Journal of International Information Management
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2002)
Making Knowledge Management Part of Your Human Capital Strategy: A Look at a Large Government Technical Organization
Dr. Jay Liebowitz
The Impact of Information Technology Outsourcing on Firm Profitability Measures
G. Dwayne Whitten, T Selwyn Ellis, and K. Michael Casey
Why is Middle Management in Conflict with ERP?
Rainer A. Sommer
A Structural Equation Model of Information Systems Development and Supply Chain Management
Chinho Lin, Bertram Tan, and Shofang Chang
Analysis of Factors Affecting E-supply Chain Performances
Frederica Cucchiella, Luciano Fratoocchi, Pacifico Marcello Pelagagge, and Frederica Scacchia
Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Study of Benefits and Concerns
Y Helio Yang, Nikhil Varaiya, and Sherry A. Irwin
A Simple Set Model of Requirements Representation
Jia-Lang Seng
JAD Can Get Better
Evan W. Duggan and Cherian S. Thachenkary
A Multivariate Probit Analysis of Selected Factors Influencing Electronic Commerce Adoption in Organizations
Adeyemi A. Adekoya, Ago K.M. Quaye, and Ephrem Eyob
Understanding Web Page Anatomy
Antony Coulson, C.E. Tapie Rohm, Pat McInturff, Jake Zhu, and James Stanger