Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


School of Computer Science and Engineering

First Reader/Committee Chair



The objective of this masters project is to develop a working application for Android devices. This is an application intended to be used by CSUSB. It has its own database, which has information about most of the facilities on campus. There are many GPS applications on the market, however I chose to design and implement WiN GPS, short for Walking GPS, because it will allow the possibility of a personalized GPS for the school and for users should they choose to use it.

In order to develop Win GPS it was necessary to research the available tools and to become familiar with the ones that were selected. These tools such as map application providers, i.e. Google-maps, integrated development environments, database managers, software development kits, and mobile device emulators were analysed and compared.

Once the tools were selected. It was necessary to study, to become familiar with and to learn how to use them. Finally an application is developed and its main functions/code will be explained. This masters project will allow potentially Android developers to evaluate possible barriers, such as price and limitations of map applications providers, so they can make an informed decision.

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FronWriteUp.pdf (5834 kB)
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FronWriteUp.pdf (5834 kB)
Same second file
