OSR Journal of Student Research
The OSR Journal of Student Research is a centralized annual online peer-reviewed journal to foster academic dialogue, to promote an opportunity for undergraduate and graduates to publish their scholarly and creative works, as well as to provide a valuable learning experience.
Current Volume: Volume 5
The Hip-Hop Pedagogy
Andy Acosta
Score Study of Howell’s Requiem
Kaitlynn Albers and Rigoberto Orozco
Music and the Developing Mind
Manuel Arrendondo
Social Penetration Theory: Examining How Immediacy Behaviors Influence Self-Disclosure In StudentTeacher Relationships
Rebeccah Avila
Corporate Communication within Non-Profits
Shirleena Baggett
In addition to High Noon
Frederick Brashear Jr
Plasticozoic/Artifacts of the Anthropocene
Mariah Conner
The Right to Exist: An De-Colonial View of Representations of Marginalized Sexual Identities in the Media
Luis Esparza
Neon Glass: Bending, Filling, and Illuminating
Halima Ladbon
Don’t Dream Too Big: An Ideological Criticism of Feminism in Disney’s “Be a Champion” Commercial
Victoria Luckner
Trans Representation in the U.S. Media: Using Clark’s Evolutionary Stages of Minorities in the Mass Media
Sean Maulding
The Plan for Liberation as Provided by the Robber Bridegroom Tale and the Struggle for Legitimacy
Daniel Padilla
How Often Are College Students to Self-Disclose About Sexuality?
Francisco Rodriguez
The Art of Death
Heather Roessler
Digital Literacy Divides: Impact of Social Determinants on College Students’ Digital Behaviors
Graciela Troche
Who Say’s Teachers Can’t Be Funny? An Analysis of the Success of Humor in the Classroom
Jessica Vierra
Young Leaders Program
Maira Durazo
Isolation Unit Market Research
Kristen Morrish
Closing the Achievement Gap: What Else Can We Do?
Alliance S. Gueming Nenkam
The Effect of Mobile Application for TOEFL Pronunciation and Speaking Learners and two other research
Qi Guo, Lu Jia, and Tong Feng
Creating a College-Going Partnership with Parents and Families
Mary McAllister-Parsons
High Impact Practices and their Influence on Students Attending a University Branch Campus
Jesse Neimeye-Romero
The Artist Entrepreneur
Lisa Tucker
Bridging the Path to Higher Education for Undocumented Students
Fernando Villalpando and Maria Theresa Domingo
Curriculum Development for Transition Age Youth Program at University Center for Developmental Disabilities
Jeniree Martinez
Fitness and Body Composition Characteristics of Special Weapons and Tactics Team Members of Law Enforcement Agencies
Rafael Alamilla
Improving Safety Through Proper Personal Protective Usage
Zahra Azizi, Alicia Hernandez, and Maram Aldoghmi
Drosophila melanogaster’s Mortality reared with herbicides
Maryam Badoella
NICS Difference: Determination of Relative Aromaticity
Joseph Barrera
Silver production from the Silver King Vein, Calico, California: A forensic geology estimate
Joy Berry
Soil Types Impact Invasive Annual Plant Densities in California’s Chaparral and Sage Scrub
Madeline Blua
Biofouling & Corrosion of Steel in Seawater
John Carter
Immediate Effect of Mini-Trampoline Jumping On Balance Performance
Elizabeth Corella
Using a sUAV and photogrammetry software to measure scarp heights on the Cucamonga Fault
Jessica Denton
Increased Length of Stay in the Emergency Department and Psychiatric Patient Outcomes – A Literature Review
Sandra Gutierrez, Gloria Azares, Perla Guajardo, and Jezel Sadol
Investigating NP Interactions to Identify Novel Antiviral Targets in Influenza A Viruses
Jennifer Gallardo and Cristina Gazca
A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Functions of Observational Learning with Disability Sports Participants
McKenzie Gamble and Kathleen Sanchez
The Acute Effect of Miniature Trampoline Usage on Muscle Activation during Vertical Jumping
Christopher Hernandez
Discrimination in the Health Care Setting Among Latinx in California
Martin Ibarra, Xilonem Montoya, Cassandra Romero, and Gema Gonzalez
A New Paramagnetic & Piezoelectric Organometallic Material
Alessa Ibrahim, John Montano, and Gabriel Lopez
Redeiscription and Phylogenetic Analysis of Materials Associated with “Captorhinikos” chozaensis
Jason Jung
Effects of low dose methamphetamine in a Drosophila melanogaster model of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Gurnoor Kaur, Alex Vasquez, and Vianey Zavala
A New Paramagnetic & Piezoelectric Organometallic Material
Victoria Montano
Ethnic Differences in Arterial Stiffness and Central Blood Pressure Regulation Following High-Intensity Exercise
Roland Morales, Jennifer LeDuff, Stephanie Cruz, and Rafael Alamilla
Is the caudofemoralis longus muscle the primary driver of crocodilian propulsion?
Jeniree Martinez, Karina Vega, Kevin Kleine, and Celina Bravo
Exploring virtual reality and ceramics
Juan Nevares
Predicting Potential Polarization for Novel Fluorinated Diisopropylammonium Bromide (DIPAB) Systems
Stephania Ortiz
Rab gap gyp8: determining function of a green fluorescent protein chimera and location of a gyp8 transmembrane domain
Monique Quinn
Characterization of the Nitrogen-fixing, Hyperthermophilic Methanogen Methanocaldococcus strain FS406-22
Joshua Robert Dimapilis
Blood Flow Restriction Improves Vascular Circulation
Rachelle Rapanut, Nick Ruelas, and Chiwon Kang
The Acute Effects of Mini-Trampoline Jumping On Jump Performance in Recreationally Trained Individuals
Johnathan Ramirez and Darren Favela
Radio Number for Ninth Power Paths
Joel Salazar
Muscle Strength and Endurance in Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis
Margarita Serrano
Sad Dads a Literature Review
Saxxie Tran, Maricela Torres, Erika Giron, and Bianca Castro
Utilizing CRISPR to visualize the dopamine receptors DOP-1 and DOP-4 in Caenorhabditis elegans
Lauren Velasquez
Evidence for Cold, Hydrous Parental Magma on Dominica: Petrology of the Foundland Basalts
Kathryn VonSydow
Masculinity Threat Increases Bias and Negative Anticipated Emotions towards Gay Men
Adam Beam and Christopher Mendez
Barriers to Recruiting Native American Foster Homes in Urban Areas
Shirley Begay and Jennifer Wilczynsk
Perceived Weight Discrimination Predicts Exercise and Unhealthy Food Frequency among White but not Latina Women.
Eric Berru and Alana Muller
The Impact of Optimism on Relationship Commitment
Kaela Bonafede
The Quest for Entity Resolution
Brittney Boyd and Citlalik Figueroa
Examining the Role of Existential Anxiety and Posttraumatic Growth within Sexual Assault Survivors
Natalie Callely
Investigating Work Engagement and Affective Commitment Through Work Underload and Work-related Boredom
Jessica Clemons
Early Childhood Educators Barriers to Job Satisfaction
Heather Carrasco
Stressed Out Before Kindergarten
Jasmine Clark
Sex Frequency: Evidence for Double Standards
Yvette Diaz
Youth Advisory Boards: Collaborative practices that strengthen resilience and empower at-risk youth
Norma Fernandez
A Critical Race Analysis of Latinx Students’ College Choices and Pathways
Hector Garcia, Osmara Cortez, and Maria Lias Moreno
Leadership Style in Retail
Kaleb Garcia
Consuming and Sexualizing Women in Advertisements
Kori Gearhart
How the Structural and Psychological Boundary at Work Influence Experiences of Work-Family Conflict
Stephanie Gomez
The Impact of Traumatic Events on Psychosocial Impairment in Individuals with an Eating Disorder
Jennifer Hackett
Race to Zero: Identifying strategies to achieve Zero Waste
Jeffrey Hutchinson
A Time Series Assessment of Water Conservation Strategies for the San Bernardino Mountain Communities
Julieta Hernandez
Physiological Responses and Weight Salience
Vivian Hurtado
The Quest for Entity Resolution
Citlalik Ibarra Figueroa and Brittney Boyd
Crimemapping.com: The Holy Grail?
Ivette Jimenez
Influence of Youth Advisory Boards on Psychological Empowerment and Self-esteem in Adolescents
D’Andra Johnson, Crystal Ruedas, and Ivan Aguirre
Role of International Community to Address Rohingya Refugee Issue
Rubina Khanam and Gregory Foent Gallegos
Advancing CSUSB
Janae Koger
Factors Affecting Teacher Retention in Early Childhood Education
Gabrielle Lautiy
The HIV/AIDS Community, Stigma and Preventative Education Continues to be Overlooked
Adrianna Lopez Cota
Personality Traits and Coping Mechanisms in the Development of Post- Traumatic Growth
Krystalyn Marquez
The Role of Sexual Victimization on Sexual Dysfunction Mediated between Relationship Satisfaction and Disclosure
Alexandra Medina
Is the Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Indirect?
Cecilia Melendez
Cognitive Control and Narrative Memory
Kyle Mobly and Vanessa Carlos
Exploring a novel method developed for extending the Dunning-Kruger Effect to studies of episodic memory
Alana Muller
Social Constraints of Parents Today
Monica Navarette
Anxiety, Emotional Stimuli, and Attentional Scope.
Kathleen O’Donnell
Gender Moderates the Relationship between Weight Stigma and Binge Eating among Individuals Higher in Body Weight
Brandon Oliver
Examining the Relationship between Perceived Weight Stigma and Unhealthy Eating Behavior
Ashlee Pardo
The Effects of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Water Quality in the Santa Ana Watershed
Jocelyn Perez
Applying Computerized Cognitive Training to Improve Working Memory in Children within a School Setting
Celeste Ramos
Effects of Adolescent Cannabinoid Exposure on Nicotine Reward in Young Adult Rats
Jessica Razo and David Sanchez
Examining trait mindfulness as a buffer between work-family conflict and health/well-being outcomes
Roberta Salgado
Assessment of Acrophobia: A Comparison of Virtual Reality and In Vivo Environments
Khalil San Martin Rodriguez
The American Dream May Be More Than a White Fence and a House
Courtney Schwartz
In the Name of Utopia: Social Engineering in the 83 5th Annual Student Research Symposium Meeting of the Minds Event Program Third Reich
Athahn Steinback
Impact of Early Attachment Security on Academic Achievement Motivation in Young Adults
Yesica Valenton
Domestic violence
Brittany Willams
Effects of the 5-HT6 receptor antagonist BGC 20-761 on social behaviors in the BTBR mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
Marta Zarate, Sophie Peterson, Jordan Taylor, and Alma Pauha
Developing a Community Plan to Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect in Rural Southern California
Nelly Zambrano
From Female Moneylenders to Church Shares: Socioeconomics in the Coptic Village of Jeme
Marmar Zakher
Development of Click Chemistry Probes to Investigate the Function of Falcilysin, an Essential Malarial Protease
Jeffrey Chance
Localization of Accumulation of Glyphosate herbicide within the body of Drosophila melanogaster, a non-target animal
Karina Herrera
Developing Chemical Tools to Investigate Falcilysin, an Essential Malarial Metalloprotease
Nikolay Maslov
The Pension Applications of Southern California’s Civil War Veterans
Lixsaden Felix and Natassja Martin
With Honor: A Comparison of WWII and Vietnam veterans
Natassja Martin
Common Mental Disorders in Former Male Pro Athletes
Brigette Borjon
Incivility Experienced By Nursing Students in Clinical Settings
Michael Muela, Jasmine Zepada, Elizabeth Tamez, and Mirella Arana
Physical Educators’ Attitudes toward Grading Students
Kelli Reynolds and Michael Ginter
Study of first-generation immigrant students who arrived to the U.S. during childhood and their well-being and academic experiences as adult
Erika Banuelos Alvarado
Fostering College Access Along the Education Pipeline for Students of Color
Hector Garcia and Yesenia Casas
Utilizing Photovoice and Youth Advisory Boards: Collaborative Research to Strengthen Adolescent Empowerment
Melina Gonzalez
Queen of Peace: Decolonizing the art, iconography and legend behind the Virgin Mary of El Salvador
Jasmine Colorado
The Great Oppressor: A Queer Analysis of Fear and of Silence in Carmen Maria Machado’s “The Husband Stitch” and Margaret Atwood’s “Bluebeard’s Egg”
Jeanette Jetton-Rangel
Umm Kulthum and Aural Celebrity
Fernando Sanchez
Living La Mala Vida
Sofia Benitez and Sara Ledesma
The Psychology of Political Efficacy and its Unanticipated Effect on Youth Voter Turnout
Ciera Hammond
Anti-Immigrant Sentiment
Anahi Lopez Gutierrez
World’s Best Boss: An examination of leadership styles on organizational culture using The Office
Grecia Troche
Super Siblings Abstract for Meeting Of the Minds 2019
Sophia Josemoan
Do Social Media Reduce Sociability?
Ingrid Lopez
Disaster Doesn't Plan Ahead but You Can
Prince Ogidikpe
Predicting Job Performance from Personality Displayed in Video Games
Amber Olson and Prince Siraj
Ontogeny of One Trial Fentanyl-Induced Sensitization
Oscar Orozco, Henry Diaz, and David Sanchez
Developing Original Functional Microbial Genomics Projects for Undergraduate Courses
Michael Pierce and Marvin Macharia
Individual Variability in Neuropsychological Performances Predicts Cognitive Decline in De Novo Parkinson's Disease
Matthew Burroughs, Joseph Bunch, and Matthew Appodaca
NICS Difference Determination of Relative Aromaticity
Joseph Barrera
Comparing Black and White Sage in CSUSB's Preserve: Why Leaf Traits and Temperatures Matter
Ariana Dorticos and Caitlin Hazelquist
Limits to Top Speed in Hummingbirds
Karina Vega
Comparison of geomorphic expression of the Garlock Fault with the structural expression of the fault in a trench
Ashley Fletcher
A Day in the Life
Celene Gonzalez
Development of the Mate Expulsion Inventory
Nestor Maria
Social Interactions of International Scholars: Lessons framed using Student Identity Development Theory by a Doctoral Community of Practice
Audrey Baca, Jesse Felix, Deborah Grijalva, Nelky Rodriguez, and Frances Valdovinos
The Efficiency Of Using 3D Models To Teach Lifting And Rigging Concepts To Learners Of Varying Spatial Ability
Matthew Atherton
Multicompetence, Multiple Intelligences and First-Year Composition Students
Patricia Rice'-Daniels
The Right to Exist: A De-Colonial Analysis of Media Representations of Sexual Minorities
Luis Esparza
The Death of the Self and Agency
Heather Norwood
Exploring On-Campus Employment as a High Impact Practice
Amanda Salazar
The Development of Academic Resiliency among Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Guadalupe Valdivia
Myth and History in the nationalist rhetoric of the EZLN
Benjamin Shultz
Volunteer Service as a Coping Strategy for Social Workers Against Professional Burnout
Francesca Twohy-Haines and Jessy Salloum
Assessing the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Young Adult Cohabitation, Marriage, and Childbearing
Rachel Worrell
Spatiotemporal surface water trends in a headwater stream of the San Bernardino National Forest
Jose Mora
The Intervening Relationship of Burdensomeness and Belonging on Sexual Assault Disclosure and Mental Health
Lindsey Chesus
Social Work Coursework's Impact on Student's Phobias and Attitudes Towards the Transgender Community
Devin Hoff and Edgar Camacho
The Role of Self-compassion in the Relationship between Moral Injury and Psychological Distress among Military Veterans
Mernyll Manalo
Reclaiming Myth
Ryan Clark, Paul Garcia, and Melora Garcia
The Efficiency of Using 3D Models to Teach Lifting and Rigging Concepts to Learners of Varying Spatial Ability
Matthew Atherton
Creating a College-Going Partnership with Latina/o Parents of Elementary School Students
Mary McAllister-Parsons
“I am Not a Failure”: The Educational Experiences of Latina Continuation High School Students
Johanna Ortez
Effective Professional Development for Educators and School Administrators in Higher Education and Practicum: What role can ACSA play?
Catherine Tamayo
Differences in Future Orientation for University Students with and without High School Paid Work Experience
Guadalupe Valdivia and Mauricio Guido
Pa’delante: Testimonios, Experiences and Aspirations of Undocumented Latina/o/x College Students During the Trump Presidency
Fernando Villalpando
Creating a Low-Cost Scanning Tunneling Microscope
John Paul Abadines and Brandon Fins
Gender-Based Body Image Perception among College Students
Aleka Arredondo
Generation of Influenza NP-FLAG virus to facilitate NP interaction studies
Joscelyn Berumen and Raquel Rodriguez
Relationship among Physiological, Perceptual, and Biomechanical Variables during Exercise on a Non-Motorized Treadmill In DII Cross-Country Athletes
Sean Christopher Bonilla
Development of a Drosophila melanogaster Assay to Assess the Developmental Toxicity of Phorate
Manuel Bravo-Rangel and Alexander Cueto
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Interaction with Lithium Ions
Estefania Castro
Health Disparities among South Asians: Is Food Insecurity the Missing Link?
Valentina Chawdhury
Spatiotemporal surface water trends in a headwater stream of the San Bernardino National Forest
Jose Mora
Carbon Isotope Variability Across the Hanna Basin
James Chisholm
Strength Profile of Elite Speed Skaters
Elizabeth Corella
Food Insecurity among South Asian Immigrant Population in the Inland Empire of Southern California
Farhan Danish
Determining the Physiological Significance of a Rab GAP (GTPase Accelerating Protein) Found at Peroxisomes in Yeast
Beatriz Delgado and Adrian Mora
Tungsten is Required for Lab Maintenance of Aigarchaeota Group 4
Joshua Robert Dimapilis
Effects of Cope Health Teens on Young Adolescents
Abraham Elizarraras
Characterizing NP mutant interactions to reveal novel antiviral targets
Jennifer Gallardo and Cody Atkins
Effects of Dance on Depression, Physical Function, and Disability in Underserved Adults
Alyssa Gallegos
Characterizing Influenza NP Protein Interactions with Viral NS1 Factor.
Cinthia Gazca and Alexis Crisanto
Evidence for Glaciation in the Mt. San Jacinto Region
Harrison Hadsock
The Potential Role of Osteoderms during Thermoregulation in the American alligator
Sarah Handy, Maria Ceja, and Jonathan Arnette
The Intra-rater Reliability of the Force Plate Peak Forces at Three Specific Time Frames
David Howard, Matthrew Rodriguez, Jessica Heredia, and Alexandra Khartabil
A Jordan Canonical Approach to an Indefinite Spectral Theorem
Andrew Lavengood-Ryan
Knowledge and Consumption Levels of Alcohol Among College Students at CSUSB
Juan Mejia Palacios, James Ekholdt, Alexa Christopher, and Dayanna Hernandez
"You do it without their knowledge" Is non-consensual condom removal the new public health emergency?
Marwa Mohamed
Comparison of Body Composition Techniques of DXA, BIS, and Ultrasound in College Students
Julio Mora, Jason Hernandez, Amanda Maravi, and Yadira Marin
Accessory Minerals in New Idria serpentinite
Michael Murrey
Physical Activity Intervention in Children with ADHD
Lizeth Ortega
Young deformation in the Horse Range, Nevada
Jacob Pereyda
Spatial Distribution of Mordenite in Crowley Lake Columns
Gabriela Pocius
Cross Calibration of Two Dual-energy X-ray Densitometers for the Measurement of Bone Mineral Density in Young Adults
Erick Ramirez, Nick Ruelas, and Alejandro Felix
Boys’ Caregiving Needs vs. Cultural Practices in Parenting
Maritza Rodriguez
Determining accurate locations of the Mill Creek and Mission Creek fault strands near Forest Falls, California through the use of remote sensing mapping
Seth Clemen Saludez
Contributing Factors to the Development of Compassion Fatigue in Critical Care Nurses
Rafael Sanchez Espetunal
The effect of regolith composition on the growth of invasive grass species in California
Hannah Shields
Geological constraints on hydrology and endangered species habitat at the Desert Studies Center, Zzyzx, CA
Cynthia Skjerve
Comparison of geomorphic expression of the Garlock Fault with the structural expression of the fault in a trench
Fletcher Ashley
The Role of Self-compassion in the Relationship between Moral Injury and Psychological Distress among Military Veterans
Mernyll Manalo
Systematic Predictors of Latina College Students’ Empowerment
Virginia Barbosa Mascorro and Karen Soria Cortez
Exploring Behavioral Correlates of a Hippocampal-Dependent Implicit Memory Measure
Yoselin Canizales, Constance Greenwood, Raechel Marino, and Lindsey Sirianni
Diversity Structures and Whites' Claims of Bias
Princess Egbule
The Quality of Social Reactions Received upon Disclosure Latina Survivors of Sexual Assault
Sandra Estrada
What Are We Seeing? Change, Evolution, or What.
Citlalik Figueroa and Britney Boyd
Maternal Depression and Sibling Conflict
Crystal Garcia De Alba
Representation of Women in Advertisements and the effects on self-objectification and self-dehumanization
Kori Gearhart
Investigation and Exploration of Charlotte Homicides
Ivette Jimenez
Effects of Technology Use on Positive Mental Health
Lakhvir Kaur and Robert Nelson
Anti-Immigrant Sentiment
Anahi Lopez Gutierrez
Psychomotor Performance Tradeoffs in Crew Members on a NASA Analog Mission
Raechel Marino, Alana Muller, Roman Lopez, and Yoselin Canizales
Do Social Media Reduce Sociability?
Ingrid Lopez
Gay Black Men’s Experiences of Racism From the LGBT Community: Impact on Wellbeing
Christopher Mendez
Effects of serotonin 5-HT1A/1B activation on working memory in C57BL/6J mice
Alma Pahua, Megan Emery, and Antonio Gutierrez
Fentanyl: The Effects of Early Exposure into Adulthood
Ginny Park, Jordan Taylor, and Jasmine Rios
Differences in the expression of restricted repetitive behaviors in female BTBR T + tf/J mice
Rebekah Posadas, Alma Pahua, Marta Zarate, and Jordan Taylor
The Effects of Maternal Depression on Sibling Conflict
Carissa Rieger
Biphobia, Rape Myth Acceptance, and Victim Blame for Bisexual Survivors of Sexual Assault
Melody Robinson
The role of Self-blame in the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Distress among Survivors of Sexual Assault
Berenice Rosas
Foster Youths’ Perceptions of Social Worker’s Roles in Their Pursuit of Higher Education
Elisa Sequeira Delgado and Anedia Arroyo
Systematic Predictors of Latina Women's Empowerment
Karen Soria Cortez and Virginia Barbosa Mascorro
Early Childhood Educators Beliefs
Brenda Trejo
Catfish Relationships: Feelings of Love in Deceptive Romance
Yenny Valenzuela
The impact of working memory and anxiety on sustained attention in mindfulness meditation
Stephen Ware
Breaking Bread - Breaking Boundaries
Cynthia Hart, Benjamin Gibson, Arianna Hernandez, and Nick Bogdis
Global Virtual Teams and Globalization
Jose Carreno, Manal Ibnobachir, Allan Rubio, and Vianey Anguiano
Fiscal Accountability & Control - The Impact of Eliminating RDAs on the Socioeconomic Condition of California Residents
Matthew Cyr and Shamiso Peresuh
Bis- Guanidinium Croconate: Needles
Cindy Rosales
Conceptualization of Mexican-American and Euro-American Relationships: To Be or Not to Be
Jessica Vierra
MFA Research on the Guatemala Weaver
Aeleen Jacinto
Quality of sibling relationship and Ethnicity
Elvia Hernandez
NCECA 2019
Andrea Clary
Elizabeth A. Sidener
Military Intervention: Why it Fails to Promote Democracy
Ashleigh N. Clayton
Why the Different Levels of Intervention?: Nigeria’s Boko Haram and Somalia’s al-Shabaab
Anibal Serrano
Influence of Gut Microbiome on Obesity in Western-Style Dietary Practices Versus Other Diets: A Systematic Review
Keely A. Niemeyer, Doris I. Buezo, Loren Landeros, and Karina Corral

- Jazmin Garcia
- Qi Guo
- Rebekah Posadas
- Melody Robinson
- April Terwelp
- Sara Valdez