CSUSB ScholarWorks - Meeting of the Minds: Isolation Unit Market Research

Presentation Title

Isolation Unit Market Research

Author(s) Information

Kristen Morrish

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation/Art Exihibt


Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration


College of Business and Public Administration


SMSU Event Center BC

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Victoria Seitz

Start Date

5-17-2018 9:30 AM

End Date

5-17-2018 11:00 AM


Market research was conducted by Kristen Morrish, a CSUSB Marketing major, with the aid of Dr. Victoria Seitz to analyze the external and internal factors of a medical product known as isolation units. The original purpose for this information was for a new product known as “PITU” (Personal Isolation Transportation Unit) which was produced by the company AR Tech in Fontana, California. This product was invented with the hopes of helping people who are suffering from contagious diseases from spreading this disease to their caretakers and others. These market research findings will help the company find the niche in the market for potential sales once production begins.


May 17th, 9:30 AM May 17th, 11:00 AM

Isolation Unit Market Research

SMSU Event Center BC

Market research was conducted by Kristen Morrish, a CSUSB Marketing major, with the aid of Dr. Victoria Seitz to analyze the external and internal factors of a medical product known as isolation units. The original purpose for this information was for a new product known as “PITU” (Personal Isolation Transportation Unit) which was produced by the company AR Tech in Fontana, California. This product was invented with the hopes of helping people who are suffering from contagious diseases from spreading this disease to their caretakers and others. These market research findings will help the company find the niche in the market for potential sales once production begins.