Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychological Science



First Reader/Committee Chair

Bloodhart, Brittany


Little is known about bias against Multiracial individuals, but no research has specifically examined the experiences of Latinx-White Multiracial people and their exclusion from the Latinx community. Two experimental studies tested the effects of a target’s perceived Multiracial identity on Latinx participants’ beliefs and attitudes towards about Multiracial Latinx-White individuals. Utilizing social categorization theory, I hypothesized that Multiracial Latinx-Whites pose a threat to the distinctiveness of the Latinx community via perceived better social status and less discrimination. Specifically, Multiracial targets who appear more White than Latinx will be perceived by Monoracial Latinx participants to have higher social status, experience less discrimination, and therefore pose a greater threat to the distinctive experience of Monoracial Latinx groups, which will ultimately result in exclusion from the group. Results will help elucidate the attitudes of Latinx Americans, who are heavily understudied in social psychology, and perceptions about Multiracial Latinx-White Americans, about whom no research has been published.
