Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Barragán, Armando PhD, MSW


Despite the existing research on barriers to mental health services among minority ethnic groups, little is known about the barriers to the access of mental health services among different Latino groups. This research attempted to understand potential barriers such as gender, income, and education, among Mexican’s and other Latino subgroups (Salvadorian, Puerto Rican, Honduran, and other). Through the gathering of quantitative data in the form of surveys, research defined that there are no significant findings in barriers to access mental health services among Hispanics. A limitation encountered was limited participation of Latino subgroups. Future studies can improve on this limitation by sampling more diverse Latino subgroups to gather more conclusive evidence that there is a difference in the barriers to the utilization of mental health services among these groups.

Included in

Social Work Commons
