Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nutrition Science


Health Science and Human Ecology

First Reader/Committee Chair

Dr. Dorothy Chen-Maynard



Introduction: Can a cookbook positively influence the quality of life for Hispanics with diabetes? The purpose of this study was to develop a cookbook that is diabetic-friendly and culturally appropriate using common traditional Hispanic ingredients and methods.

Methods: Recipes for traditional Hispanic dishes were modified to meet nutritional needs for people with diabetes. The modified recipes were very similar to traditional Mexican cuisine, except healthier ingredients and techniques were substituted from the original recipes. Nutritional analysis was conducted using Cronometer software, with inclusions of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat in the cookbook. Additionally, a carbohydrate exchange for each recipe was included in the cookbook. Nutrient contents were compared between traditional and modified recipes.

Results: The modified recipes meet nutritional goals for people with diabetes. The recipes also meet diabetic guidelines and significantly lowered fat and energy contents. Therefore, the cookbook was successful in meeting nutritional needs for people with diabetes based on the Diabetes Exchanges developed by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND).

Conclusion: This project was designed to create a Hispanic cookbook for people with diabetes to empower them to prepare and eat healthy, while meeting their food preferences and their nutritional goals. The project was successful meeting this goal.
