Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Barragán, Armando


The social work profession is widely known to be fulfilling, yet demanding. Burnout has been found to begin during the academic career in pursuit of social work profession. Therefore, addressing burnout in the academic setting can later impact job retention. This study was significant because it allowed for the identification, understanding, and recognition of burnout as a student which then could in turn delay the onset and alleviate the amount of burnout in the transition from student to professional. A cross sectional methods approach was applied by surveying Master of Social Work students from a local Southern California Master of Social Work program. A t-test for independent samples was utilized to determine whether there was a significant difference in the mean burnout scores for full-time and part-time students. Results indicated that participants in the study were not burnt out, however significant findings were found between the full-time and part-time cohorts for potential contributing factors of burnout. Nonetheless, it is important for schools of social work to emphasize the importance of self-care in their MSW programs.

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Social Work Commons
