CSUSB ScholarWorks - Meeting of the Minds: The Acute Effect of Miniature Trampoline Usage on Muscle Activation during Vertical Jumping

Presentation Title

The Acute Effect of Miniature Trampoline Usage on Muscle Activation during Vertical Jumping

Author(s) Information

Christopher Hernandez

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation/Art Exihibt


College of Natural Sciences




SMSU Event Center BC

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Nicole Dabbs

Start Date

5-17-2018 9:30 AM

End Date

5-17-2018 11:00 AM


The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of miniature trampoline usage on muscle activation during vertical jumping in recreationally trained males and females. Methods: Twenty-one individuals volunteered in two sessions. Before testing participants completed an IRB approved inform consent and PAR-Q were completed. Electromyography (EMG) sensors were used to collect muscle activation while performing counter-movement vertical jumps (CMVJ) and were recorded. The EMG sensors were place on five lower body muscles. On the first visit, participants were randomized into a control group (CG) or trampoline group (TG). Participants then performed a dynamic warm-up and were familiarized with the equipment and CMVJ’s. For testing day, a warm-up followed by CMVJ’s while collecting EMG was performed. The TG performed six trampoline jumps and the CG rested. Participants were then reassessed for EMG for CMVJ’s. Percent change scores were calculated and used for analysis. Independent t-tests were used to compare percent change scores between TG and CG. Result: There was no significant difference between TG and CG for percent change EMG muscle activation in VL (p= 0.39), VM (p= 0.71), MG (p= 0.91), TA (p= 0.20), and BF (p= 0.69). Discussion: The results show that there was no significant difference between TG and CG in any of the muscles tested. The amount of time the participants jumped on the trampoline wasn’t sufficient enough for selected muscles to increase muscle activation. If the participants jumped for longer, the results may have changed the muscle activation between the two groups


May 17th, 9:30 AM May 17th, 11:00 AM

The Acute Effect of Miniature Trampoline Usage on Muscle Activation during Vertical Jumping

SMSU Event Center BC

The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of miniature trampoline usage on muscle activation during vertical jumping in recreationally trained males and females. Methods: Twenty-one individuals volunteered in two sessions. Before testing participants completed an IRB approved inform consent and PAR-Q were completed. Electromyography (EMG) sensors were used to collect muscle activation while performing counter-movement vertical jumps (CMVJ) and were recorded. The EMG sensors were place on five lower body muscles. On the first visit, participants were randomized into a control group (CG) or trampoline group (TG). Participants then performed a dynamic warm-up and were familiarized with the equipment and CMVJ’s. For testing day, a warm-up followed by CMVJ’s while collecting EMG was performed. The TG performed six trampoline jumps and the CG rested. Participants were then reassessed for EMG for CMVJ’s. Percent change scores were calculated and used for analysis. Independent t-tests were used to compare percent change scores between TG and CG. Result: There was no significant difference between TG and CG for percent change EMG muscle activation in VL (p= 0.39), VM (p= 0.71), MG (p= 0.91), TA (p= 0.20), and BF (p= 0.69). Discussion: The results show that there was no significant difference between TG and CG in any of the muscles tested. The amount of time the participants jumped on the trampoline wasn’t sufficient enough for selected muscles to increase muscle activation. If the participants jumped for longer, the results may have changed the muscle activation between the two groups