Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership and Curriculum

First Reader/Committee Chair

Schnorr, Donna


Higher education, specifically the California community colleges, is being inundated with a large new generation of students called millennials. They are the majority student group enrolled in record numbers at California Community Colleges. California community colleges continue to evolve in order to accommodate millennial generation college students. A phenomenological design was utilized, using face-to-face interviews. This research explores the phenomenon of “millennial college students (millennials)” through the lived experiences of California community college counseling faculty who interact with them. Their observations and experiences could prove to be informative and help advance the purpose of this research.

The following are the research questions that guided this study. What type of experiences have California community college counseling faculty encountered while providing counseling services to millennial college students? What type of experiences have California community college counseling faculty encountered while teaching millennial college students? Have California community college counseling faculty modified their counseling or teaching practices to better serve millennial college students? Will the observations and experiences of California community college counseling faculty closely align with the literature in describing millennial college students?
