Presentation Title

An Influenza N-Terminal Nucleoprotein Mutant Reveals Roles of Influenza NS Proteins in Viral Gene Expression

Author(s) Information

Jose M. Ramirez

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


College of Natural Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry



Event Center B

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Laura Newcomb

Start Date

2-27-2013 10:10 AM

End Date

2-27-2013 6:00 PM


Using a truncated Influenza Nucleoprotein that is defective in viral replication and transcription, we can reveal the role of influenza NS protein in viral replication and transcription. Our current work shows NS proteins rescue the defect of our mutant Nucleoprotein at the level of translation.


Feb 27th, 10:10 AM Feb 27th, 6:00 PM

An Influenza N-Terminal Nucleoprotein Mutant Reveals Roles of Influenza NS Proteins in Viral Gene Expression

Event Center B

Using a truncated Influenza Nucleoprotein that is defective in viral replication and transcription, we can reveal the role of influenza NS protein in viral replication and transcription. Our current work shows NS proteins rescue the defect of our mutant Nucleoprotein at the level of translation.