Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology



First Reader/Committee Chair

Dr. Janelle Gilbert


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an expanding trend as more organizations have adopted various CSR policies. Due to this, CSR has been a growing topic in Business and Psychology research, especially on the micro-level of CSR’s effects on individual employee outcomes. In this study, we proposed a new sub-dimension of Person-Organization (P-O) fit, such that there’s a Person-CSR (P-CSR) fit: the perceived congruence between an individuals’ values with an organization’s CSR initiatives. We predicted that P-CSR fit would explain additional variance over and beyond P-O fit for organizational outcomes: organizational commitment, organizational identity, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Further, we predicted the relationship between P-CSR fit and these organizational outcomes would be moderated by the individual’s social responsibility values. Using a sample of 230 participants, who worked for their current organization for an average of 2.92 years and an average of 35.10 hours per week, results of this study consistently found P-CSR fit to capture additional variance over and beyond P-O fit. However, this study did not find the predicted moderating relationships. This study provides important implications for organizations that do not have CSR established, organizations that have CSR but do not make it known, and organizations that have CSR that are not proactive nor reflective of their industry.
