Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership and Curriculum

First Reader/Committee Chair

Edna Martinez


Despite the importance of community colleges in higher education, community college faculty are understudied. Although the community college has been defined as a teaching institution, its faculty also serve in non-teaching leadership roles. The purpose of this research study is to know (1) what the experiences of community college faculty in leadership roles are, (2) how their roles have changed over time, (3) what factors motivated faculty to accept non-teaching roles, and (4) how faculty have navigated the transition. Data were obtained from open-ended, semi-structured interviews using an Interpretive Phenomenological approach. Qualitative data were transcribed, coded, categorized, and then organized into five prominent thematic findings: a) Loyalty to the Community College and Students, b) A Student-Centered Collegial Identity, c) Personal Fulfillment, d) Cycle of Roles and e) Tensions. This study informs community college stakeholders about how to strengthen and support faculty leadership at the community college with implications for policy, practice and future research.
