Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Reader/Committee Chair

Nam, Sang Seok


Many children with ASD partake in escape maintain behaviors for numerous reasons. Children with autism might have difficulty attending to long tasks, can get overwhelmed with novel activities, and the challenging behaviors may heighten when too many demands are placed on them. As a result, teachers, parents and interventionists may start to witness children’s challenging behaviors increase. Many of the challenging behaviors are thought to have an escape function from the long or difficult task at hand. This paper will find and address various strategies that may be applied to decrease escape maintained behaviors in children with ASD. The aim for this review study is to describe and evaluate research findings of antecedent-based strategies and evidence-based practices used to assist in decreasing escape maintained behaviors in children with ASD. This study is to suggest educational implications for interventionists and parents.

Keywords: autism, escape, escape maintained behaviors, decrease challenging behaviors, alternative behaviors, antecedent based intervention, evidence based practices
