect on the mental health of elementary-aged children? It is crucial that we study this because many young children struggle with their mental health which can lead to poor outcomes leading into adulthood. This study utilized quantitative data on 28 participants that was collected through Qualtrics. Data was analyzed using SPSS by conducting univariate analysis. Our findings indicate that many elementary school teachers agree that mental health is an important aspect that can affect student academic performance, yet many also report feeling unsatisfied with the current mental health services that are available at their school. The findings from this project reaffirm the need not only for mental health services and curriculum, but also improvement in these services for elementary-aged children.

Included in

Social Work Commons
