Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nutrition Science


Health Science and Human Ecology

First Reader/Committee Chair

Sovyanhadi, Marta


This study is aimed at evaluating food leftovers and wastes among elementary school students by comparing their food preferences for different ethnic cuisines, developing strategies to reduce food waste, and an assessment of quality assurance of food served. Data were collected from a cafeteria at an elementary school located in California. The total number of students served each day at this elementary school was 475. Data were provided by the cafeteria staff after the lunch was served. It was observed that students preferred Chinese food (specifically, Orange Chicken) over Mexican (Beef Chalupas) and American (Turkey with Gravy) where100% of the portions prepared being served for that day. Mexican food was preferred second with 74% of the portions served and American food was least favored with 73% of the portion served. Further research should include students’ input to evaluate other causes of food leftovers and strategies to reduce food waste.

Keywords: food waste, food preference, food security
