Journal of Critical Issues in Educational Practice
Volume 5, Number 2 (2015)
Wisdom in Education
This is the second issue of the Wisdom in Education journal to be published on Scholarworks. It features five articles, one book review and an obituary. These are written by two faculty members, two doctoral students, two masters students and one international visiting scholar. This issue also features the beginning of a new feature: brief research reports. Dorry Lillard’s paper is the first such publication. Anyone interested in submitting a brief research report in future is welcome to contact the editors for guidelines.Since the first edition was published through Scholarworks in May 2015, articles we have published have received 332 hits and 53 full text downloads. We are grateful to our readers for their interest and look forward to these numbers continuing to grow.
Our thanks go to all those who have contributed to getting this edition ready for publication. They include Jared Becknell’s work on copyediting and layout and the work of those who reviewed articles. The latter include the following: Jay Fiene, Susan Daniels, Caryn Kruse, Lorraine Hedtke, Daniel Stewart, Pascale Claus, Mark Darby, Jared Becknell, Claudia Esqueda, Kathy Howard, Lisa Bartle, Joseph Jesunathadas and Catherine Terrell. Your work is much appreciated.
John Winslade (Editor).
ISSN 2469-3111
Appreciative Inquiry: A Path to Change in Education
Pamela L. Buchanan
Conceptualizing a Future for Library Classification
Risa M. Lumley
Double Listening and the Danger of a Single Story
Sally AB Meyer
Ronald K. Pendleton- A Tribute to a Colleague, Exceptional Educator, and Friend
Joseph Scarcella Dr.
Learning from Finland: A book review
John M. Winslade