Presentation Title

Contributions of Wellness on Student Achievement and Behavioral Engagement

Author(s) Information

Eric Vreeman

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


College of Education


Educational Leadership and Curriculum


RM 215-218

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Donna Schnorr

Start Date

2-27-2013 1:40 PM

End Date

2-27-2013 5:20 PM


A correlational model was used to test hypothesized relationships between ten domains of wellness (adaptability, connectedness, conscientiousness, emotional self regulation, empathy, initiative, mindfulness, optimism, self efficacy, social competence) as measured by the Child and Adolescent Wellness Scale (CAWS) and factors of academic achievement and behavioral engagement.


Feb 27th, 1:40 PM Feb 27th, 5:20 PM

Contributions of Wellness on Student Achievement and Behavioral Engagement

RM 215-218

A correlational model was used to test hypothesized relationships between ten domains of wellness (adaptability, connectedness, conscientiousness, emotional self regulation, empathy, initiative, mindfulness, optimism, self efficacy, social competence) as measured by the Child and Adolescent Wellness Scale (CAWS) and factors of academic achievement and behavioral engagement.