Presentation Title

Subject Positions in Art

Author(s) Information

April Baca

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation/Art Exihibt


College of Social and Behavioral Sciences




Event Center A & B

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Jane Chin Davidson

Start Date

5-19-2016 1:00 PM

End Date

5-19-2016 2:30 PM


The poster included within this symposium will highlight the research that was conducted summer 2015 with Professor Jane Chin Davidson with the definitive goal of publishing up to nine, Art History Senior Seminar conference papers for a special online journal issue of Subject Positions in Art. Through a collaborative and intensive editing process, students involved in this project worked on refining and preparing readings selected for publication on CSUSB’s Scholar Works. The basis of the research conducted was intended to not only publish selected texts through a collective editorial team process, but to foster the editorial aspect of art historical research. The process in place for preparing these materials included, but was not limited to, reviewing texts submitted for publication, editing/copy-editing each piece, and preparing an editor’s introduction to the theory and theme(s) relevant to the conference. The editor’s introduction outlines a discussion of the conference and of the theory on subject positions while also offering a summation of each of the papers presented. The special journal issue for the Subject Positions in Art is currently slated for publication in March, 2016. The special journal issue will be available to access on the new Art History page for CSUSB.


May 19th, 1:00 PM May 19th, 2:30 PM

Subject Positions in Art

Event Center A & B

The poster included within this symposium will highlight the research that was conducted summer 2015 with Professor Jane Chin Davidson with the definitive goal of publishing up to nine, Art History Senior Seminar conference papers for a special online journal issue of Subject Positions in Art. Through a collaborative and intensive editing process, students involved in this project worked on refining and preparing readings selected for publication on CSUSB’s Scholar Works. The basis of the research conducted was intended to not only publish selected texts through a collective editorial team process, but to foster the editorial aspect of art historical research. The process in place for preparing these materials included, but was not limited to, reviewing texts submitted for publication, editing/copy-editing each piece, and preparing an editor’s introduction to the theory and theme(s) relevant to the conference. The editor’s introduction outlines a discussion of the conference and of the theory on subject positions while also offering a summation of each of the papers presented. The special journal issue for the Subject Positions in Art is currently slated for publication in March, 2016. The special journal issue will be available to access on the new Art History page for CSUSB.