Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychological Science



First Reader/Committee Chair

Dr. Miranda McIntyre


Understanding the association between career motivations and interest-occupation congruence can help people with different cultural backgrounds make better career decisions. The goal of the study was to examine how cultural differences predicted interest congruence, and whether career motivation was a significant mediator in the prediction. I hypothesized that independent self-construal would be associated with internal career motivation most strongly (H1), while interdependent self-construal will be associated with interpersonal career motivation most strongly (H2). Additionally, internal career motivation would mediate the relationship between independent self-construal and interest congruence (H3), and whether internal career motivation mediated the relationship between interdependent self-construal and interest congruence would be explored (H4). In total 393 participants completed the questionnaire. The results indicated that career motivations are associated with cultural self-construals, but career motivations were not a significant mediator between self-construal and interest-occupation congruence. The study contributed to future research about career decisions.

Included in

Psychology Commons
