Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Smith, Laurie


This research project aimed to identify the level of inclusion of the identity “non-binary” within LGBTQ+ competency training for mental/behavioral health service. Non-binary has become more widely used within the last decade as LGBTQ+ identifications evolve and become more open. Existing research shows the need for mental/behavioral health services within this community, as well as the biases and misinformation that providers hold about gender identity. This study utilized a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles discussing research on conducting LGBTQ+ competency training for staff providing mental/behavioral health services to look for education on non-binary identity.

Databases searched were Social Work Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Google Scholar, and EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier. Selection criteria included articles that conduct competency training, focused on the LGBTQ+, had sample populations consisting of any mental/behavioral health providers, and articles that provide the material and/or questions used within competency training. Twelve articles met full. Secondary data analyses showed that although mentioning gender identity is common within training as of the last five years, non-binary identity is mentioned far less. This was consistent even as recent as research published in 2023. This indicates a need for competency training to be inclusive of all identities.

Included in

Social Work Commons
