Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


School of Computer Science and Engineering

First Reader/Committee Chair

Ernesto Gomez


The Planguages project is the birthplace of the Planguage programming
approach, which is designed to alleviate the task of writing parallel
programs and harness massively parallel computers and networks of workstations.

Planguage has two existing translators, Parallel C (PC) and Pfortran,
which is used for their base languages, C and Fortran77. The translators
work with MPI (Message Passing Interface) for communications. SOS
(ipStreams, Overlapping and Shortcutting), a function library that supports
the three named functionalities, can be used to further optimize parallel algorithms.

This project is the next step in the continuing project of updating
the PC Compiler. The goal is to test the viability of using “shortcutting”
functions. Parallel programs with the ability to shortcut can be generated
by the updated version of the PC Compiler. In addition, this project introduces
the ability of the PC Compiler to translate a race condition into
a non-deterministic solution.

This document explores different phases of the project in detail. The
following phases are included: software design, algorithm design, analysis,
and results. The deliverables, source code, and diagrams are included as
