Prior to 2014, CSUSB Master's Theses, Master's Projects, and Doctoral Dissertations were available only in hard copy. Starting in 2014, all theses, projects, and dissertations were produced in digital versions only. View theses 2014-present here.
Initial funding for the project to digitize older theses was provided by a grant from CSUSB's Vital and Expanded Technologies Initiative, which allocates designated funds from the Student Success Initiative fee. The library thanks the VETI committee for supporting this project to showcase the intellectual endeavors of CSUSB graduates.
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If you are the author of a CSUSB thesis and do not want the full text of your work posted in ScholarWorks, please notify us via the Digitization Project Request Form. All such requests will be honored, but must come from the author of the work.
Because post-2014 theses/projects in Creative Writing were not posted in ScholarWorks, the digitization project will not post older Creative Writing theses without the author’s express permission. Metadata-only records are provided for these items.
If you have any questions, please contact project coordinator Stacy Magedanz, or (909) 537-5103.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Long range planning at the University of California Riverside: A case study, Janice Jo Martin
A thematic guide involving students in literature-based activities utilizing animals, Carole Anne Mattera and Patricia Anne Atherton
Lake education project: An environmental program for Lake Elsinore students, W. Arthur McMahon
Induction of heat shock protein 70 in Chinese hamster ovary cells during chlamydia trachomatis infection, Tsehay Eshete Mekonnen
Amber Valley: A black enclave in northern Alberta, Canada, Jimmy Robert Melton
Learning theories and holistic philosophies: Putting theory into practice to achieve early literacy, Maria Rosa Menendez
Women under the influence: Stressors which increase alcohol consumption, Barbara Elaine Miller
The portrayal of women in history textbooks, Christine Elizabeth Mills
Chaos and the stock market, Brent M. Monte
Perceived scholastic competence in children: What roles do acculturative stress and coping pay?, Virginia Rabor Moran
Forgiveness explored: An empirical investigation, Colleen Jeanne Morgan
Certified nursing assistants' satisfaction with education and training programs in long-term care facilities: A Massachusetts study, Sheila Kenny Morin
Parenting styles and sociodramatic play, Lorrie Renea Moudy
Culture and ethnic identity in the curriculum, Enrique Fernández Nárez
Assessment administration for county service areas, Shawn Dwayne Nelson
Videotaping: A tool for self-evaluation in language arts processes, Linda Marie Niblack
Alternative dispute resolution and public policy conflict: Preemptive dispute resolution negotiated rulemaking, Allen G. Norman
Perceived caregiver burden as a function of differential coping strategies, Kevin Scott Olin
Family literacy events promoting early reading and writing behaviors, H. Todd O'Neal
Responding to personal issues in personal/experiential essays, Teresa Nanette Owen
Computer assisted assessment and computer assisted portfolio development in a whole language classroom, John Joseph Patten
Environmental education resource directory for San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties, Charles A. Perez
Building functional and affordable schools in California, José Luis Pérez
How to improve students' problem solving skills: K-4, Chuong Hoang Pham
Writing using computers: Creating the user-friendly writing classroom, Theodore Patrick Phillips
Perceived differences in the experiences of full-time and part-time master of social work students, Michelle Marie Pianalto
Reaction and action: A study of progress into whole language, Susan Pietsch
Pain under the influence: The link between grief and substance abuse, Cecilia M. Poirier and Frances V. Ramirez
Using literature to teach first graders to read and write, Melanie May Polston
Social support and its effect on the coping abilities of individuals with non-congenital physical disabilities, Kristin Elizabeth Powell and Eric Scott Dangermond
Influence of ethnicity, acculturation and personality attributes on eating attitudes and behaviors associated with bulimia, Janet Arlene Profit
Heat shock proteins in Mojave Desert dragonflies, Carol Juanita Promisel
A review of the procedure for the allocation and disbursement of funds for elementary school, Joan Karen Prost
Comparisons of inmate offense severity ratings and attitudes toward rehabilitation, Henry William Provencher
The effects of dopamine D1 and D2 antagonists on cocaine-induced CPP in preweanling rats, Douglas L. Pruitt
Strengthening the power of the mayor's office: An examination of the city of Riverside, Michael William Radford
Educational restructuring: Attributes promoting change, Douglas E. Reid
Psychotherapy encounters curanderismo: Implications for Mexican clients treated in the United States by culturally insensitive social workers, Anthony Joseph Riech
Making connections through the use of fairy tales, Suzanne Robbins
"Speech Masters": public speaking in the elementary school classroom, James Lawrence Rodgers
Bias in social studies textbooks, Linda Gail Rogers
Whole language experiences for bilingual/biliterate students, Judy Karyl Ruliffson
A qualitative research study on aging Latino substance abusers, Socorro Maria Ruvalcaba and Lupe Ayon Perez
A study of the affirmative action employee selection process in California community colleges, Mary Elizabeth Sampson
Stereotypical sex-roles: A barrier to success in addiction treatment?, Paul Walter Sharpe
The marriage of two minds: The divine deliverance of Peter Shaffer's Amadeus from stage to film, Pamela Lou Smyth
The influence of quality day care on early academic achievement, Leisa Gaye Standish
Teaching science to English only and limited English proficient students in the elementary classroom, Darla Kay Cadman Stapel
The impact of background variables on the philosophical transition of vocational teachers, Charles Henry Stark
Ethos in "Gulliver's Travels", Lois Bea Stephenson
The role of the paralegal today, Marie C. Stortz
Managerial perceptions of training provided for entry-level management trainees, Dale Leroy Sullivan
60 Hz magnetic field exposure inhibits protein Kinase C dependent induction of Neuropeptide Y mRNA in PC-12 cells, William James Thomas
This too is writing: Writing in the holistic classroom, Iris Anne Tramp
Kaleidoscope: Integrating a third grade curriculum through the use of theme studies, Bonnie Jean Triepke
Energy watch: an energy conservation project for elementary schools, Bonnie R. Trusler
Intergovernmental cooperation and coordination at the local government level: The case of economic development in Riverside County, Alozie Donatus Udeh
Survival guide for preschool teachers in all disciplined areas, Cheryl Rita Marie Vito
An integrated, thematic, literature-based unit for middle school, Lisa Marie Waner
Disclosure of sexual abuse: The impact on adolescent females, John Christian Weible
A qualitative study of planar elastic deformations, Stephen Thomas Wentworth
A rhetorical analysis of Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness, Shyh-chyi Wey
Maturation modulates both synthesis and degradation of cGMP in ovine vascular smooth muscle, Charles Ray White
What are the factors that predict cigarette smoking among African-American adults?, Phyllis Elaine Wilkins
Contingency-like effects in an associative account of invariance seeking action, Robin Sue William
ROP instructors' perceptions of California Education Code section 44910, Douglas Wilson
A study of factors related to the integration of vocational and academic curricula in selected California counties, Yi-Chuan Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
A job search skills curriculum for individuals with visual disabilities in Fiji, Mohammed Irshad Ali
A constructivist study of the decision-making process in permanency planning, Martha Paralee Allen
Sexual abuse as a determinant of female amphetamine abuse, Diane Hutt Anderson
Eligibility worker recruitment, testing and trainee retention: Ten counties experience, Carol L. Anselmi
Determining the parks and recreation services of the Fontana community, Mitchell James Assumma
Future perceptions of African Americans after the Los Angeles Riot, Rosalyn Sheree Avant
A longitudinal study of a family maintenance program, Carl Bailey, Ana C. Hurd, and Tina Tanguay-Hill
Integrating the language arts into the history-social science curriculum to develop critical thinking in children, Melanie Anne Barnes
Leadership in local government computer service organizations within the state of California, Robert Benjamin Beavan
A study to determine what factors influence employee sick leave usage in the Riverside County Department of Mental Health Administration, Sally Aguilar Beavan
Community resource usage by the elderly: A study of senior citizens in the Western Riverside County Brown Bag Program, Bob Bennett, Mary Botts, Alberto Chavez, and Bob Woodward
Strategies for improving the writing of elementary students in the intermediate grades, Robyn Eileen Bingham-Scott
Incorporating "gay friendly" literature into your current first grade literature-based reading program, Susan Lee Birrell
An evaluation of the impact of parent groups on the treatment of incest victims, Janet Louise Black
Evaluation of victim's awareness program for juveniles, Donna Law Bleakley
Culture contact change and continuity: The Mohave Indians, Kathleen Anne Bonine
An exploration of the non-medical home care needs of persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Pola Lopez Bouton
Connecting science and literature for first grade, Patricia Irene Braford
Assessing key elements in placement practice for children in foster care, Glen Bristol
Writing as a tool for learning, Ruth Paula Brown
Applying adult education principles in an interpersonal management skills training program for hospital operations managers, Mary Ann Bush
Images of ethnicity in pornography, Robin Rhodes Campbell
A teachers' guide to integrating middle-grade science into language arts, Lou Anne Carder
A preliminary qualitative investigation of volatile organics in the Mya Arenaria shell for the possible determination of subsistence processing history, Dane Robert Chance
Lexical cohesion in expository writing: Will a study of the similarities between an English and Chinese paragraph be helpful to ESL students?, Monica Fan Fan Chiu
Topical structure and writing quality: A study of students' expository writing, Hsiao-yu Chuang
Possessions of school-aged children, Myralynn Coleman
We have nothing to fear but tropes themselves: Rhetoric in the speeches of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jeannie Marie Colunga
Effective structuring of the classroom for Spanish-speaking children with delayed oral language development, Dorothy Gutierrez Cordova
Behavior modificatioon unit study, Jo Ann Cotten