This archive includes images from the exhibition Through the Wall: The Prison Arts Collective on view at CB1-G Gallery from May 14 through May 29, 2016. The exhibition showcases the diversity of artistic styles and depth of creative expression among artists that are incarcerated while also demonstrating the possibilities inherent in a successful collaboration between a university and prisons. The Prison Arts Collective is founded by Professor Annie Buckley and encapsulates the work of CSUSB Community-based Art (CBA) in three California state prisons. All works are donated by the artists.

“Through the Wall recognizes the mutual exchange of songs, words, pictures, ideas, encouragement, direction, and includes sharing, dialogue, and debate at times.” —D. Eagan, participant, PAC at CIM


Browse the Through the Wall: Prison Arts Collective Collections:

California Institution for Men (CIM)

California Institution for Women (CIW)

California State Prison, Los Angeles County (LAC)

Through The Wall: Prison Arts Collective Documents