Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology


Social Sciences

First Reader/Committee Chair

Gilbert, Janelle (Ph.D.)


Transformational leaders are known to encourage, motivate, and engage followers in ways that enhance organizational outcomes. Researchers like Bernard Bass expanded on transformational leadership after James V. Downton introduced the idea. Bernard Bass was critical since he found ways to measure the success of transformational leadership (Givens, 2008). The four major principles of the transformational leadership theory are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (Bass, 1985). This study aims to determine whether transformational leaders increase employee development and performance through their ability to inspire and trust in their followers. Variables such as performance, employee development, inspiration, and trust will be defined and investigated to discern whether transformational leaders make a positive difference within the organization. The hypotheses were tested, and data was collected from 270 out of the 434 participants. The finalized results showed that transformational leadership positively affects employee development, and that inspiration is a significant mediator in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee development, whereas trust does not. The limitations and implications of the study will also be discussed.
